971005 OK that said, it's TTYme for my column and then on to running numbers and dates. HMMM. OK. NUMBERS DATES AND WALNUTS. NUMBERS DATES AND WALNUTS. We're Beatrice. Brought to you by H&R Bloch, Tandycorpse, and Michigan Bank. Princess Diana is dead, get over it. Brooke Shields should have been driving that car. She said it herself. Shut up Brooke. You would've choked on your american cheese, whitebread and mayonaise sandwich the minute those motorcycles started chasing you. You wouldn't've hit that telephone pole you would've swerved to miss that doubledecker bus full of schoolchildren and dumped it in the THAMES with all of you dying; you wrinkled old ex-lolita brat. Shut up! I'm so sick of television. Will someone please take out their webtv and shut the flogging thing down? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze? This is not a joke: How many websurfers does it take to sign a guestbook? ans: The current statistic is 1 in 50. Dear HumanLifeForm CarbonBased, This is a hand-generated computer-sent email-message to let you know that the URL you requested http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/ATI.html has been updated. If you did not request this update or wish to not receive any further advances, simply write UNSUBSCRIBE on a cocktail napkin and hand it to someone tonite. -THE MANAGEMENT- Beginning fiscal 98 all vegetarians will be able to continue calling their cost of living adjustment (ie: 4% payraise) a "cola." So drink up. All meat eaters must begin calling it a cost of living INCREASE. "Coli." Eat up... What do 3,47, 567, 6897, 7892, 432675, and 23 have in common? Silly... They're all numbers. .