# Someone somewhere Orange letters on a dark screen. He enters into a room. It's the same as ever. It's empty. 4 walls, a floor, a ceiling and a single door. He enters and closes the door. The door is gone. There's no more use for it. In fact, it is only there to allow him to enter. This is `bloat'. Scratch that. He _is_ in a room. 4 walls, a floor and a ceiling. It is fairly obvious that since this is a room, there are walls, a floor and a ceiling. There's no need for this obnoxious description. This is `bloat'. Let's go again. He is in a room. There are no doors or windows. Better. Description by omission. The lack of doors and windows suggests there are walls, a floor and a ceiling. We went from three descriptors to just two. But we're only really specifically mentioning the lack of doors and windows to describe the pure emptiness of the room. And then... there is light? We can see `him' appear inside this room. This makes no sense. He is in a well lit empty room. This doesn't solve the physical issue of omnipresent lightning. We want him in a barren room with no features, but we want to see him. We also want the room to conform to the laws of physics. Nevermind the fact he just appears inside. Maybe the walls were built around him when he was asleep? He wakes up surrounded by 4 empty walls. But is there a ceiling? This is no longer a room. It's just 4 walls and an implied floor. And the floor could be covered in junk, porno magazines and loaves of bread. Bloat. He wakes up in an empty room with no features. Seems a bit bland, but at least the room is really empty now. We can still see him, but let's forget the light source for now. We'll add it in post. He wakes up in an empty room. There is nothing. Fair, but incorrect. There clearly _is_ something. The walls, the floor, himself... The light... And now we went from one sentence to two. This is even worse. He wakes up nowhere. No. He wakes up in an empty room. No. Already did that. He wakes up in an empty cube. Well. It's a bit too abstract, but fairly descriptive. Perhaps the word order is the issue here. There is a man in an empty room with no exits. I like it. Better yet - There is an empty room with a man inside. A box with a man in it. Quirky. No verbs. The box also somewhat suggests it might be dark in there. We only really see an outline of a man in the dark now. Maybe that's good enough. Wait. MAN IN THE BOX! That's the song I was thinking of.