9709011236 Thanks, Ground Zero. And now for the Prime Anarchist Productions #'s run. PAP, as you know, is a subsidiary of NOPE and Nope, it's not Sunday. It's Monday, September 1, 1997. 9am believe it or not. We begin our numbers run (a short one this week) - Wait! There's that Royal "we" again. To hell with that!! No more Royal we, no more Royal we. Long live the Royal we. I'm the only one writing this column, so for the rest of this article, yours truly, Prime Anarchist will refer to himself as "I." heheheheh. We are not amused. OK, why so short? I didn't have a lot of time to hunt stuff down. Why you might ask. Because "I" have been spending the last 3 days straight (almost literally) getting the all new ATI web page started. That's right, you heard it here first. That's right; Angelfire Communications Corporation decided to sponsor us with a free web page. Go look at it. http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/ATI.html Teaching myself HTML is really fun. Carl of Franklinsnet helped with the graphics. OK, so here's the #'s run; and then on to news and stuff. http://www.amazon.com review your book, review someone else's. http://envirolink.org/mcspotlight/home.html Find out what's new around E-Coli hell. http://www.queenbee.net/members/pieman Get pied, or just look like one. http://www.netvideo.com/nobody This November let's put Nobody in The White House. OK, I guess we can Wait until the 00 year. But we'd Better hurry up and put Nobody in The White House. Casa Blanca. There were no letters to the Editor this week. Got a really weird letter Thursday, but we won't go into that. "If I shaved my..." well never mind, I said "we" wouldn't go there. CALENDULA - Sept 3, 1964. The Wilderness Act was passed. Sept 5, 1887. Crazy Horse was assassinated. Sept 8, 1763. Stephan Glotlov lands on Kodiak Island demanding Tribute for Empress Katherine's horse. They refuse And attack the Russians driving them back to about Where Alaska's farthest finger sits. Sept 9, 1919. Boston police strike. UPS workers loot for 3 days. Sep 10, 1997. Quarter moon. Give part of a howl. Sep 15, 1995. Largest mass arrest in US environmental history. 1,033. Wow. 14 to a cell? Sep 16, 1971. Greenpeace sets to sea for the first time. 1997. Full moon. Arouuuuuuuew. Sep 18, 1987. Pope John Paul II tells native American's to just Forget the past in a Phoenix, AZ speech. Sep 22, 1997. Equinox. Sep 23, 1997 3/4 moon. Sep 27, 1995. Clinton signs Salvage Rider into law."Scarey," says A local owl. "Where will I live?" Sep 30, 1882. First hydroelectric plant, WI. Oct 22, 1936. Bobby Seale born. Anyone know if that's New Haven? Nov 12, 1974. Karen Silkwood dies. Dec 4, 1835. Hot time in old town. Manhattan burned down. Or Were they referring to Chicago? London? Hmmm... Jan 10, 1901. Oil discovered in Texas. Jan 24, 1848. Gold discovered in California. Feb 1, 1960. Civil rights sit-ins begin. Feb 4, 1913. Rosa Parks born. Feb 17, 1778. Fernando Sor born. Feb 20, 1770. Fernando Carulli born. Feb 24, 1893. Andres Segovia born. Feb 26, 1964. Prime Anarchist born. Feb 27, 1973. 200 people occupy Wonded Knee. Pine Ridge SD. Mar 24, 1997. Partial Lunar Eclipse. Each state in a word. Or two. These are Prime Anarchist observations of the states we call our etats unidos. I've left out the ones I haven't seen yet, naturally, and I also alphebetized the thing. This is NOT in the order I experienced them. OK let's say it was. I visited these states alphabetically, have good reading: Arizona Dry Colorado High Connecticut Tiny Florida Fire ants Georgia Y'all Illinois Urban Indiana Soy Iowa Corn Kansas Leavenworth Maine Yonder Maryland Small Massachussetts Down Country Minnesota Nord Missoura Close to Leavenworth Nebraska Cruisin' New Hampshire Yuh. New Jersey No grass. New Mexico Adobe New York People. North Carolina Navy North Dakota Buffalo Ohio Columbus sux Oklahoma Fort Sill Pencil Vein Yeah Construction Rogues Island Tiniest South Carolina Army South Dakota Hot Springs Texas Cow oil Vermont Cow milk Virginia Hills West Virginia More hills Wisconsin Cheese milk Wyoming Missiles ------------>This list was NOT brought to you by Visi-Calc<-------------- disclaimer: The story you are about to read is to be completely ignored. I wrote this while Princess Diana was merely injured in a car crash. She hadn't expired yet. 4 hours later I learned of her death. Dead. I can't make fun of the dead. So until someone figures out the Zombification drug and brings her back to life, IGNORE THE FOLLOWING: Princess Diana dumped her car in the Chapamaquody River last night and lived to tell about it. She swam all the way to the Atlantic where the currents took her right up the east coast to the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. She was found beached next to a dumpster behind a Pizza Hut on Brookline Ave. Now her boyfriend didn't fare so well. He was aparently trapped in the car until it reached the Federal Trades Commission building. He was thrown from the car and spit onto the beach like Jonah out of the whale, pronounced dead and promptly Knighted in a sunrise ceremony by Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd. While Princess Diana is somewhere between critical and really bad, Senator Kennedy is somewhere between Scarborough Beach, RI and Kennebunk ME. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This just in Webster. 1936. - Scaphism. Punishment. Pouring honey all over a convict's body and letting insects eat at him or her until s/he dies a slow tortured death. ... .. ... ... Smash your Television but keep your modem. For the revolution will not be televised. But it sure WILL be implemented on the web. .