Notas Publisaris. Two months have slipped by. Prime Anarchist Productions has moved anudda state over. We've been invited to the Young Communist League's annual convention next week at Amhearst college. Well, PAP refuses to go NEAR another college for two whole months. From National Student conventions, CIA- off-campus marches, benefits for Guatemalans, lectures, divestment sit- ins, and the usual class attendance, this entity is about burnt out. Besides, they want ten bucks to "defray costs". That's not my idea of communism. Plus: I dont think we should scrap one lousy form of government for still another lousy form. I'd much rather work within and without THIS one. -pap- ********************************* * AMERIKAN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES * ********************************* AES c/o marco 210 mitchell st suite-f Groton, Conn. 06340 Yes. send me info about Abbie Hoffman's ___Steal This Book (1971 reprint- new intro) ___Steal This Urine Test (1987) ___Square Dancing In the Ice Age (1983) Start sending me: ___ATI (activist times, inc.) free introductory subscription. Send SASE and a couple extra stamps. (why not get rid of your 22's here???) Send info about: ___Guitar lessons by mail ___Infomaniack BBS (got a modem?) dial-a-joke 203-448-0318 boardwatch boardwatch boardwatch boa o BOARD- r a WATCH!!! d rd boardwatch boardwatch boardwatch (like a whalewatch but much more exciting!!!) For those of you who have no clue what a bbs is all about, here's a real treat. This month you get to spy a bit upon one of Amerika's mostest elitest hottest board's: Infomaniack. The bbs that begot ATI-- Activist Times, INC. One unique section to Infomaniack Bulletin Board System that didnt hatch til Sysop fled the Rhode Island nation, in search of work and something to rag on at General Dynamics, Eclectic Boat Derision happens to B. the drug section. Titled "Ganja", it opens a forum for all kinds of gab. Here's a look: [Board: GANJA] Msg # Reagan Author BUBBA JONES To All Posted Sat 23-Dec-57 4:41:53 am Actually, he was smarter than you give hime credit for. First His Party engineered the decrease in budget,then when people noticed, the Great Communucator (SATAN?) restored less then was cut and came out looking great while everyone else looked like crap. The man is an embarassment! Msg # ganja Author yipster To prime Posted Sat 23-Dec-57 12:09:01 am Reagan visited the Coast Guard promising his full support in their "war" against drugs. Last January, he cut their budget 55%, and there s another 50% cut in the making. Msg # ganja Author prime To All Posted Mon 24-May-88 2:02:51 am By the way: This is the section for discussing drugs. Here is the spot for topics like NORML, a National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, High Times magazine, and etc. Today's hot topic is "Zero tolerance law". Reagan's most recent pet baby project. prime Another g00d section is "PHUD", phreaker's underground development. Rather than "hear" a description; L00K: Msg # trunks (elephants?) Author panther To All Posted Sat 23-Dec-57 4:38:01 am The following from a daily CAMA report is a few 800 trunks that have had a few failures...(but we all know a trunk is not considered bad until 20 failures or more)... so they should be boxable...lots luck... 800 423 2600 800 552 0653 800 562 5108 " " 441 7681 346 7707 548 9468 289 2737 345 0008 523 3334 225 6380 321 1163 333 9098 541 4453 445 3152 621 0756 826 4225 562 6350 ................................. . BUSH/NORIEGA FOR G.O.P. . . IN '88 . . ................................. Msg # lod Author Isaac Asimov To Prime Anarchist Posted Sun 22-Apr-88 9:17:30 pm Marco, Can you call John D and ask him to call my board? Zeshshsh (sysnote: to this I had to respond that I couldn't. There is no way I can get ahold of John Draper. Other things you can see online are assorted ramblings; Political discussion amongst all kinds of different types of dweebs, schtuph like that. In fact, Infomaniack even hosts a local warboard where the yokels can rag on each other and try to jerk some tears out of their phellow man. (sysnote I know that's kind of violent, but it's the first warboard New London County has seen since 1986 when the SECCC crew saw the likes of the Crotch Patrol, Verifier's early spatramblings, Sue's spellcasting, and kids a "coffee house" to come chill out agressively. hehehe Msg # leister times Author sysop or something To All Posted Sun 22-Apr-88 7:18:54 pm Hey all. I just got back from an enjoyable afternoon in Leister (sp?), Massachussets with my mom and my cousin. We picked up Denise, and she showed us around the campus. I got to check out the library, (really small), the police barracks, a 4foot by 9foot old pump-house, and the dorms. Wow, what a bunch of foxy freshmen and sophomore girls. At any rate, there was a swap meet