That week of long days is over. I don't know why it was as absolutely exhausting as it was. I keep on thinking about identity as a concept sometimes. It's always amused me, the multitude of ways one can express themselves, especially online. Sadly, the thought I wanted to write about earlier has since vanished, because I wasn't in a place I could write such things down. Oh well! I might be upgrading my center monitor today. We'll see. I don't plan on spending very much on it, considering what I use it for. It'd be nice to have a bigger screen in the center of everything, though, at least resolution-wise! 1366x768 is a tad cramped and things get hidden behind each other, even though I usually just run a few terminal windows there. 1680x1050 or 1920x1080 are my targets. I've got a gift card, so I might just end up spending only $55 on a decent 1080p panel. Nice.