Brutaldon, and links2 Way of trust If there is someone you trust and they offer to let you use their brutaldon instance, your battle is already won. You just direct yout browser to the url. Here we are using a publicly reachable instance hosted by praetor, a good friend of the Lispy Gopher Show and a father of many machines. * $ links2 Way of purity You may want to run a brutaldon server locally, just for yourself and connect to it through a socket. This way the only person you need to trust is yourself. * install python3 and pip, ie: # pkg_add python3 python3-pip * install pipenv through pip: $ pip install pipenv * $ git clone * $ cd brutaldon * $ pipenv install * $ pipenv run python ./ migrate * $ pipenv run python ./ runserver At this point your local brutaldon server is running. Point links2 to * $ links2 Now listen very closely People get this wrong and blame the holy browser for faults that are in fact its features. Whether you took the way of trust or purity, the following applies to both. * Click on Log in * Go to the bottom and select old login form * Enter your credentials and log in * You will be brought back to the main page, seemingly not logged in. * Click on Log in again * Hard-refresh the page with Ctrl+r * Mastodon menu pops up at the top, choose whichever