# Broken rib Last friday I went to a punk hardcore gig, it was amazing, dancing in the moshpit and everything like if the world wasn't in such a shitty state. Two bands from the Basque country were on tour: Cuero[1] and Revertt[2], check them out if you enjoy this kind of music. Unfortunately this got a little violent and I somehow managed to break one of my ribs. It hurted a little in the moment but thanks to beer it wasn't that bad. Fast forward this morning the pain was really hitting hard and I went to the doctor. "Take this medecine if you suffer and wait". Well ok cool. Shit happens, it's not the first time but I forgot how painful it can be. So here I am at home and not working today and I figured it's been a while I hadn't written on my phlog so here is this incredible story. # Gophering Since I re-did my gopher hole a month ago I took some time to redo my moku-pona[3] too and these days I find myself mostly browsing gopher and less and less gemini. Not sure why but I generally find gemini content less appealing and I keep finding cool and weird stuff on port 70. No big deal. I don't want to mirror things so my content will be spread around this phlog, my flight journal on port 1965, my .plan... There's no logic (yet?) about what goes where. # RISC OS Last week I played with the Raspberry Pi version of RISC OS. It was a first for me and I quite like this OS, it has some nice features and it reminds me of my amiga days. I installed RISC OS Direct[4], it looks like some kind of pre-packaged distro of RIS OS Open but I'm not really sure. Got to study this new world a little! Since there is a C compiler available I'll try to add some smolweb tools to the RISC OS ecosystem. There is an old gopher client but I couldn't get it to work. I'll probably start with a finger client, it should be a good kind of first program with some GUI, some networking, text display... I hope I'll have the courage to write about my discoveries for once and if you know some RISC OS related places on gopher please tell me! -- [1] https://mendekudiskak.bandcamp.com/album/018-cuero-cabezabota-12ep [2] https://mendekudiskak.bandcamp.com/album/015-revertt-bermeo-skinhead-hardcore-7 [3] gopher://typed-hole.org/1/roll [4] https://www.riscosdev.com/direct/ .