8/15/89 TO: All Users SUBJECT: Written Statement FROM: Sysops for Responsible Modem Use Users of the Modem Community, The decline of modem responsibility is a growing problem within our community today. Some people are abusing their BBS calling privileges and causing problems for the ones who are not. Because of this problem, THE SYSOPS FOR RESPONSIBLE MODEM USE was formed, and met for the first time on August 13th, 1989 at 1:30pm. This group is a unity of GBBS sysops in the Houston area. It seemed there was not enough communication between the GBBS sysops, and that was what this meeting was to remedy. The meeting was highly successful, and all of us agreed on a number of actions and ideas that must be carried out. To make a long story short, we, the SYSOPS FOR RESPONSIBLE MODEM USE, have had enough bickering and abuse from some users in the Houston area. We are FIRM believers that calling a BBS is a privilege, not a right. In order to protect all the Bulletin Board Systems involved with this group, we are going to increase information exchange about problem users in great detail. This will help keep all member sysops informed of situations on other systems, and warn them of any problems that be heading their way. There is no pressure on any or all sysops to handle situations one way or the other. All actions on a sysop's system are determined and carried out by the sysop. We firmly believe that a sysop should run his/her system the way he/she wants to, and should not be pressured by other sysops. This information exchange will simply help the sysop make a decision about a problem user. The following are a few points and definitions that need to be explained: PURPOSE OF THE SYSOPS FOR RESPONSIBLE MODEM USE: To increase information exchange between member sysops to better deal with problem users of the GBBS Community. "Problem User" : Any user who willfully abuses another user, system, or sysop publicly, whether this abuse is verbal or with actions of another nature. (This includes crashing of systems, etc.) GROUP POLICY: As of August 13th, 1989 all users within the Houston area are starting with a "clean slate" so to speak. We will not judge users by their past actions. Some sysops have personal problems with users that are currently being handled and the group as a whole will not take part in these proceedings. Whatever personal problems a sysop may have with certain users we beileve is of a private nature and the group will take no stand either way. But, if the problems do overflow onto other systems and sysops, the group will stand behind any actions that may occur within the group's limits. If a user becomes a problem on one of the group's systems, ALL information about the user and his actions will be relayed IMMEDIATELY to the group's private forums for all the sysops of the group to review and comment on. This will give ALL SYSOPS OF THE GROUP information about the user and what kind of person that user is. ** THIS GROUP IN NO WAY SUPPORTS THE OLD METHODS OF BLACKLISTING OR "TELE-TRIAL" IN ANY SHAPE OR FASHION. Contrary to popular belief, there is no large blacklist with names that we plan to wipe off the boards in Houston. This was never even discussed. We believe in giving everyone a fair chance to "shape up" if they do become a problem. That is why we are "wiping the slate clean". In no way are we trying to decide the fate of the modem world as some people have tried to label us as doing. We have no right to do such, but we do have the right to dictate what happens on our systems. That is the point we need to stress to any and all users of the GBBS community. We hope we will have your full support and cooperation. Sincerely, THE SYSOPS FOR RESPONSIBLE MODEM USE Lord Capulet Dark Side of the Moon Old Gray Hair Little Apple Board Disk Doctor Club Apple Steve Ragsdale Rooftop Hide-way Tumbleweed The Houston Times Will MC The Citadel DKL Chameleon King Kelson Charter Member Sysops for Responsible Modem Use .