980723.txt A few months ago I watched movie footage of indigenous Mayan people being relocated by military and paramilitary forces in much the same way Navajo and Hopi people had been abused in the 1940's, 70's and late 90's. From that day until last weekend I've been wondering "what besides uranium 238 ("entonces" plutonium 239) could be under that land???" I've been asking everyone I've encountered who might know if there could possibly be uranium in Chiapas. No one seems to know. And then it happened last Saturday that a Mayan man gave a lecture in Madison, Wisconsin describing all the resources under the indigenous people in Chiapas. O N E O F T H E T O P 3 W A S U R A N I U M ! ! ! Perhaps there is enough in the three "veins" he described to repay the debt to the US Government? Perhaps that is the real reason NAFTA was passed? Perhaps the Mayan people should be some of the richest humans on this earth instead of the most abused, hungry, poor and tired... \this has been an opinion of the prime anarchist\ \this has been an opinion of the prime anarchist\ \this has been an opinion of the prime anarchist\ \this has been an opinion of the prime anarchist\ a couple poems by the Prime Anarchist "because when there's nothing else left, metaphor is k00l." TARA Tara you played fair And that's just not fair. After my heart Tara, You know there's no more there. 7 card no peek; and I did. Checkin' her out on a quarter bid. She took me for 75, A friendship bracelet; And my ackey brakey heart. I'm seein her once more And she's callin out my name. She took my heart Pray she don't ask for a diamond. In this game they call hearts Tara, what a way to start. Methinks I like gofish better. TALVEZ ALGUNDIA Someday my hands might die before me. When if then, Please surround me with guitarists That my muse can live longer. If it is my feet first, Please to have dancers come constantly. Mostly girls So my heart can live longer. .