This weekend was amazing! I had a cozy vibe for the whole time and so many little nice things happened to me: - My new Website! I finally startedworking on ! i lost a lot of time creating the animation you can see in the landing page, it's only CSS, no javascript at all, but i love the result! i have so many ideas on what to post there, can't wait to start! - Unexpected discussion on ErlangForums! I posted a question on the official erlang forum: and it ended up getting a lot of debate, even between some members of the core team, their opinions are very interesting and are gonna be extremely useful for my thesis, i feel so lucky! - My little silly things... i also spent time doing things i like, i started working on my fork of a FOSS android app that i use often (, still nothing but i want to start to learn how big projects work, how to contribute to them and also get a little knowledge about andrid app developing as i usually like tinkering with android roms. i also spent time playing with my steam deck, had a nice pizza with my friends and enjoyed cleaning the house with my mother. i like to think that i'm doing better, it's hard but i think it's good to try to convince myself. Struggled with the ED a couple of times but it's ok, i'm gonna get out of this i know. i'm so happy, like a child, i don't know if it's normal to feel emotions so intense for such little things, i trully and genuinely feel so happy right now for these things. i hope it'll stay like this! love you all! <3 P.s. remember that life is made of highs and downs, even if the downs are very bad it's not gonna last forever (even the opposite is true tho! >_<)