THE GOPHER BANDIT ~prahou 0 THE INTERNET RISES It's the early 90's. The Iron Curtain has fallen. A small country in the heart of Europe grows comfortable with the gift of free information. Most personal machines are in the safe-keeping of universities and government facilities. The internet is slowly being rolled out to the public, but very few have the actual machines to use it with. This is the apartment of Mateas Novak's mother, a student of the Technical University in Prague. He's here with his younger friend Robin Kopecky, a student of chemistry. MATEAS: "It serves text, that's what it does." ROBIN: "Across the entire globe? Geez. They weren't kidding about freedom, were they?" MATEAS: "Don't get too excited. We're just rats in an experiment. Once they figure out how to profit off us, they will. We better make the best of what we have right now." ROBIN: "This... protocol... You think there's going to be monetization?" MATEAS: "Without a doubt. Everything you get to see today will end up costing you a pretty coin. That's the better outcome anyway. The price for the phone line will be negligible." ROBIN: "How do you mean?" MATEAS: "I don't know, I'm as clueless as you are. But don't you find it a bit irresponsible to disregard the decades of 'FEAR THE CAPITALIST'? Maybe there was something to it." ROBIN: "Don't know what to tell you. This sure beats standing in line for toilet paper." MATEAS: "That ever happen to you?" ROBIN: "I'm sure my mother mentioned it once." MATEAS: "Right." The men lift a large machine off the floor and carefully place it on top of a desk and plug it into a small device connected to the phone line. Mateas flicks a switch on the side of the monitor and the computer comes alive. ROBIN: "No way this is legal..." MATEAS: "It is not. Hand me the diskette." ROBIN: "They're gonna skin us alive, if they find we stole a fucking UNIX machine." MATEAS: "Yeah, well. The university was hellbent on wasting its potential." Mateas inserts the 5" diskette into the computer. MATEAS: "Magical, isn't it." ROBIN: "So, you're telling me we can create a sort of a service that people can connect to and.. read stuff we offer them? All from the comfort of our home?" MATEAS: "That's the idea." ROBIN: "Who wrote it?" MATEAS: "Some polish guy, Marketa brought it from her visit to Krakow. Turns out the border cops have no idea what diskettes are. Hell, nobody expects people to smuggle software across. Yet, anyway." ROBIN: "A fucking gopher server..." MATEAS: "A fucking gopher server." 0&1/2 HARD DAY'S MODEM A police station. A phone rings on the desk of officer Dvorsky. DVORSKY: "Sir? What's up?" PHONE: "Dvorsky, how about that advancement?" DVORSKY: "Sir?" PHONE: "BIS tells me they're forming a new department for what they call 'of cyber crime'. Turns out this brave new world is about to be abused by a whole lot of criminals. They tell me they're looking for the sharpest pencils in the case. Made me think of you." DVORSKY: "Cyber crime, sir?" PHONE: "Computers, the internet. I don't fucking know. War in the digital vacuum." DVORSKY: "I'm in." PHONE: "Pack up your desk. Report to the BIS offices in Dejvice. I'll let them know you're coming. Tomorrow." * The next day Dvorsky arrives at the BIS offices in Dejvice and is walked to a small room. There are cables everywhere, a few computers lie on the floor. The department is in the process of being set up. The place is a mess. There are engineers lying on their backs, twiddling with screwdrivers. A woman in a white lab-coat greets him. She fixes her hair when she sees Dvorsky enter, wipes her hands on the coat and extends her arm. KAROLINA: "Hey! They told us you were coming! Well... this is us! Welcome to the offices of cyber criminology! I think we'll have to come up with a better name ourselves. The name is Karolina, I'm a... was.. studying networking at FEL. Got picked up by some tie-wearing ominous character. And here I am!" * Dvorsky shakes her hand. DVORSKY: "Ondrej Dvorsky. I was a cop." KAROLINA: "Oh, cool. Shootouts and bank roberries?" DVORSKY: "More like dog shit and parking meters." KAROLINA: "Well, I take it you're new into this whole thing, judging from what they told me. Unless you want to help with making these machines work, I might have something for you to get started on right