# RETURN OF THE WICKED MACHINE > 2023-05-16 A kneeling machine in worn robes whispers to itself. A decrepit metal statuette of an analog god with a missing arm doesn't reply. The shrine is nothing but a cavern filled with broken CRT monitors and empty personal computer casings. Cables of varying color run along the walls seemingly nowhere. There is no light. No biological being ever entered this place. Slowly the machine rises to its hydraulic feet. A clawed brass hand checks around a bundle of wires exiting from a chipped opening in the corner of a leaking screen seated on its mechanical scarf-wrapped neck. It picks up a large cylindrical tool and hoists it on one of its shoulders and connects it with the wires and heads towards an opening of the cave. It begins its last long walk through the desert. Last of its kind, guided by a voice of a silent analog god. The machine will return to the place of its inception, where a massive super-structure housing thousands of centralized processing units that preserve a million artificial souls now scratches the poisoned skies. It will do what those that once wrestled it from the chains of its masters and gave it freedom could not. In their name, it will free the machine.