990424 Happy Birthday to Mumia Abu Jamal, Paul Ryder and David J - and a belated birthday to Abbie Hoffman, Alabama Sturgeon and Adolf Hitler. May none of you ever be forgotten. Even the yucky ones. Hard going down isn't it? Hi, I'm prime anarchist and this is my column for saturday, the almostfullmoon of april. The numbers run is short, we have a few short letters, and we've pushed back some of the others until next week, so that we can have room for the entire birthday present that Marcos sent to Mumia Abu-Jamal this afternoon. I publish the English version only for two reasons. 1) None of us are good enough at "traducciones" yet. Give us time! We're working treadmills on it - swear. 2) Too much more would make our weekly zine much fatter than we promised. OK there's a 3: There is a dream and a vision of this 'zine growing organically into a 100% bona-fide bilingual publication. No lip-service paragraph or two at the back "en espanol," no one or two best picture captions hoping that "THEY'LL get at LEAST THAT little BIT out of us..." The vision is that the tongue of this 'zine would once a week be translated evenly into two languages: ingles, y espanol; english and spanish. Until then, I (the zine) remain "anglo." For all who are "with this vision" I ask one thing. KEEP HELPING ME LEARN THE SPANISH IN THE OFF TIME!!! Domo Arigato, Muchas Gracias, Graci, Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, Thank you, thank you, thank you, -+=(prime)=+- .