things are coming to an end, i feel like i'm in the end of a chapter of my life. (for the new ones, i've been living and studying in paris for the last year and i'll go back home in a month and a half) some friendships that i made here are starting to "die", i'm studying for my last exams, my girlfriend and i are starting to talk about the end of our relationship. (for the new ones: i met a girl and we decided to have a relationship but we both agreed on ending it before i went back to Italy because neither of us want a long distance relationship) I'm starting to reconnect more with some friends in italy and making plans on what i will do there once back. it's weird, i feel good, but it's the first time i live something like this. but anyways everything good as always, i'm trying to live my best life as awalys. there are ups and downs of course but the important thing is to keep the right mindset. see you guys! have a nice week-end!