Welcome to my ~ gopherhole
         I'm not much of a web dev and even less a web designer,
          so I'm a lot more comfortable with plaintext :3
         If you want to contact me for some reason, my main email is
          waces@protonmail.com (though I don't read it often enough)
         Also, I have a mastodon account, @Waces@mastodon.social,
          I still need to find somewhere else :P
                      \L..'           ._O__)_ <(I'm a lizard)
              ,-.     _.+  _  \..--( /
                `\.-''__.-' \ (     \_
                  `'''       `\__   /\
                | The paper bird is slapping my eyes |
                           | Am I alive? |
                   Anonymity is a human right!
 (DIR) Ascii art
       (Lizard art by Andreas Freise)