Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 22:37:39 -0600 From: Miles F. Attacca Subject: Information on the "Phirst Amendment" ezine collection Jason: First off, of course, I've got to say I love TEXTFILES. Lots of nights sitting in front of the computer screen reading that stuff. :) I'm a 90s kid, and I do wish I coulda been around back then. Even without all the cool stuff online today. Secondly, I was unusually attached to the five issues of "Phirst Amendment" you have archived on TEXTFILES (, due mainly to the odd devotion of the authors to their magazine in investing time, money, etc. I finally uncovered on Google tonight the reason for issues numbered 1, 4, 9, 10, and 19. According to the "Computer Underground E-Pubs" page at nt/, the five issues were numbered using a hex system. So 1 is 1, 4 is 2, 9 is 3, 10 is 4, and 19 is 5. (That doesn't make sense to me, seeing as base-16 goes 0-F, but perhaps it offers some kind of explanation to someone.) The dates line up for the talk in the issues of it being a monthly publication, including the notes of delays up to the last two issues. (Shame they apparently didn't make any more; they were talking about relocating to some offshore country, but God knows what came of that.) Anyway, maybe some new material for the index page of 1A. Jon A. .