UPDATES! i fixed everything with my gf and my friend, as always talking face to face is the only way to go when ever there are problems. ngl exams are going pretty well but the hard part will come in the next weeks i've also done a lot of work for my erasmus in paris, i really hope they'll give me a good place to stay, something like a studio, without spending too much money as a side progect i started studyig a new piece of software called microG, it lets u use google services on your phone but with random accounts as a "man in the middle". kinda helpful if u care about privacy and try to live avoiding all the spyware that we are forced to use. this is another reason that made me start my journey in this community, I really like the open source values! that's it for now gotta get back to my excercices! see ya! p.s. obv i didnt forget to suggest u some music, lately im listening to the soundtrack from the tv show Euphoria, Labirinth did an incredible job making these songs. Go give 'em a listen and tell me what u think p.p.s. my email is open to every one who wants to talk about music, geopolitics/history and technology :)) yeger@tilde.town