I find myself continuing to try to organize my data. I was really bad at it when I was younger. really bad. I eventually got a little better at it once I started using Windows 7, but... sadly, not by as much as I'd have liked. Files ended up everywhere, too huge a task to sort them out, so I just kinda ended up quarantining the worst mazes of it to another drive so I can still have them, but they aren't taking up all my space and everything. I still feel as if I have a lot of room to improve, even though things are now better by a factor of... lots. Today I freed up over a gigabyte in duplicates, even on a cleaned-up drive. I could blast away another 64GB, too, if I were to wipe a backup image of one of my RPis.. If it's sufficiently old enough, I think I'll do so. Part of it is wanting everything to fit in a smaller space. I don't know if I can get everything down small enough to fit into a 256GB drive, but maybe I can get it small enough to be able to reasonably back up on a regular basis. I don't have to sort every little thing ever out, I just want to get rid of all the excess stuff that's causing a lot of wasted space. At least digital messes are easier to manage than physical messes. Make a few desktop folders and push files into there while you sort them out. Physical space... if you don't have it, good luck getting everything organized.