9809130100 PAO NOODLES - A PRIME ANARCHIST OPINION. (PUBLISHER'S COLUMN) Greetings. And welcome to ATI144. The "gross" issue. It's 1am, Sunday, Sept 13, 1998 in the year of our Which Hunt. Can I state my opinion? Clinton's going down. Fine. Too bad, He always gave great hugs. Always so generous with his wonderful paraquat-free kind, smooth skunk-weed; and his acid never had any strichnine in it. I don't give a rat's bad tripp about Monika, Paulette, or Tammie, Meg, Beth, Jamie, Trish, Marcia, Megan or Linda. I've now received more than 20 "secret" emails here at ATI headquarters, with reason after credible reason why Clinton should be impeached -- and some or NONE (closer to 0) have anything to do with encounters of the sexual kind. He needs to go, but, I'm going to say something really strong here: Let me be perfectly unequivering (sic) - Along with Clinton, needs to go down: 1) more than 300 congress-people 2) over 80 senators 3) thousands of administrators 4) just about every justice besides Rehnquist. (surprisingly the only one who hasn't molested an underage girl, a mime, a lesbian woman or the first ammendment in the last two months. 5) Anyone else I forgot to mention. Why? You know why. I refuse to waste your time and mine listing all the transgressions - but I will state something personal which primarily picks my potatoes. William Jefferson Clinton has one ugly nose. It's heinous. I mean the honker from hell. A bulldog's better looking. Nixon's was humourous compared to that of the Hillary House-Husband. I mean it's half-way gin-blossomed already, for cryin' out loud. And if one more high schooler wakes up from her date-rape drug and smashes the heel of her hand into it; it's going to be cauliflower. OK now that I've taken us on this yummy rhetorical jaunt, can I ask you one question? When are we going to discuss the power-differential that got Clinton into this mess in the first place??? .