881020 -=+-=+-=+-=>Editorial<=-+=-+=-+=- DICK CAVITT, GO HOME. Give us back WNBC. WFAN??? What IS this? We want our NBC. We want our NBC. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssSHUT UP AND:ssssssssss ssssssssssssssTYPE YOUR TEXTsssssss sssssssTEXT-PHILE!!!sssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssANOTHERssssssss sssEDITORIAL FROM the PRIMEssssss sssssssssssssANARCHISTsssssss I'm sick and foggin tired of catagorizations and compartmental- izations. This is one of the few (3 or 4) negative things I've seen to come from computer use/abuse/consumption/digestion. "Do you use a commodore or an atari?" was the common thought among 8bitters. It hasnt stopped. In fact, even between the 16/32's like the ST or the Amoeba, you see a lot of infighting. Is your modem Hayes or blah mode? 12 or 24 hundred nibbles per nanosecond? Is your screen 80 or 132 column? Even among the elite, I have seen some stupid generalizations/judgments/ eyeball-chewing. Are you a hacker or a phreaker? Telenet or Tymnet? Unix or Zenix? What this essay is trying to get across by the end of its writing is this: IT DOESNT FUGGIHM MATTER!!! I've seen a bright individ on an apple 2+ get more resultz on my BBS than an Amy 2000er!!! I've seen an 8bitter do power-more than your basic mac 2 freak. Cygnus has a good analagy for us all. It aint the machine, says he. It's the operator. I wonder if he still feels that way now that he's moved from his cp/m on up to the amy 500??? I bought my first computator for one thing only. WP!!! (word processing). It was a portable computer that I could bring to the ball park, jot down a few things, and then go home and print it out. Then I got a desktop kind of thing that could rest at home, and be there when I wake up. Sort of like a wife. Hmmm. Somewhere before that, I already found how I could get the two together. Then along came a nice 3/12 modem for my desktop. Thanks to that educated 60 dollar decision, I can now grab a soda at that ballpark, and set my laptop on the payphone and send the stuff to my desktop. Something I want you to work on. STOP FIGHTING AMONGST YOURSELVES AND START MOVING TECHNOLOGY FORWARD instead of worrying whether someone is a commie/atarian/amoebite/applehead/Ibeamer. .