____________ JUST A LOG zzalpha ____________ /Labradoc/ /if you logged in/ /you'd be home by now./ Just a log by zzalpha ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, it's basically just a log. I like to log things. Thoughts, what I did, what I didn't and what I'd like to do. Often this devolves into whining; but it makes for some entertaining reading /much/ later. 7 April 2018 ------------ - Damn, Labradoc is /exactly/ what I wanted. I do suppose I'll have problems when I want to write math/pathways or something. - Moved to Firefox. It doesn't choke up as much as Chrome. - I will not watch any more cricket. - Have added a lot of math blogs to the feedreader. - There are some PDFs open of things that seem interesting/I want to read. I need to be systematic about this. * Reading :reading:books: - /The Best of Writings of Mathematics/ -- Mircea Pitici (ed.) - I'd like to read /Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein/. - And some books on basic geometry -- preferably in a modern format. - I should start a project on Books To Read and Books I Have read. 8 April 2018 ------------ - [X] Updated Fedora. - [X] Installed KiCad. - [X] Installed libraries (I think). - re: `funcoid-1' (6502) - [X] Mail A. - [X] Confirm if library addition was right. - [X] Footprints? 18 April 2018 ------------- /A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring./ 21 April 2018 :math: ------------- - [Napkin project]. is. *awesome*. [Napkin project] http://web.evanchen.cc/napkin.html 24 April 2018 ------------- * Reading :reading:papers: - [Computing Machinery and Intelligence -- Alan Turing (1950)] - [The Chemical Basis of Morphogeneis -- Alan Turing (1952)] [Computing Machinery and Intelligence -- Alan Turing (1950)] https://academic.oup.com/mind/article-pdf/LIX/236/433/9866119/433.pdf [The Chemical Basis of Morphogeneis -- Alan Turing (1952)] http://www.dna.caltech.edu/courses/cs191/paperscs191/turing.pdf 28 April 2018 :fiddling: ------------- - Joined mastodon. Tweeted on twitter. These in themeselves are not bad, but I am not a fond of the social aspect -- the ability to find known people is something I could do without. - Fixed it by blocking twitter on the browser, and restricting access to rainbowstream (CLI interface). - I now have: `labradoc', `txti.es', `twitter', `mastodon' and `librarything' to log. That's way too many resources. Need to pick. - Installed Trojita, an email client, so that I can close webmail client. - Would like to explore tabless browsing: it is just too easy to open new tabs and consume a lot of information without really learning anything substantial. Installed surf; need to configure adblock. - Need to mail people. Which I shall proceed to do NOW. 1 May 2018 ---------- - I am NOT convinced that [page tables] aren't a massive hoax. wtf. [page tables] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page\_table 5 May 2018 ---------- - I'm reading several things in parallel. I'm all over the place. I drop projects at the drop of a hat. 10 May 2018 :math: ----------- + There are circles that hit no rational points at all. + abuser of the subjunctive. + A line hits either 0, 1 or infinitely many rational pts; depending on if the slope and intercept are: $(Q,Q^*)$, $(Q^*,Q)$ and $(Q,Q)$ respectively. The case $(Q^*,Q^*)$ depends on whether the numbers are "dependent" on each other. 11 May 2018 :math: ----------- - Fermat "proving" his last theorem and [Gettier problems]. - primality testing by $gcd$ with a number $p = p_1.p_2.p_3.....p_k$ for a lot of primes. - I am really enjoying working through this book. (Silverman -- A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory) [Gettier problems] https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/knowledge-analysis/ * /"Something lost behind the ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go."/ :verse: 13 May 2018 :math: ----------- - re: primality testing .... need to know all primes upto $sqrt(N)$; division is definitely simpler than the Euclidean algorithm. But the EA has a bound of $7.digits(N)$. Which method is better as $N \rightarrow \infty$? - Problems with this: product of all primes < $sqrt(N)$ can be MASSIVE, and even larger than $N$. Good news is no: steps is $7*digits(N)$ and not this massive number. - Problem: need to know every prime to effectively do this. Good news: even a partial list helps. Also, helps factorize! (whoa) - (Erdos) product of all primes $< N$ is bounded by $4^N$. 