Recently i really dumbed down my phone, no google services, no applications other then basic ones and foss ones i'm also receiving very late, if not at all notifications from messaging apps, but that's better imo, i've been using it far less, very happy! if somebody needs me urgently he can still call me. Purged also spotify, switched to InnerTune a nice FOSS client for youtube music! i'll write some more on the website im planning to do on neocities. i have doing pretty fine in the last days im happy and proud !!! i feel like a child sometimes, so naive and helpless, but it's ok, i'm a grown ass adult, gotta bottle it up and keep going! ######################################################################################### ############# TRIGGER WARNING: EATING DISORDER ######################################## ######################################################################################### Recently started chewing and then spitting food when i want a little threat, usually it's chocolate it's bad i know, but it doesnt trigger the bulimia at least, i think it's far better. i will try to stop it, but if it's for a bigger cause it can be ok i think. i hope. Bye!