So, I have a Debian chroot set up on my chromebook now. I first tried to set up Stretch. This would fail because a package was missing, except in a couple cases... and xbmc was, well, still trying to use xbmc, and KDE had no window borders out of the box. Bad show for now, maybe we'll try again later... (Xfce and GNOME 3 both failed to install because of netsurf, oddly enough) So then I tried Ubuntu. Standard things-crashing-everywhere fare. I botched setting up a panel and just opted for another chroot, because I was busy and it's easy enough to install a new one. Debian Jessie. Oh man, this worked well. I've currently got the chroot running, and everything's stable - and even Steam is installed! (Sadly, Rocket League didn't run, but this seems to be a common issue for now. I'll try it again at some point and hope it's at least playable on here.) I'll have to throw up a screenshot of my Xfce setup sometime soon. Maybe after work. (Which again, had another case of me getting shoved aside when trying to make sure something was right. Fuck it, I'm done caring.)