15 May 2018 ----------- - Dark patterns. - Sending really late replies to emails. Procrastinating wrt responses. - $ab\ modp = a\ modp. b\ modp$ - note: $p$ need not be a prime. 20 May 2018 ----------- * *An Adjective Algebra: A Very Vague Picture*: - Adjectives have some sort of algebraic structure, and they "act" on the set of nouns. - The operation on this set of adjectives is stringing them together. Is this stringing together commutative? The rules of grammar insist on adjectives being used in a certain order. Should it be viewed as a direct product then? - Saying nothing is an identity. - There's a clear notion of inverse ... for some adjectives. Should probably call it an involution, since the notion of an identity is iffy. Affixing a variant of non- to an adjective yields this inverse -- though this seems to work like a set complement in some cases: blue -> non-blue. Sometimes, the non-ification makes it specific -- ex: interesting \rightarow not interesting are specific inverses. - Stringing together inverses leads to contradictions. Or an empty set? - Is the empty adjective a contradiction or is it an identity? - Perhaps we can partition adjective space; and it is possible to string together adjectives in this infinite direct product. Empty sets allowed. Is the AoC interesting in this context? (the cartesian product of non empty sets is non empty -- is it possible to reach an empty adjective by non empty adjectives? Whoa it looks like it) - Partitioning the adjective space .... perhaps it is permitted to string together arbitrary adjectives -- it's only that "representations" of such strings may be empty. - Adjectification of nouns -- each noun represents an adjective, simply by means of affixing "-like/ isitic /ine" or so many other variants. potato -> potato-like. - Nounification of (some?) adjectives -- adjectives can be converted to nouns; perhaps by suffixing "-ity/ ness/ ism" or other variants. - Inverses? Adjunctions? Category theory? - noncommutativity of adjectives - /macabre/. what a lovely word. - Back to *adjective reality*: - perhaps, it's superfluous to classify words as adjectives and nouns. It suffices to work in $NounSpace$, since every noun can be adjectified. banana.cow is a banana like cow. - I want to bring in morphisms. What is a morphism from a noun to another noun? cow -> banana: a cow like banana. - $noun1$ -> $noun2$ means (adjectified $noun1$).$noun2$. - Maybe we allow for all arrows; and then whittle down. Identity arrows exist. dog -> dog: a doglike dog is definitely valid. I don't know how to make sense of associativity: is $blue (banana porpoise)$ the same as $(blue banana) porpoise$? - Wait that's not associativity. Need to string 4 nouns for three arrows. Still, the question remains. Maybe that's an axiom. - Commutativity: I think the jury is out on this. If it were commutative $a$ -> $c.b$ -> $c == b$ -> $a$ -> $c$. Interesting. - Oh shoot. dog -> dog: a (dog like dog) is a noun in its own right. Arrows are objects. Is every object an arrow? .... yes, the identity arrow. - Questions of opposites. Do nouns have opposites? Not really. But their adjectival qualities might. It makes no sense to have arrows from emptiness -> fullness: an empty fullness. - fullblown crank. full. blown. crank. 21 May 2018 ----------- - Pallas Athena, Pax Romana. - /"What is 3 but the set of all sets with 3 elements?" adjectives by population./ - *enumeration - to learn more, so that your language can be enhanced, and the same things can be seen in different, vivid ways. - /"rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief."/ 26 May 2018 ----------- - the only honest thing we are capable of feeling is loneliness. 27 May 2018 ----------- - two times, it's a pattern; thrice and it's a rule. - but that's never enough for a theorem. 3 June 2018 ----------- [Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BFAj%C4%81%27ib_al-makhl%C5%ABq%C4%81t_wa_ghar%C4%81%27ib_al-mawj%C5%ABd%C4%81t * [Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing] [Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BFAj%C4%81%27ib_al-makhl%C5%ABq%C4%81t_wa_ghar%C4%81%27ib_al-mawj%C5%ABd%C4%81t 7 June 2018 ----------- - /caldera/ has to be one of my favourite words/images. 8 June 2018 :reading:books: ----------- - [X] *Finished* /Future Sex/ by Emily Witt. ! - /a hi-five is just a clap when you're alone/ - Reading reviews takes the wind out of book reading. - Want to try /Civilization and Monsters: Spirits of Modernity in Meiji Japan/ (by Gerald Figal) after I've sufficiently gotten over the review. - *Reading* /The Great Game/ by Peter Hopkirk. Game on! 10 June 2018 ------------ - holy men beating the crap out of alligators. (AoE I) - a physicist died today. pot.kettle.black 13 June 2018 ------------ - gulags. solzhenitsyn. trotsy. russian revolution. a history of siberia. oblasts. wolf bilet. 