well, i officially got the word i don't have adhd, just really bad anxiety that's affecting my concentration. ...yay?? living in the city is going pretty well. i've been here about a month now and i think i'm getting.. a little more used to it. still not great at feeding myself though. or at having roommates. i honestly don't know why i was so optimistic about how moving in with strangers would go well. they're fine people, i just... don't like interacting with people. and so i feel trapped in my room a lot of the time because i just don't want to run into anyone. i don't want anyone to see me and be reminded that i have a physical form. i did make an appointment to give a new therapist a try next week so hopefully that goes well haven't made any new ~city friends~ yet, that's very much still a work in progress i definitely need to hang out here more again, it's such a cool chill little place <3 i'm pissed i missed the fourth birthday celebration though!