The TURD file on Rooftop Hypocrisy, Part II Captured by one of our senior users From Rooftop: Msg -> 5 of 6 on Lobby Sub -> so long To -> all From -> THE RAVEN (#250) Date -> 08/11/89 04:03:05 PM As of this message, I will no longer be serving as Assistant Sysop for Rooftop. Recent events have made this decision necessary. BBSing is supposed to be a hobby, and that's all I want out of it. As a result of my actions as Asst. Sysop on Rooftop, some serious invasions into my private life occurred. That kind of stuff is not supposed to happen with a hobby, and such a situation, for me, was intolerable. To those who think I'm backing down, I'm not. But you're entitled to your opinion. To those who have offered assistance and support, I thank you. [B1 #5 of 6] ? or Cmd [N]#R Msg -> 6 of 6 on Lobby Sub -> Re: so long To -> THE RAVEN (#250) From -> SYSTEM OPERATOR (#1) Date -> 08/11/89 04:27:12 PM As you see by the previous message, Raven has stepped down as Asst. Sysop here on Rooftop. I have also removed all other Asst. Sysops from Rooftop for the time being. I will reinstate Asst. Sysops when the time comes and the tempers that have flared are gone. I am sorry to loose Raven as an Asst. because he stood up and carried out every detail I had asked of him. He acted in every manner as I would have done myself. I am also sorry that the other parties involved were so immature as to carry out threats against him and his family. We at least hope he stays around here as a user. As Sysop here on Rooftop I do not intend in any way of turning my head for the actions taken by the users on TURD. If you are a member of TURD, and a member here, you probably have a very short time left here. We are in the process of making a couple of changes that will terminate your account with us by the actions you make here or there. Anyone found to be making rude or slanderous remarks about Rooftop on Rooftop or any other board will be deleted. We are a public service and will remain such with rules to be followed strickly. I will not in any way allow any Asst. on this board to be harassed or humiliated for their actions on this board. I am the person that runs this board and I pick Asst. Sysops that carry out my reasonings. If you cannot deal with these requirements, I suggest that you go ahead and find a board that you can call that lives up to your expectations because you will not be here much longer. Steve P.S. Anyone interested in acting as a future Asst. Sysop, leave feedback and I will keep your file on hand. Note to all concerned: Steve Ragsdale, SysOp of Rooftop Hide-Away, has threatened our former sysop, Royal Flush, and his parents, and our users. He also assures us that he "has people" on TURD. Let it be known that any more such actions will be viewed as actions of war where the weapons are hands, and anyone participating will be treated as such. Anyone found working for the Rooftop Hide-Away with malintent toward TURD, its SysOps, or users, will be treated as a spy/combatant and will have to face the penalties for such actions during wartime. P.S. - Since Steve has insisted on calling us at home, and pestering us, we figured that maybe you'd like his phone number and address in case you need to get in touch with him. Steve Ragsdale 646 Overbluff Channelview, Tx 77530 (713) 452-4939 (home) (713) 452-0346 (board) .