101 kilometers. 14 June 2018 :reading:books: ------------ - /The empathy to recognise that past societies do not have to resemble us in order to have had full, real human lives./ - [Moebius Arzach] [Moebius Arzach] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arzach 18 June 2018 ------------ - [X] *Finished* /The Great Game/. Great read. - [X] Finished /I, Robot/. 9 July 2018 :reading:books: ----------- - I listened to a lot of podcast episodes: the first Arc on revolutions re: the English Civil War, and half the American Revolution. I am now up to speed on [The History of Yugoslavia Podcast], which I really liked despite the poor production and the impossible to parse/keep track of names. - Started a book on /The History of the Balkans/ by Mark Mazower. In the first chapter. - R asked me to write a program for a specific problem that he has: converting Degenerate Primers to normal ones. - I realise I suck at programming. [The History of Yugoslavia Podcast] http://ethnopolis.co.uk/ 12 July 2018 :books: ------------ - /If not hope, what then?/ - I think I'd like to do /The Little Schemer/ and /The Reasoned Schemer/. - once I'm out of this funk, ofc. - Prolog, Coq, Agda. 17 July 2018 ------------ - I'd like to start some programming. - I can do some programming, and then talk to A. - I have decided what I want to do. - I want to *Build My Own Lisp using C*. - (stuff that I'd like to do after that is learn about OSes, asm, Linux) - I have downloaded some books in that regard. - I will not use hn.algolia.com for further resources. It is a massive timesink. - And I just spent an hour on HN. - I indulge in these severely punitive activities. * Verse :verse: /In a cocoon, by myself/ /I spy a star/ /can I play a while longer/ /at Erastothenes?/ - Music - /The Protomen/ - /Stereolab: Peng!/ - and now it ends, and I feel lost. 20 July 2018 :verse: ------------ - /o freddled gruntbuggly/ 21 July 2018 ------------ /"All a man can do is play out his trope."/ * Fiddling :fiddling: - Create a txti for music.to.be.obtained; preferably albums in full. - ye olde `vi' vs `emacs' debate - colored ye olde bash: `set colored-stats on' in .inputrc - todo: configure urxvt + i3 learning - Mod + Enter: new terminal - Do I still need guake after this? - Mod + Shift + Q : close focussed window - Mod + D : dmenu, launch program of choice - Mod + V : vertical mode (for adding terminals/windows vertically) - Mod + H : horizontal mode (adding windows horizontally) - Mod + left/right/up/down : shift focus to relevant window (can use j,k,l,; instead too) - Mod + S : stacking mode (windows stacked, almost fullscreen) - Mod + E : normal, usual tiling mode - Mod + W : tab mode (windows appear as tabs: like in a browser) - Mod + Shift + <0-9> : switch active window to workspace of choice - Mod + <0-9> : switch to workspace of choice - Mod + R : enter/exit resize mode - (in resize mode) right : increase size of window - (in resize mode) left : decrease size of window - Mod + Shift + left/right : swap positions of the two windows - i3lock : locks screen; no prompt, type password to logback in - i3lock -c 000000 : lock screen with background of desired colour (in this case black) - Mod + Shift + E : logout of i3 (confirmation by mouse click required) - - Mod + Shift + R : reload config file - Mod + Shift + X : i3lock with black lock screen (custom made) - bindsym $mod+shift+x exec i3lock -c 000000 - added some stuff to control volume, does not work. pavuctl/alsamixer for now. - - Mod + F : Fullscreen! - vim :NERDTREE 22 July 2018 :fiddling: ------------ - The rabbithole that is configuring `urxvt'. - - zathurarc is stored in `~/.config/zathura/zathurarc' - `unmap q' : to prevent closing behaviour upon pressing q. - Other things to do: - multiple shortcuts for i3: `set $mod + T' for new terminal, `$mod + enter' is a hassle one handed. - also map F11 to fullscreen, convenient especially that guake doesn't work when in fullscreen mode. - - i3lock time out. - ddg bug: say on a ddg search page; happen to have highlighted a result; by force of habit, open the URL bar (ctrl + L), type new search, double enter opens the highlighted result as opposed to the new search. sigh. - super-ambitious-project: i3 search FF for text in the pastebuffer. - changing the theme is a lost cause. "lxappearance can't change colours without lxsession as the session manager, for the record." - disabled the redirect new page to a random/quirky-wiki page. Let me see if I miss it much/makes me more productive. - Bring back the restore session dialogue to Firefox. Or ask before FF quits. - configure less to allow shift space to scroll backwards - /nomina dubia, nomina ambigua, nomina perplexa, nomina confusa, nomina, periculosa/ - I also have to get back to *Pointers on C*. 