Tamalpais Technologies - The Login Checker II Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 - All rights reserved ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ One day, I was sitting at my desk at work (I was a MIS/Help Desk manager for a major software company) when the phone rang. It was someone from the Marketing deparment, they were in Excel in Windows and they could not print to the printer, it gave them some error message. I explained to the person (who has great Marketing skills but little computer skills) that the problem most likely was due the fact that she had not logged in. This got me thinking... This was the third call that day for a problem related to the fact that the employee had not logged in. Of course I couldn't blame the employee, the message that they were not logged in flashes by as the rest of their AUTOEXEC.BAT file is executed. I asked myself, why didn't Novell make the login.exe program check to see if you logged in correctly and if not, ask you to try again? So I dusted off my 'C' manuals, turned on my tunes on and got to work on trying to correct this little problem. Hence, the birth of The Login Checker. I implemented it at the company that I work for and after 3 weeks of not having ANY calls related to not logging in (and having no one complain about any problems with The Login Checker itself - could the first try be bug free??) I decided that maybe others could benefit from this handy dandy tool. After only 2 months over 200 people downloaded it from Compuserve, so I must have been right! Since then over 6,500 people downloaded this product and it has been registered for use for over 35,000 network users! After having it in place at work for a couple of months I noticed another hidden benefit. Many of the employee's liked to add there login name after the login call in their AUTOEXEC.BAT (saving them from having to type it in). This was great for them but frustrating to the Help Desk staff because if you wanted to do any work setting up there machine you had to either not login (and miss whatever setup pertained to the network in their AUTOEXEC.BAT) or change their AUTOEXEC.BAT and reboot. What a pain. With The Login Checker, all we needed to do was press return at the PASSWORD: prompt and type in our own login name and password instead. Life is good again and we go home smiling now (most of the time!). The easiest way to test the Login Checker and use it is to simply copy the two files (TTLOGIN.EXE and TTLOGIN.CFG) to the LOGIN directory and change your AUTOEXEC.BAT to use TTLOGIN.EXE. If you ever feel the need to login using the regular Novell login, you can always type LOGIN.EXE. I hope you The Login Checker is as useful to you as it was to us. Many thanks to all of you who have send me your comments on the program and those of you who have joined our family of registered users. Please send me any comments you have about the product, good or bad, and any ideas you have that would improve it. Time Savings ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For every 100 employees, about four of them will not log in correctly into your network. Most of the time, this will result in a call to the help desk. If that help desk call takes an average of six minutes to solve, two employees could be working on something else for a total of 12 minutes... 4 x 12 = 48 minutes daily 48 x 22* = 1056 minutes a month 1056 / 60 = 17.6 hours a month (*22 is the average number of working days each month) The login Checker will insure that your end users will log into the network correctly every time. The program monitors the login and verifies that it was successful. If the login sequence was not a success, it will ask you if you want to attempt the login again. How much does 17.6 hours of work time cost your company every month? With this product, network users never bother the help desk again! Full Working Copy: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This is a full working copy of The Login Checker. It is not crippled in anyway. Description: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Login Checker is a program that is designed to check whether you have logged into a Novell network or not. This is advantageous for several reasons: * Less typing and frustration when logging in. * Less calls to the MIS / System Administration / Help desk - because employees will know when they type their login name or password incorrectly. (Most of the time they do not know they did not login because the login command is part of the autoexec.bat file, so the 'Access denied' message scrolls past before they can read it). * If a station is set up to login with that person's login name (I.E. LOGIN MIKE), pressing return with TTLOGIN will ask you for the new login name, so that if someone else wants to log in to that station (such as System Administrators!) all the network commands in the 'AUTOEXEC.BAT' file that requires network login are still executed. How to Use: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Copy the two files (TTLOGIN.EXE and TTLOGIN.CFG) into the F:\LOGIN directory (you must be logged in as supervisor to do this). Then type (or add to your `autoexec.bat' file): ttlogin You will need to keep LOGIN.EXE in that same directory. If you login without making any mistakes, it will look and act just like regular LOGIN.EXE. If you mistype your login name or password, The Login Checker will ask you if you want to login again. This continues until you either login correctly or answer no to the question. New features in version 2.50 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ * Eliminate the ability for users to exit: One of the requests that I received the most was to allow administrators the ability to remove the 'Exit' option from the Login Checker. This