Sorry for my absence! not gonna lie, i had some pretty tough weeks. some problems with my gf that we'll easily go through, but i've also had some troubles with a friend. long story short, we (me and my other friends) think he is a liar. we really need to talk to him. we are ready to forgive him and we really want to help him out, we fear he's gonna get himself in some things "bigger" than him. AND THE EXAMS ARE INCOMING! now i gotta study study and study! see u soon! P.S. even in difficult times i try to stay positive(C) i really think it helps (at least it helps me :P) so i'm listening to some 80s japenese disco EPs. i suggest u "Moonglow" by Tatsuro Yamashita, "Love Trip" by Takako Mamiya and "Casiopea" by Casiopea