23 July 2018 :fiddling: ------------ - /The Blurst of Times/ - If you're trying to solve a problem without knowing what the solution ought to fix, you're going down a rabbithole. - but miniflux ..... - This unmitigated tool installation pursuit will lead me to install Apache, LAMP, Postgres, Ruby, Jekyll and all sorts of bloated nonsense; and then will come the irresistible urge to start afresh with a new distro -- should I go for Arch? Debian? Slackware? Fucking Gentoo? - calling it - Well, rawdog is extremely promising, especially the friendly config file. I hope it works. - To be honest, the real problem is READING the feeds that I receive. How do I fix that? - - learn htop. - learn about these tty terminals. - well I give up. - ahahahahahahaha - rawdog generates html -> push to github -> render using rawgit -> profit! 24 July 2018 ------------ - ASCII chemistry! - (Ph) C5 O / C4 C1 - Base | C3 - C2 - /OH/ | OH - ohno labradoc y u no whitespace - But org-mode does it! (<21 Aug 2018>) (: ,---- | | | O O O O | O O \ // O O \ // | \ // C - O - P \ // C - O - P | C - O - P / \ C - O - P / \ | / \ C \ / \ C \ / | C O / \ O C O / \ O C | \ / \ `C O \ / \ `C O \ / | C O \ / C O \ / C | \ / C - C \ / C - C \ | C - C | C - C | C - | | N -- C | N -- C | NH / \\ NH / \\ | / \ C C / \ C C / | N -- C C // \ / \ N -- C C // \ / \ N -- C | // \\ || O N == C NH // \\ || O N == C NH // \\ | C C -- N H C C -- N H C | \ / \ / \ / | N == C O N == C O N == C | \ H H // \ H H // \ | NH2 NH N -- C NH2 NH N -- C | \ / \ \ / \ | H O C C H O C C H | \ || \ // \ \ || \ // \ \ | N -- C N -- C N N -- C N -- C N N -- | / \ \ / / \ \ / / | O= C N N--C O= C N N--C O= C | \ / \ | \ / \ | \ | C = C \ C C = C \ C C = | C / \ C / \ | / \ O C / \ O C | O C \ / O C \ / | \ / C -- C -- C \ / C -- C -- C | O C -- C / \ O C -- C / \ O | \\ / `O O \\ / `O O O \\ | O-- P -- C \ / O-- P -- C \ / O-- P -- | / P / P / | O // \ O // \ O | O O O O | `---- - holy shit i am tired. - so fucking tired 25 July 2018 :fiddling: ------------ - project: set up a `gopher' server! - Make a gopherspace for ASCIIchem! - Labradoc alt with vim? - vim issues: yank with whitespace. - urxvt issues: mouse scroll scrolls from previous screens; not from the vim buffer itself. - Is this ASCIIchem project already dead in the water? I am sleepy and tired, and I don't know if that's because of the sleepless night or because I've lost interest. - If I am going to make a move to using vim for my logging needs, I probably need to make a textfile which lists all the existing files. - I also will have to clean up my home and download folders. - AMBITIOUS: say it's implemented as a commandline tool. How to implement tagging across various topics? - Composability!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa 26 July 2018 ------------ - Everything in VIM can be accomplished with regexes. Learn regex. - /There is much peace in such loneliness; only, you have to find it./ . . . ----- /After all/ /all things die/ /and people do fall apart./ * dots and loops :verse:lyrics: /Ce qui est n'est pas clos, du point de vue le/ /Plus essentiel/ /Ce qui est ouvert, est à être . . ./ 27 July 2018 ------------ - Do something to cycle through windows in the current workspace in i3. - qutebrowser: overlay close buttons. 28 July 2018 :fiddling: ------------ - There are a lot of things I want to do. Let me begin: - labradoc alternative. - *Pointers on C* - write an emulator (this was a HN post -- seems feasible) - approach mathematics ... slowly and with the right attitude. There are a LOT of things that I would like to learn, but somehow I have to decide, focus on one, and do it. - set up a gopher server or glog. Maybe this is the solution to labradoc. - ASCII art ... (: I would like to write that program someday -- with some input from A re: dumping a text output, rotating ASCII, compositionality ... etc. I'd like to think about this in good detail. - more linux tweaking: i3 close lid lock, qutebrowser plugins, invert colors, default open zathura, learn to use ranger, learn more vim (vimtutor, that vim game ?) So, in summary, I'm interested in C, gopher, ASCII/vim and Linuxy things. Wait there are a ton more: regexes -- how Linux/UNIX works -- manpages that look better or have hyperlinks -- pavuctl for the commandline -- dmenu tab completion -- setting up one of the netbooks for ... a media server? -- get spotify to work on qutebrowser -- reading the fucking RSS feeds - setting up a gopher server seems extremely hard. - (: - [X] I have joined the gopherspace. Perhaps it is time to migrate there. 