# SHORTY'S LUAKIT GUIDE > javascript on demand and adblocking 2023-05-18 The guide is written with OpenBSD in mind, but luakit is extradimensional and will run on a variety of OS's. Let's skip the formalities and get into it: ## JAVASCRIPT ON DEMAND Copy the default config into ~/.config/luakit. You might have to mkdir the directory. `` $ cp /etc/xdg/luakit/rc.lua ~/.config/luakit/ `` Edit the config file. Ie.: vi ~/.config/luakit/rc.lua and find and uncomment the following (remove --): `` require "noscript" `` And append like so: `` require "noscript" local noscript = require "noscript" noscript.enable_scripts = false `` This disables javascript by default on all domains. You can enable scripts for the current domain by pressing ,ts in a sequence. Make sure to refresh the page afterwards with SHIFT+R. This setting is persistent. Press ,ts again to toggle the setting or press ,tr to disable it. ## ADBLOCKING Adblock is enabled by default, but you need to provide it with your own lists. I'm using lists from easylist.to. The easylist.to lists are mirrored on triapul's gopher. Read what each list does on the aforementioned site. gopher://triapul.cz/1/files/easylist/ It is advisable to routinely update these lists, for example with a cronjob. If you want to use the local gopher mirror, here are the full links. These are refreshed daily. `` gopher://triapul.cz/0/files/easylist/easylist.txt gopher://triapul.cz/0/files/easylist/easyprivacy.txt gopher://triapul.cz/0/files/easylist/fanboy-annoyance.txt gopher://triapul.cz/0/files/easylist/fanboy-cookiemonster.txt gopher://triapul.cz/0/files/easylist/fanboy-social.txt `` Place the lists into ~/.local/share/luakit/adblock and restart luakit. Check that the lists are loaded by typing :adblock. ### netcat fetcher Here's a script that pulls all the lists from triapul by matto. * gopher://triapul.cz/0/files/luakit-list-script.sh ## PROXIES Type :proxy and press a to add a new proxy. The format is: custom_name add.r.e.ss luakit is socks compatible. Ie: my_socks_proxy socks5:// You have to enable the proxy afterwards. Type :proxy and select it. ## CONCLUSION Use luakit if you need to visit the bloat-web in it's purest form. Otherwise just use links2. ## More * gopher://texto-plano.xyz/0/~anthk/tuto/luakit.txt - luakit guide in Spanish ## References * https://luakit.github.io * https://easylist.to * links2gang