LEVITICUS Around the hills 1 Standing on top of a steep hill. LEVITICUS: "‘Do you come here often, miss?’" MAGDALENE: "‘No.’" LEVITICUS: "‘Quite the sight, isn’t it?’" MAGDALENE: "‘I couldn’t care less. I do it for the fitness.’" LEVITICUS: "‘And a good job you do at that, I must say. But still, a shame you’d deny yourself the pleasure of the sight.’" MAGDALENE: "‘Are you hitting on me?’" LEVITICUS: "‘I am merely proclaiming that I enjoy the view from up here.’" MAGDALENE: "‘Proclaim in silence then. I care none for your words.’" LEVITICUS: "‘Do you treat all strangers with the same disrespect?’" MAGDALENE: "‘Do you?’" LEVITICUS: "‘Excuse me?’" MAGDALENE: "‘You suppose I sweat buckets running up this hill to listen to some intellectual’s revelations about the beauty of nature?’" LEVITICUS: "‘No, I reckon you do it for the superficiality.’" MAGDALENE: "‘And you? You do this for the inner authenticity?’" LEVITICUS: "‘Perhaps there is no sense talking to you.’" MAGDALENE: "‘I’ve been hinting at that from the moment you opened your mouth.’" LEVITICUS: "‘Yet I cannot let this slide. Do you wish to be admired but not approached?’" MAGDALENE: "‘Neither by the likes of you.’" LEVITICUS: "‘Ah, but what is it then? What of my approach is unsatisfactory?’" MAGDALENE: "‘I’m here to sweat buckets, not to be lectured about the purposelessness of vanity.’" LEVITICUS: "‘I wouldn’t agree that vanity is without purpose.’" MAGDALENE: "‘Stop trying to rope me deeper into your advances.’" LEVITICUS: "‘But it is you who keep responding to me, hinting that perhaps you do wish for your admirers to sweat buckets in order to get through to you.’" MAGDALENE: "‘Playing hard to get, as you’d say, were you not pretentious with your words.’" LEVITICUS: "‘Indeed.’" MAGDALENE: "‘I can assure you that’s not happening. I ran up this hill, I’ll rest here and run back down. I have no desire to be approached by potential contenders for my womb.’" LEVITICUS: "‘Is that what you think this is? Attempts of physical satisfaction?’" MAGDALENE: "‘Leave me alone.’" LEVITICUS: "‘Very well.’" * Magdalene runs down the hill. LEVITICUS: "‘What a cunt.’"