29 July 2018 :fiddling: ------------ - Fixed qutebrowser CSS theming. - Need to bind permanently -- in the config file. OPTIONAL: a single keycombo to toggle between stylesheets. - We can only not know. 30 July 2018 :fiddling: ------------ - terminal relief. - How to successfully migrate logging to gopher? - need to have logs local here. - need to push them to `sdf' ... efficiently. - Created an account `@grex.org' - Applied for account validation @grex. Applied for an account `@thunix.org' - redirect gopher links in qutebrowser. - I need to stop fooling around, and start working on something. I want to learn, learn programming, do some math, read some books. I want to ride the spike. - learn git. learn to classify issues/todos by theme. push to git, to keep this repo on the cloud. a system with tags. notebooks for what I have learnt. jupyter. commandline logging. cleaning up my home directory. getting rid of useless junk. - For the record, the bookworm app works for epubs etc. I also have FBReader installed. bookworm is invokable by means of bookwormapp. - have something called VF1 for navigating gopherspace. (invoked via vf1) - Cleaned up the home and downloads directories. 31 July 2018 ------------ - I have started on the course Algorithms for DNA Sequencing by Johns Hopkins @Coursera. I am going into it completely blind re: DNA, molecular biology, bioinformatics and Python. - Who knows, maybe this time, there will be actual progress! - I intend to learn the necesary Python on the fly. I'm not falling for Zeno again. - Installing Jupyter. Is this going to be a graveyard of installations and one rudimentary .py file? - *InFURiAtINg*: I open a new cell in jupyter and it's not in edit mode! For fucking fuck's sake. - Getting i3wm/urxvt to change the default browser: `xdg-settings set default-web-browser qutebrowser.desktop' 1 August 2018 :fiddling: ------------- - vim: - `gg' -- beginning of the file -`GA' -- end of line at end of file (in append mode) - - have a new webpage `@tilde.town/~zzalpha' - would like to migrate this log there (as a legacy thing; can't update stuff as conveniently) - maybe write a script to append to existing changelog? that handles a new input with proper date/time etc. - would like to migrate some of the old arcturus/6502 pages here -- loglog, mathlog, and the lot. - all this stuff is fun and purely cosmetic. can learn some html meanwhile. But I would like to properly pursue my interests -- at least by giving them the requisite time per day. - Must read about rolling circle amplification: RCA (as oppposed to PCR) -- this deals with circular, double stranded DNA. Seems interesting. - am I avoiding doing the assignment? ans: I *AM* avoiding the assignment - aka the *when in doubt, doubt yourself* school of wisdom 2 August 2018 ------------- - [X] (: I built me own webpage by converting from markdown to html. - now to get back to business. 3 August 2018 :fiddling: ------------- - I will have to get rid of using tabs for the window management habit -- only for workspaces. Although it must be said that alt + tab/ ctrl + tab being onehanded is quite ... nice. - did the following with i3/qutebrowser last night: - [X] closing the last tab is now possible in the browser. - [X] disabled the tabbing features (with a keybinding); and instead handed control over to the wm. - the stacking/tabbed mode is now quite good; - [X] have converted window focus/movement to hjkl instead of jlk; - hjkl also gives better focus options than the arrow keys. - this had to involve using $mod + V to toggle the split modes. - Fiddled a LOT with i3 and qutebrowser keybindings. I think my typing habits are poor: I use my thumb to access the left shift key. This is quite painful. I ought to use the little finger for this purpose. (the x201's shift key (on the left is quite small compared to usual keyboards leading to some gymnastics) Pehaps