(DIR) back to the town square
                                                   the gopherspace of
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 (TXT) About
 (DIR) Now
 (TXT) Contact
       If you have thoughts or comments about any of the content found in
       this gopherhole, please let me know on irc or on the fediverse, and
       share a link to your reply. (See `Contact` above.)
       FEELS: a phlog that gets updated sporadically. unsorted,
       unorganized, and unfiltered
 (DIR) phlog
       WRITES: longer and more polished writings and musings. essays,
       how-to's, and articles.
 (DIR) writes
       GARDEN: a pretty garden
 (DIR) garden
       FRONDS: an epic roleplaying game played over usenet and irc,
       formatted in groff and mirrored on gopher
 (DIR) fronds
       RECENTLY UPDATED: recently updated gopherholes on tilde.town tunnel
 (DIR) recently updated
       MOKU-PONA: my moku-pona
 (DIR) moku-pona
       BOOKMARKS: my `lynx_bookmarks.html` file
 (HTM) bookmarks