away." DVORSKY: "I'll be honest, I never used a computer. But I understand the general idea of... computing and networking... I think." KAROLINA: "That's alright. You'll get a grasp of it real quick. We have a report of a stolen UNIX machine from CVUT." DVORSKY: "Why does that interest us? I thought we were going to be fighting crime in the uh, cyberspace?" KAROLINA: "Well, about 6 hours after the machine was reported missing, a gopher server went live somewhere in an apartment block in Modrany." DVORSKY: "Gopher?" TBC THE RETURN OF THE GOPHER BANDIT ~prahou I. NO REST FOR THE DEAD Gopher-criminologist detective Dvorsky enters an old apartment building on the outskirts of Prague. The street is dilapidated. Burnt trash cans and walls covered in grafitti. A bunch of kids are playing soccer with a plastic bottle in the middle of the road. The elevator doesn't work. The detective makes his way up the stairs until he reaches the 7th floor and walks underneath a POLICE tape into a small apartment. There are several police officers hovering about. A woman sitting on the floor is crying. Constable Konrad is inspecting a laptop machine from 2002 covered in a thick layer of dust. A body is hanging from a soviet-era ceiling lamp. There are wires running along the floor. DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "What a shitshow. Konrad, what was lost?" KONRAD: "Detective. 72 gigs worth of pdfs and ebooks." DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "And the machine?" KONRAD: "Not exactly a poor man's setup. This little feller did most of the heavy lifting proxied behind TOR. Don't know what software did the hosting. We're suspecting gophernicus, but it's too early to say with certainty." * Detective Dvorsky points at the corpse on the ceiling. DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "Who's our unlucky winner?" KONRAD: "Some Mateas Novak. Unemployed for 13 years. The boys over at BIS ran a background check for us. Nothing permanent. Just your regular homebrew hacker with a taste for archivism and animated pornography. No criminal record." * The detective picks up the machine and inspects it closer. DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "Anything copyright protected?" KONRAD: "Not as far as we can tell. The disk is encrypted, but we have most of the access logs. The guy had a printer hooked up to the server. It printed out everything in real time. All files seem to have been in the public domain. My guess is the printer woke him up to reveal someone somewhere was scraping the entirety of his gopher hole. He pulled the plug and then, well..." * Konrad looks up at the corpse. DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "Who's the girl?" KONRAD: "A girlfriend. She didn't give us much. Woke up in the morning to find her partner hanging here like this. You think this was... him?" DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "I don't know what the fuck I think." * A policeman walks into the room holding a stack of papers. POLICEMAN: "Detective? You better have a look at this." DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "What is it?" POLICEMAN: "Well, the printer ran out of ink somewhere past the page 2394, but among the lines of file retrieval, there is a single submission to a guestbook. It's a rudimentary script, but the logs list the string that was posted to it." DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "Let me see it!" * 'GB WUZ HERE' DETECTIVE DVORSKY: "Motherfuc-" TO BE CONTINUED GOPHER BANDIT EPISODE 3 Polish clique I Four heavily armed officers from the Special Internet Protocols are slowly advancing up the stairs in a dilapidated apartment building on the outskirts of Krakow. Every now and then someone peeks through a tight slit of an opened door. Light and shadow dances behind each and every peephole, as the curious inhabitants observe the team. Finally the four men reach the 7th floor and stack up by an apartment number 64. SIP#1: "Weapons check." SIP#2: "Hot." SIP#3: "Hot." * a flick of a safety switch echoes through the otherwise empty corridor SIP#4: "Hot." The leading officer #1 speaks over a wired radio in his right ear. SIP#1 (OVER RADIO): "SGO, this is entry team. We're in position." * a familiar voice of detective Dvorsky comes in. DVORSKY (OVER RADIO): "Entry