991227 Happy holidaze everybody. I'm prime anarchist and I'm typing this on the text editor that comes with LINUX. Can't wait until I'm behind the learning curve running it myself!!! Thanx, Sisyphus for this editor shell. I guess I should say this issue in its entire T is dedicated to Sisyphus. & nice screensaver btw: I think I like the one in the middle best. Nite B4 last I played Santa Klauz. That was neato. I felt like the big phat red&white Kachina for two hours. The best part was knowing that for the moment, everyone believes in me. And even the ones who don't? Well for the moment, even they do too. Yeah! Go feel it sometime if you haven't yet. It's pretty awesome. & 2day was Kwaanza. Yeah, thank you Michael Bradford. Good stuff. Unity near the full moonity, in the community. Great to see. Great to be. One gospel song you don't want to sing a capella getting on an airplane right now - "There is a balm in Gilead." Prime! .