Last day of the year, very brief summary of 2023: - spent 6 months in paris and 6 in my hometown/milan - Best moments: Berlin holiday, Parties in Paris, Grosseto holiday, the time spent with Xin/ELena/Gaia/Karen, Playing with the steam deck, Working on my thesis about DSU, Feeling proud genelly, i feel more mature mentally, run my first Half-Marathon. - Worst moments: Feeling alone in Paris, Bulimia/food and body obsession, The down after taking mdma one time, The time i wasted on things i didn't really like (social media mainly) this list is weird idk, so many things are missing but it doesn't matter, that's not the point now. The point is being ready for the new year. Keep the good vibes going, sticking to my ideas but also keep developing and trying new ones, being happy and proud and try not do things i'll regret. I'm probably just one of the billions of people making new year resolutions, but that's no shame in it, it's never too late. Wish u all all all all all all all the best for 2024, hope u can achieve great things or simply just being happy! P.s. Been sleeping on the floor, on a simple rug, the last two days. It should have some benefits, For the moments i didn't sleep really well but i'll stick to it for some more time and see how it goes!