going on in the next town over, held by the local chapter of Hell's Angels, and there was a fair going on in the next town from that held by the Rotarians. I love travelling. Seeing New England is a really neat thing. In the towns where my cousin's college is, there are still those old fashioned dugout types of things where you wait for your bus if it's raining. Every streetcorner had one. Neat. p a p / / / Msg # music Watchin Night Flight. First time I've seen that since about 1985. Good stuff. They're doin an expose about the 1960's and how it's about to repeat. I was talkin to A.H. the other day, and he was discussing that very phenomenon. "We're repeating the 60's with our clothes, our music, our poetry, our rallies. How come we can't start repeating the political thought too? That's why I'm bringing back STEAL THIS BOOK and DANCING THRU THE ICE AGE. If all goes well, I'll bring back WOODSTOCK NATION too." Msg # ati Author sysactivist To All Posted Sun 22-Apr-88 5:55:26 am This is the ATI base. The online magazine as soon as I get some drivespace. Hopefully it'll be a monthly tabloid as soon as ...... ..... finishes cracking the data disk to Newsroom. Til then here's the place to discuss TAP/YIPL, "Steal This Book" type stuff. prime GUITAR LESSONS: all styles. all levels. (203)448-0318 ear training, style development, creative stimulation. AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES The pap referral. BBS's to bother. Name Of BBS Phone Number Baud Rate =========== ============ ========= The Spacebar 203-739-3311 300/1200 Den Of Inequity 203-445-0084 -300-2400 Yankee Ingenuity 203-536-1812 -300-2400 One Byte 203-444-1597 -300-2400 Infomaniack 203-446-0785 -300/1200 Fantasia 203-859-3242 -300/1200 OSUNY 914-234-4060 -300/1200 Central Office 914-234-3260 -300/1200 YoYoDyne 402-564-4518 -300/1200 THE MANIACK VOICE LIST: === ======= ===== ===== 507 285666 Manuel Noriega. (charge is --- $1.84 for the 1st minute, and .79 each additional minute [they're poor I guess]) 823-9506 Cellular voice mailbox 203-447-4600 2 digit messaging 516-922-wine (9463) Dial a dirty Joke 0-201-644-2332 Call this collect. 1-800-anarchy Artrock T-shirts and posters 202-456-1414 Reagan's desk. 456-7639 Bush's desk. 203-536-0987 Loop checker generator. 202-363-1569 Robert Bork 703-951-8326 Louis Guiffrida (extremely racist. first author of the FEMA project!!! 206-428-1294 Always rings 212-677-2115 Always busy 212-564-4264 Back door to 1900 bridge (get a date over the tellie) 203-446-5324 Restricted phone of EB. 203-440-1023 Weird beeps. Any idea? Send any findings, sightings, thoughts, deletions, or nastygrams to: Marco PO Box 1211 Westerly, RI 02891 adadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadad sp A year of WHOLE EARTH REVIEW is s o just $20. po n Whole Earth Review n so PO Box 15187 so r Santa Ana, CA 92705-9913 r adadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadad gcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgccgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgc fcfc the MONTHLY MUSIC fcfc fcfc MUSTAFA fcfc gcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcgcg -a review or two "Welcome to the Jungle" -guns & roses The name reminds me of the old metal era. Taking something soft; offsetting it to something extremely hard. The song reminds me of the anarchy to come in this future coming up. Are they warning us of this summer? The year of the Dragon? Hmmm. Or are they just describing their tenement building before they hit it big. Hmmm. Listen to the lyrics; close your eyes. Name a ghetto neighborhood near you-- they're talkin about it. The metal is good, the lyrics are good, the producing/engineering is adequate. "Fast Car" -that black chick with knotty hair. The music was simple, the lyrics straightforward, the video was supersimple. The message is clear. Name your favorite soup kitchen: close your eyes. You live there, and want out. Need wheels? Tune in MTV. pppappnppapppsppoppnpppipppcpppppppppa n the Prime a s Anarchist answering- o n machine watch!!! i cPppApppppNppppAppSppOppNppppIppCpppp! The phollowing numbers will get you an answering machine in the (203) area code. Great for chain-fone-mail, playing them their message, showing off your guitar playing, etc. 442-4422 (all connecticut) 444-1825 444-6211 445-4954 536-2424 444-6855 443-4376 447-4600 739-8994 848-9256 443-8185 442-9806 447-2825 886-1483 739-3904 889-1326 739-0159 536-7960 449-1931 572-9913 536-9621 444-2262 887-9219 443-1712 599-4639 442-8579 Whelp, hope you liked this one. Last issue was 2 big months ago. Hopefully the next one will be within the month. Watch for a "special Boilermakers Strike issue". Should be a wild-raucous summer. I'm excited actually. This has been ATI, Activist Times, Inc.; the electronic version. (the only way YOU can get it free) bye-bye .