today was a good day, had a very good time with my girlfriend i dont know why but i'm a bit worried about the future, i have to study a lot for my exams and i'm worried for my semester in paris. what if something goes wrong? what if i cant understand my future professors? now i gotta calm down and start focusing about one thing at the time this evening i have to do some math, so tomorrow i'll be able to follow a new lesson, then from tomorrow i have to -start learning php and postgres for a database exam that i must do in june -review some algorithms -keep reading my OS book -do some web developing (mostly html and css) i'm reading a lot of geopolitcs lately, i'm in love with it! i'm really glad that in th EU there's still some hope for progressive leaders (macron in france and the freedom movemnt in slovenia) no kanye song today, i dont feel like listening to music hope i'll be more optimistic tomorrow! au revoir!