(DIR) back to the town square
                  |'             ~stilbruch's                                      
                 [::]                  gopherhole                                  
                 [::]   _......_                                                   
                 [::].-'      _.-`.                                                
                 [:.'    .-. '-._.-`.                                              
                 [/ /\   |  \        `-..                                          
                 / / |   `-.'      .-.   `-.                                       
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                ;: `-.._    /__..--'\.' ;:                                         
                    :;  `--' :;   :;                                               
        ~ about ~                                                                  
       i'm stilbruch, a compsci student interested in security and                 
       low-tech technologies (like gopher!). i'm hoping to move to europe          
       sometime soon, but for now i am stuck in the us (bleh).                     
        ~ projects ~                                                               
 (DIR) cobble - a minecraft server in c99
 (DIR) tildechan - simple message board with php+sql
 (DIR) spigkt - kotlin library for spigot plugins
        - this page looks best with sacc -
 (DIR) sacc - suckless gopher client