I ought to swap the shift with the capslock -- but I don't think this is a portable solution; or one that would persist before the login screens. Or I should sink in some effort learning the proper QWERTY typing techniques. In an after thought -- the shift and ctrl accesses are not too bad if I try to rest the palm of my hand on the left edge of the laptop. It is the all keys on homerow mode that is truly painful. This is absolutely necessary for any form of hinting on qutebrowser. Some of the changes that I made today: - `ee': pushes the URl to the command bar; for editing - `ef': pushes a prettified version of the same - tabs are windows by default, `Ctrl+`' toggles this setting. - i3 by default opens qutebrowser in a tabbed mode. - disabled window decorations, which thankfully does not work in tabbed mode. - changed from jkl; navigation to hjkl keys in i3: vim like and consisten across programs. - moved from HJKL history/tab navigation to Ctrl+hjkl: (this was for ergonomics) - automatically save sessions on close. - remapped Ctrl+O from vanilla style sheets to open in a new tab. This is because sometimes I'm trying to hit something up in a new tab, but I'm still on the control button. So this works as an alias now. - changed the default webpage.bg color to DarkKhaki -- which is quite pleasing even if bright. changed the colours of the tabs to something uniform. The tab in focus is now green. - while in i3's tabbed browsing mode, it is very natural to Ctrl Tab -- so I set up alt tab to do some primitive left, right switching. - (don't want to change ctrl tab because that might break with the behaviours in tabbed apps: browsers and sublime text comes to mind.) - there is a way to interpret and run commands under specific modes in i3 (for example in the resize mode). I could use this for something tabbed browsing specific. - was unable to set subl as the default editor. Was also unable to find a susecase for such a thing. - I'll say it. Markdown to HTML is a major pain. And is an impossible call for ASCII. - IT's ASCIIDOC `/////// all hail the asciidoctor /////////' - I should also probably switch the control and the caps lock keys. Or swap them with the shift keys. A hassle for a different day. - way too many bindings. I'm going to regret some of them. - added H and L as back/forward for efficient onehanded scrolling. - Such a thing must be quite impossible on a keyboard browser. 4 August 2018 ------------- - must try: fish (the shell). supposedly autofills better, and is friendlier. - problems with qutebrowser: when there are two scrolling columns, sometimes I need to physically click to be able to use jk movement on them. :\ - I'd like to clean up the files, especially the i3 one. - I think I am sick of fiddling around with i3/qutebrowser keybindings. And keybindings in general. I have to learn and adjust rather than try to fix everything by creating new a new keycombo for every little minor fix. - [https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1354] aaaaaaaaaa 5 August 2018 ------------- - asciidoc/html publishing is untenable, as a regular practice. If I wrote text based stuff without any ASCII diagrams, it would be a breeze with asciidoctor. But even so, there is a non-trivial amount of adjusting and editing that needs to be done. I don't like it. - the best maybe I'd like is to have a markdown changelog that is hosted somewhere. (ofc I could host the plain txt file on gopher). - I'd like to create some such thing. - Maybe I should just use `jrnl.sh' 6 August 2018 ------------- - *Stop shaming dilettantism* - *project.lazarus*: reviving old projects from death or limbo, even for a little while. No project is irretrievably dead. There is no shame in a project dying or being in limbo. 7 August 2018 ------------- - /l'appel du vide/ - on my mind: - prolog - [Plantz's Introduction to Computer Organization (x86/64 and Linux)] - spacemacs - getting the googled version of duckduckgo pages (userscripts, with sed) - grep, sed and awk - keylogging to find heatmaps. - changing the hint dictionary to more accessible words. - journalling/changelogging tool - web/local hosting for such logging tools - META - *META*: a system for managing projects and project death; with limbo-reports (post mortems) so that they can be revived with a revising effort. A regular logging feature that updates the statuses of various projects as active, alive and in stasis. Maybe this could be connected with the journalling. - older projects: + learn C + DNA