)_) goat blowers anonymous (_( ((______/ ..\ (215)750-0392 % (800)TOO-LEET /.. \______)) | /--( 9600-28800 for fast warez! )--\ | |||---||| staff: black francis (cia), |||---||| M M M M grandmaster mogel, & not spiff M M M M % "the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem" % largest text-file / 'zine board around % over 500 megabytes / 5,000 files everything from h/p/a text to huge online virii library (live, source, & av) very relaxed ratios % _no_ ratios for ld % no pcr whatsoever % no nup or nuv renegade modded, hex-edited, and beaten to hell % nicest rg setup around more affiliations than you could shake a stick at : like : hoe whq, pez whq piss whq, shade whq, mm, cdc, vas, bgr, uxu, gwd, sob, raw, fuck, gasp, ganja, moose illuminations, image writing, ace, and milk and tea. .