I really, really want to mod a Game Boy of some sort as of late. I'm just not quite sure what I'd want to go for, exactly. There's a few different colors of backlights, and I can't decide which one I'd want to stick with. Then there's also the matter of which system I'd want to mod in the first place - the DMG would probably be the most flexible, best option, but the Pocket's screen is just so much better. Its battery life absolutely pales compared to the DMG and Color, though, and the dumb issues I've been having with the Everdrive don't help. The Color would be nice, but from what I hear frontlighting isn't quite the best. (or maybe I should just find one of those backlight-modded GBAs, they're pretty damn comfortable) I haven't enjoyed gaming on anything this much in quite a while. It's refreshing.