sequencing / python + Haskell? + vim + math lol + writing an article on wobble bases + publishing to gopher/tilde + organizing tilde's html better + fixing gopher's meta/links + workflow for publishing to gopher/asciihtml (no more asciidoc) - damn that sounds like taskwarrior. am I just going to recreate these tools? fml - but there is something to be said about the ease, learning costs and dropout rates of such ready made and super powerful tools. when I make my own chisels, I learn. I may make shitty chisels, but they will be ones I use; and whose flaws will have me work towards adding and improving them. I am not dealing with anything that requires serious productivity, so I'll be fine about scaling issues. [Plantz's Introduction to Computer Organization (x86/64 and Linux)] http://bob.cs.sonoma.edu/IntroCompOrg-x64/book.html 8 August 2018 ------------- - *chmod +x project.lazarus* - + how to write RFCs + read some RFCs + nixOS on some other PC + get a charger for the Vostro + maybe `nixOS' on this PC + `gentoo' - - lisps. - sicp - - reading Sebald. - reading books. - getting a good epub reader. - better Calibre epub creation. - maybe pandoc epubs. - use Zathura for epubs. Or use Calibre's inbuilt reader and adjust the padding/max-width. An easy hack is to use i3 to pad two blank spaces/terminals adjoining the reader so that it reflows less wide. Inverting colors is also a setting built-in. I do prefer zathura though. - should I just use `Taskwarrior'? and jrnl.sh? should I try to create my own tool? - I think I should create my own system. I can't jump into taskwarrior/jrnl by just using them. I need to develop a protocol for: - knowing when a project is dead/in limbo - knowing what to do then - when does it count as being active again - writing revival/archival reports on projects that haven't been handled in a certain time period - organizing projects and subprojects: sometimes get into something as a dependency. some way of mainitaining balance between going down a slightly related and a necessary side tree. - recognizing when a side-project can be made its own thing. - a no new projects policy? - ~Cavafy. /Too bad that, cut out as you are/ /for grand and noble acts,/ /this unfair fate of yours/ /never offers encouragement, always denies you success;/ /that cheap habits get in your way,/ /pettiness, or indifference./ /And how terrible the day you give in/ /(the day you let go and give in)/ /and take the road for Susa/ /and go to King Artaxerxes,/ /who, well-disposed, gives you a place at his court/ /and offers you satrapies and things like that—/ /things you don’t want at all,/ /though, in despair, you accept them just the same./ /You long for something else, ache for other things:/ /praise from the Demos and the Sophists,/ /that hard-won, that priceless acclaim—/ /the Agora, the Theatre, the Crowns of Laurel./ /You can’t get any of these from Artaxerxes,/ /you’ll never find any of these in the satrapy,/ /and without them, what kind of life will you live?/ 9 August 2018 ------------- - /Scuttle the ship! for she might leave Port./ 10 August 2018 -------------- - The Law of Twins, Gerald Weinberg: /"most of the time, no matter how much effort one expends, no event of any great significance will result"/ - symbolic links do not create hard copies, but link to the files. hard links link to the inode, which is not deleted until all links pointing to that inode are deleted. can have symbolic links to symbolic links. the FS manages to detect when a symbolic link has been orphaned. - rather painfully I have skimmed through the prior C stuff. I hope I can begin on the new chapter without feeling a pinch. I do know most of the stuff except for the nuances of printf, scanf, gets, puts, getchar, putchar .... - well, I am highly queasy about how I finished this chapter on Data in pointersOnC. It seemed like a huge bunch of riddles. I may not use them, ever. I have a vague idea of things now. - I think it's okay on my first learning. I will revisit later, when I need to understand these things better. 