feature has been added to version 2.50. * Administrator modifable Help The administrator can now personalize the help menu. This will allow administrators to give information specific to their company (like who to call when trouble arises) in the 'view info(Help)' section. (This feature was actually introduced in version 2.03) * Explanations in the user configuration file (TTLOGIN.CFG). I have added the lines that explain what each line means in the configuration file. This should help the administrator setup and modify the Login Checker. Using the Help File Feature ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To modify the help, you need to use an ASCII editor. The file that contains the help information is TTLOGIN.HLP. The information should not be greater than 65 characters wide or more than 13 lines long. Information bigger than that size will be ignored. Eliminating the 'Exit' ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The last line of the configuration file (TTLOGIN.CFG) is an option that indicates whether you want to show the 'Exit' option from the Login Checker. Enter 'Yes' (the default) if you want 'Exit' to show up on the menu, and 'No' if you do not want to to appear. System administrators can still exit the Login Checker by pressing a '~' (Tilda). Format of the Configuration file ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The configuration file (TTLOGIN.CFG) needs to maintaint the format that it is in when received from distribution. That is: First line = Comments Second line = Network login file name (LOGIN.EXE) Third line = BLANK Forth line = Comments Fifth line = File server name (or BLANK) Sixth line = BLANK Seventh line = Comments Eighth line = 'Yes' or 'No' We recommend that you make a backup of the orginal file before making any changes to this file. For Experienced System Adminstrators: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ System Adminstrators can easily give everyone access to TTLOGIN, without having to modify everyone's machines. This is recommended for System Adminstrators that have experience with DOS and Novell. If you do not have much experience, you may want to use the method suggested above. Here's how: * Login as supervisor. * Copy TTLOGIN.EXE and TTLOGIN.CFG into the F:\LOGIN directory. * Using `attrib' or another utility, remove the 'READ ONLY' tag from Novell's LOGIN.EXE program. * Rename the orginal LOGIN.EXE to another name: REN LOGIN.EXE LGN.EXE * Rename TTLOGIN to LOGIN.EXE: REN TTLOGIN.EXE LOGIN.EXE * Use an ASCII editor to change the Second line in TTLOGIN.CFG to the new name you gave Novell's LOGIN.EXE (I.E. LGN.EXE). * Reset the `READ ONLY' attribute on Novells LOGIN.EXE (now LGN.EXE). This makes it so that if anyone types LOGIN (or it is in an `autoexec.bat' file), it will automatically call The Login Checker. Be careful NOT to delete Novell's LOGIN.EXE. You will need that to log in. If you want to login without using The Login Checker, simply type the new name you gave Novell's (LGN.EXE). System Adminstrators can also modify the fifth line, which may help to explain to end users which file server they are attaching to. Registration: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Register this product and you will receive: * The very latest version (with extra features) and the 'UNREGISTERED' message removed. We will personalize the Login Checker with your company name. * Free technical support. * A printed manual. * Information on other Tam Tech products. * A clear conscience! * Free copy of WinStop software (See below!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW REGISTRATION INCENTIVE: For a limited time, we are offering a free copy of Winstop (Ver 1.00) for each registration of the Login Checker! Winstop is a DOS utility that will allows you to easily stop Windows from loading in your autoexec.bat file. When called, it display's a timer that delays the loading of Windows a pre-defined amount of time (the default it 25 seconds). This gives you the change to exit to DOS instead of going directly into Windows. The utility is easy to install and will save you from attempting to break the automatic loading of Windows with (which never works!). Registering the Login Checker gets you this handy utility, FREE! Please mention this offer when you register the product (or use the order form in ORDER.DOC. This offer expires December 31st, 1995. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Login Checker is shareware (give one to a friend!), but NOT freeware You must register the copy (and pay the fee) to use it (we do want to eat!) When you register the copy, Tamalpais Technologies will send you the latest version. This copy will include all new features developed so far. Some ideas we may include in the future are: * The ability to check for more than one file server on a network * Ability to explain to end users which server they are logging into (Done, see above) * New features that we dream up before you get it! Cost is: $35 for every 50 network users Network users: Price ------------------------------------------------ 1 to 50 $35.00 51 to 100 $70.00 101 to 150 $105.00 151 to 200 $140.00 Anything over 200 users: $175.00 * One site is one physical address. You need to purchase a Login Checker license for each site that is using the product. (Please include $2.50 for shipping and handling.) *** Unlimited, Corporate Wide License You can also purchase an unlimited, corporate wide license (can be used at any branch of the company, including growth) for $750. You can register the product in one of four ways: 1) Phone in the order (Monday - Friday: 9:00 to 6:00 PST): Phone: (415) 927-0333 ( You may pay by VISA or MC, COD, or we will be happy to invoice you ) 2) Order through our BBS : We now have a TamTech BBS! You can register through the BBS by entering 'REG' from the main menu. You can also download the very latest version of the Login Checker or download our other shareware products. The BBS is free. The TamTech BBS number is: (415) 759-5529. 