Well it finally happened at 7:45 am today Tuesday 30 July 1996 the R.C.M.P. and the Toronto Metro Task force Stormed the Fortress's of the Great Pharoah's they attacked the Pyramid's and tore down the Great walls ....and what did they find???? you ask, well they found the great Pharoah getting ready for work and they also found the Awesome board AKIRA up and running and recieving files at the rate of 2 Gigs a week.....WOW what a snag for the moronic police force...damn amazing that they caught the guy after only 4 years and what is more amazing is that he only lives 300 yards away from a police station. Makes you wonder how much easier could Pharoah have made it for them??? But none the less they finally caught on ...:) well people as of today we have lost the best board in the 416/905 area code and the best board in the world.A great loss to the pirate community. All I have to say is that they better dig up a good expert that knows how to run an Amiga so they can find what was on his HD's cause if they stick them in a PC they are screwed (which they probably will try and do). After many conversations about the baord and his personal feelings about piracy with Pharoah I can say that yeah he has ALOT of BALL's and they probably did drag him out of his place kicking and screaming before he placed a few well meant calls to some unnamed people to warn the Toronto Pirate scene that it's coming down HIDE YOUR BOARDS be CAREFULL of who you allow in the door without checking first. A fund will be setup so you can send your donations to the SAVE AKIRA FROM THE FEDS or we'll just use the money to buy a camel for him to make his escape back to Egypt (ride boy ride)...:) Well if any of you have any remarks or comments KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF the man went down BIG and PROUD to the last he was not one of these snivling little RATS that most pirateers are, soon as they are faced with a prospect of going to jail they rat everyone and everthing they know to the PIGS, and i have proof of that statment The INTERNET has brought in a NEW BREED of pirates "LAME ONES" and as far as I am concerned the GOOD OLD DAYS are gone forever now all you get is LAME ASS NET MONKEY'S trading anything they find on the net (bet you the cops have a hard time charging Pharoah cause of all the shareware they find on his HD's) and to make matters worse they think they are SPECIAL what a bunch of WAZZOO's anyone now with an Internet account is a pirate...that makes it a SELECT FEW doesn't it there was a certain RESPECT from the older PIRATE'S that is not there today there was a unwritten code among them, there was a good old rivalry and friendship that just goes not exist today, and it is rapidly disappering with the older pirates like Pharoah. Today's Scene is spreading 2 and 3 year old files and calling them NEW FRESH WAREZ, yeah right there is 2 gigs of zipped programs written every week from programmers??? give me a god damn break! Well till We hear anything from Paroah himself we are assuming that Akira is gone for good farewell to The Greatest Board around and lots of LUCK to Pharoah with the pigs (hope you get off easy bud) and a final word of warning to the rest of you BE CAREFULL as to who you talk to on the net or anywhere there are alot of people are dead set against piracy and will do anything to take it down keep quiet about the boards and the Inet Site's make it hard for the pigs to find them, to quote an old saying "LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS" keep your mouths shut .