11 August 2018 -------------- - Crick's Central Dogma: DNA -- (Transcription) -> RNA -- (Translation) -> Protein - DNA is transcribed to mRNA. Think of mRNA as the blueprint. tRNA pairs with the mRNA at a certain anticodon; and adds an amino acid to the protein that is being built. The tRNA is the adaptor molecule. - /The sea advances insensibly in silence, nothing seems to happen, nothing moves, the water is so far off you can hardly hear it ... yet finally it surrounds the resistant substance./ - /tedium vitae./ 12 August 2018 -------------- - - use a debugger. - step through the program. - see what is done on each clock cycle. - want to see the movement of registers, caching etc. - perhaps I can do this for some simple emulated computer? - want to read source codes of projects written in C. - ask A. - `gdb' has a TUI mode. - - `org-boil-the-water' - `org-dont-melt-my-cpu' - Quine seems like a really fun read. - perhaps there is a not so dry approach to logic that I can pursue ... - I need to read more. That /Imre Lakatos/ book is just waiting. - everytime I have ever read the word ontology or epistemology, I have looked it up. Some words /never/ stick. - MIT OCW *Systems Biology* 8.591J Fall 14 13 August 2018 -------------- - nixOS is here. It can be installed alongside your existing OS on the same partition. That is awesome, and sounds dangerous. - single.object.universes * Verse :verse: /is this the hill you want to die on?/ /is *this* the hill you want to die on?/ 17 August 2018 -------------- - *project.prometheus* - *project.akrasia* - /enkratia/, aka, self governance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <21 Aug 2018> : =============== - Exporting org to html allows for the exclusion of some tags, by specifying: `#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: ' and `#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: @:/path/to/remote/file' where: - `-v' : verbose - `-P' : partial; enable partial downloads (ie downloads resumed from when last interrupted) - `--progress' : displays progress bar - `-e ssh': rsync by itself is unencrypted. use ssh. - `rsync -v -P --progress -e ssh @:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/file' to transfer from remote to local. - to try/check: how to transfer entire directories (uses the `-r' recursive flag) - differences between paths to files having a trailing `/' and not. (trailing `/' implies contents of the directory and not the directory itself) - A: use `-a' aka archive option. It preserves attributes and other things. (but does it produce an archive?) - [ ] create a clean folder containing files to be synced with remote. - [ ] segregate other production junk to folders for individual webpages. - [ ] document/maintain the purposes of these elisp snippets, preferably with source URLS. Further fiddling: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `cronjobs' are a battle for another day. - what would happen if cron runs while pages are being edited? - `org-capture' to append to this file. - appending under the right time-stamp? - appending at the right level. - not going to work on adding entries retroactively. - `gh-pages': can these be hosted on github/gitlab pages? - they do offer "static hosting" after all. - github seems to insist on Jekyll. - here I am, feeling guilty about rich text. - it all started with `gopher'. fml. - gitlab has emacs- and org- publishing templates. - where's the fun in that? - could consider Dropbox. - *done* hosted on gitlab. need a better URL/title. - [phlogiston] - it wasn't fun. - gitlab's commits take ages. - to leverage/automate pushing to gitlab, I will have to learn `git' - that's for another day far, far away. - `rsync' a list of files. - /meta/: rsync or `rsync'. develop a uniform system for programs and CLI. - how does `rsync' handle symbolic links? - very poorly. "No such file or directory" - how about nonsymbolic links aka hard-links? - hard-links appear to preserve the contents as they are synced. - I am confused how this works across systems. - `rsync' can deal with a pair of hard-links ONLY if both of them are part of the set of files being transferred. - do I need the `-h' option then? - not unless I intend to send a pair of hard-linked files and need them to be linked remotely too. - so, no. - proposed solution: - a folder with files that are hard-links of rendered pages, synced with `public_html' - when a page is edited and re-rendered, hard-links ensure that the changes to these files are reflected. [phlogiston] https://phlogiston.gitlab.io/phlogiston DONE `rsync' implemented! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - each webpage is in its own folder; the rendered `html', `txt' and `pdf' files can stew along with it. - a pristine folder reflecting remote `public_html' with hard-links to the rendered html files of these webpages. - render -> test html locally -> run `rsync' -> *published*! - [X] <- Now to test if these changes are actually applied downstream.