3) Mail or Fax us the order to: Tamalpais Technologies c/o Login Checker P.O. Box 125 Larkspur, CA 94977 Fax: (415) 927-4619 Please print the order form in ORDER.DOC (simply type 'ORDER' from the DOS prompt). You may pay by check, VISA / MASTERCARD, or we will be happy to invoice you. 4) Paying through Compuserve You can now register Login Checker through Compuserve! It will get billed directly to your Compuserve account. Simply type GO SWREG and follow the instructions. Using the keyword search, search for 'TamTech'. You will need to order 1 copy for every 50 users. For example, if your company has 150 network users, order 3 copies (and you will be billed $105). You can use the chart above as a reference. If you would like to order multiple copies (for several sites) instead of for more users at one site, please Email us through Compuserve and explain how you would like it broken down. We will be happy to accept purchase orders. You can either mail them to us, fax them in, or call the order in and give us the PO number over the phone. Order Form: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To print the order form, run 'ORDER.BAT' by typing: ORDER Paying via VISA or MASTERCARD: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tamalpais Technologies now excepts VISA and MASTERCARD. to pay with by credit card, simply print out the order form (by typing 'ORDER' from the DOS prompt), fill it out, and fax (or mail) it to us. Please be sure to sign the form. We can also take your credit card order over the phone. The BBS registration system (at (415) 927-5529) can be used to register using credit cards. Tamalpais Technologies Complete Satisfaction Guarantee ... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Login Checker comes with a 60 day money day back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the product for any reason, Tamalpais Technologies will refund your money in full. Simply call or write TamTech within 60 days of purchase. Suggestions / Support: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ We welcome suggestions for improved features for The Login Checker, as well as ideas for new utilities you'd like to see. We already have some idea's we are playing with for future releases, such as automatic path correction (so that when you logout your path is returned to it's healthy state), message ability - so that the System Administrator can notify the user what server they are logging into, etc. To contact us, write us at the above address, send us a Compuserve Email (to 73257,2166) or call Tamalpais Technologies at (415) 927-0333. We would like to here from you, so please do write or call us and tell us your compliments, problems, or new feature ideas. You can also reach us at your Internet account: tamtech@well.com Or our American Online Account: TamTech Disclaimer: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This software has been tested thoroughly and is believed to be free of problems, however, software is one of the most complicated kind of product produced by humans. No person can be absolutely and completely certain that a piece of complicated software will work in any given machine and environment. Therefore, you are completely responsible for determining the fitness of this program and Tamalpais Technologies and it's staff are not liable for any damages. Trouble Spots (Common Problems and Frequently asked questions) ... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ There are a couple of issues with this version of the Login Checker that may give you trouble: Q.) When I run the Login Checker, it stay's in a loop and never atempts to Login. Why is this? ====================== A.) This is usually caused when someone has changed the name of Novell's LOGIN.EXE file and did not change it in the TTLOGIN.CFG file. The name of Novell's login must be entered in the TTLOGIN.CFG file. Intel Landesk Manager ===================== The older versions of Intel's Landesk manager had a version of LOGIN.COM that did not work with the Login Checker. The current version does, and they will send you a new copy for free. Please call Intel's Technical Support and get an update. Netware 4.x =========== This version does not work with version 4.x of Netware. If you have version 4.x of netware, call us and we will put you on the list to notify you when we get the Login Checker working with that release. Are you a Catalog, Shareware Distributor, or BBS? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Please see the VENDOR.DOC file for information about terms and conditions for distribution of the Login Checker. About Shareware . . . ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shareware is a concept of "Try before you buy" software. It allows you, the customer to look at and use software before purchasing it. This program is the full working version of the Login Checker, it is not crippled in any way. Shareware works because people share good programs. If you like the Login Checker and it works for you, give a copy to a friend! We at Tamalpais Technologies live off the proceeds generated by shareware sales. Your registration allows us to create more products. Thank you for your support. Assocation of Sharware Professionals: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ¿ ³ (R) Äij ³o ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÐÄÄ¿ ³ Association of ³ ³ ³ÄÙ Shareware ÀÄÄij o ³ Professionals ÄÄÄÄÄij º ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÙ MEMBER "This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536" .