NoViCoGE 2021 2021-11-23 === This article is written in reaction to Logout[1]'s NoViCoGE event. That is the 'November Vintage Computer Gophering Event'. Per its suggestion I have estabilished this gopher space via my old i386 laptop. It has been a fairly eventful day, but now that my world has stopped coming to an end, I have decided to journal the challenge, which could very well be interpreted as an introduction to this particular gopher space. I am a relative newcomer to the gopher protocol, having spent the past two years tripping over various links, reading phlogs of folks I would have never met otherwise and discovering projects that not only intriqued me, but made me feel deep sympathy for the protocol. Soon after I become a gopher citizen myself, joining the followers of Slow Philosophy at It seemed as if my decade long descent into a plain text fetishist reached its conclusion. Which of course birthed a new beginning with my personal dedication to not abandon gopher as an experiment, but to turn the experience into something special, in the very least for myself. But more on that some other time. Of the holes I began frequenting, Logout's Gopherspace quickly captured me simply for the fact that it was run by one of my countrymen. Having been enthralled by logout's mention of historical .cz gopher domains, something he grew to reflect in his melancholic discovery that his Gopherspace remained the last of the protocol on the Czech internet. I sought to remedy that issue by setting up Not long before that however, I came upon, a yet another project by a Czech author. Nevertheless, I struggled to pick the project off the ground. Finally the NoViCoGE challenge proved to be the final spark. Funnily it was through solene'%[2] that I discovered Logout's when I was reading her phlog. I undertook her Old Computer Challenge and wrote about it[3] a few months ago and have since provided some art for her OpenBSD webzine project [4]. The world seems smaller than ever. The fan purs, as it does. The rest is still in the making, guided by the invisible hand of automatism. [1] gopher://\ /posts/2021-10-28_november_vintage_\ computer_gophering_event_2021.txt [2] gopher:// [3] gopher://\ -09-the-case-of-eternal-computing.txt [4]