Welcome to The Rooftop Hide-Away Connect at [2400] baud??? The valet takes your car keys and rolls your new car away. You enter the large building and walk to the elevators. They arrive and you board these chrome and glass beauties. The building has eighty-five floors and while most people go to an obnoxious bar on the top floor, you know better. Since you are alone in the elevator, you move your hand above the top row of buttons and place your fingers just an inch above the "85". You hear an audible signal that your body heat has been detected over the hidden mechanism. You wait as the elevator motionlessly and noiselessly rises. After a minute, another soft tone signals your arrival on the building's top. The doors open, you walk a few feet, and stand in front of a burgundy, featureless wall. An alphanumeric keypad rotates from the wall as a voice from nowhere in particular says... Enter Your Private Membership Code: User Number or NEW --> Enter Password --> Verifying Account... Enter the last 4 digits of your phone # (###)-###-#### 8/10/89 I would like to let everyone know that our 100,000th caller was Corgi's Mom 7/29/89 at 1:21:45 PM I was away on vacation and did not get any contest up for the 100,000th caller but I think we should at least congradulate her for being # 100,000. Not too often do you see a board reach that many calls. On another subject, some of you may have noticed that there is a board in town called TURD that has been causing some porblems. It seems they have even gone as far as to use our own logon message in a different format for their own board. They do not like our standards here on Rooftop Hide-Away and have made their feelings known publicly. I would just like to let everyone know that we here on Rooftop will not tolerate and kind of threats for actions taken on this board by myself or any Asst. Sysop. I will add the rules of this system at the end of this posting and I suggest that everyone read them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few rules that I would like all of you to abide by. 1: I do not allow bad language on this system. I have 2 kids and they are both interested in the computer so keep the language acceptable. 2: I do not want any messages posted on the public boards pertaining to any- thing illegal. What goes on in E-Mail is your bussiness. I will not be held responsible for something a users posts on this board. 3: User fights are not allowed on the public boards. Anyone abusing another user on the public boards will recieve one warning and loose some of his privilages on the board. 4: Anyone found to have more than 1 password without a good reason will loose all access to this system. Anyone needing 2 passwords needs to talk to me and I will decide if it is a good reason. This system has a lot of potential. We are averaging over 3000 calls and 2000 messages a month. There have been up to 400 validated users and everyone to far has been doing a very good job. Remember that it takes both you and I to make this a great board. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rooftop is here for anyone to call and use anytime day or night. We do have rules here that require you to post messages to gain access to the online games and chat hall. We do not tolerate user abuse or foul language. After that, it is easy. If you cannot live with these rules, then take this number off your dialing list and start calling a board that fits the desires you have that cannot be maintained on this board. Remember, you called us, we did not call you....... Steve Ragsdale .