team, this SGO, hold. We may have a development here." SIP#2: "What the fuck is it now?" SIP#1: "Quiet! Keep ready." DVORSKY (OVER RADIO): "Entry team, we just cracked the encrypted packets. We believe there are two non-hostiles in the apartment. I repeat, two non-hostiles. Woman and child. Evaluate." SIP#1 (OVER RADIO): "Copy that." SIP#1: "Gentlemen, rules of engagement just changed. Not all targets are hostile." SIP#3: "Fuck..." SIP#4: "Jesus Christ. They tell us now?" SIP#1: "Two, camera under the door." * Officer #2 pulls out a spy-cam and sticks it through an opening at the bottom of the apartment door, after a few moments he reports: SIP#2: "No one in sight." SIP#1: "Alright, fuck it, we're going in. Mind your targets." SIP#1 (OVER RADIO): "SGO, this is entry team, we're proceeding as planned." DVORSKY (OVER RADIO): "Understood, keep us posted." II The Special Gopher Operations team is gathered around a single CRT monitor in a repurposed Tatra van parked just outside the apartment building. Detective Dvorsky and Karolina, the Gopher Specialist, are both here, so are two other men. KAROLINA: "God, I hope this is it." DVORSKY: "Don't we all." All sip cold coffee from paper cups. Eventually officer #1's voice comes through the radio. SIP#1 (OVER RADIO): "SGO, this is entry team. You might want to see this." Detective Dvorsky rushes out of the car and up the stairs. He reaches the apartment 64. The lock is blown away and the door wide open. Officer #3 stands by it, giving the detective a slight nod. Dvorsky proceeds through the apartment. It's a small Soviet-era apartment with a single bedroom and a kitchen. In the bathroom, on the toilet, sits a corpse of a young man with several bullet holes in his chest. Dvorsky recognizes the man as Mateas Novak, a suspect in the stolen university machines case. Dvorsky continues to the bedroom. Another dead man, Robin Kopecky, Novak's friend. Officers #2 and #4 hover about. SIP#4: "In the kitchen, detective." Dvorsky enters the kitchen. Officer #1 stands by a corpse of a dead woman, killed by gunfire. There is a Soviet Agat personal computer on the dining table with a floppy drive connected to it. DVORSKY: "Talk to me." SIP#1: "No live targets. We found them all like this." DVORSKY: "What?!" SIP#1: "Looks like your intel was off, detective. These boys are the least of your problems now." By now the rest of the SGO team arrives at the apartment. Karolina sits down by the Agat and boots it up. SIP#1 (POINTING AT THE DEAD WOMAN): "Who is the woman anyway?" DVORSKY: "Marketa... Marketa Patrasova... She was the boys' schoolmate at the Prague Technical University. She smuggled the software over the border..." DVORSKY: "Karolina? What do we have?" KAROLINA: "Well, this machine is incapable of networking, but judging by the floppy drive, it's safe to say our suspects planned to copy the gopher server software and sell it. Very little else to go on here..." Officer #2 walks into the kitchen, holding a piece of paper. SIP#2: "This was in the boy's pocket." * #2 hands the paper to Dvorsky There's a date on in two days old and below it, the initials G.P. SIP#1: "Excuse me, detective, but from what you told us, we're a kid short." THE WELL NEVER DRIES 4 The bandit finds himself in the city center, a floppy clenched in his hand, buried in the pocket of his coat. He finds a café and seats himself by a table on the busy street. A stream of tourists trickles around the astronomical clock, just as the bell tower begins its deafening concert. One in the afternoon, coffee for 125 crowns. The air is cold. A man in a striped waistcoat sits down next to the bandit. WAISTCOAT: "Mister Cheblik?" BANDIT: "I have it." WAISTCOAT: "Not here, Mister Cheblik. Meet me at the entrance of the Jewish cemetery in 4 hours." BANDIT: "I can just give it to you now..." WAISTCOAT: "You're being followed." The man in a waistcoat stands up and disappears into the trickle of tourists. Detective Dvorsky rushes in to the café, wire in his ear. DVORSKY: "*into the microphone* He's gone." DVORSKY: "What did he want?!" BANDIT: "He asked for spare change. I have hardly enough to pay for this pisspoor coffee... Wasn't he an extravagant beggar." DVORSKY: "Damn it!" DVORSKY: "*into the microphone* The bandit slipped away, I'm going back to the office." TBC