AA TTTTTTTT IIIIIIII A A TTTTTTTT IIIIIIII AA AA TT II AAAA TT II AA AA TT II AA AA TT II AA AA TT IIIIIIII AA AA TT IIIIIIII C I N T M C I E ! V S I S T ....... .Issue. . 14 . ....... Hello there. And welcome to the New and Improved ATI. 10-13-88 Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, cyberpolitical organization, trying to help you all, and us change the world radically, in less than two minutes increments. For more information, call ATI at 602-921-2484 Extention 432. ***Call these awe-fish-y'all ATI Host BBS's. autobahn 703-629-4422 Tales Gallery 203-834-0367 FOR SALE The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell 22.95 Survival Books 11106 Magnolia Blvd. Hollywood, CA 91601 ATI, changing the way people read for over 2 years. ATI, a freedom of freedom paper. ATI, a way of life ATI, More than just a newspaper, it's the rag read round the world. Activist Times, Incorporated; is produced, by Prime Anarchist, and Fah-Q, with a little help from Ground Zero, The Minuteman and Tales Gallery. Cygnus is creative consultant as per usual. We are always looking for contributing editors, by the way. Just drop us a line at the listed address. PAP, prime anarchist productions, numbers run, for this morning, 3:30 am. 1988 516-922-wine dial a dirty joke. 516-751-2600 2600 magazine 516-234-9914 New York newsline 800-ana-rchy artrock t-shirts and posters. 800-222-talk talking yellow pages 800-526-3366 jam demo hotline 800-692-8766 watson voice demo 800-759-talk skytalk 800-877-4700 sprint weatherline S800-344-4000 wallstreet newsline 201-644-2335 ap newsline for the blind 202-456-1414 Reagan's desk. 202-483-5500 NORML 202-363-1569 bork's desk. 203-771-4920 snetco newsline S203-324-3117 comedy shop newsline 203-447-4600 vmb 212-614-6464 center for constitutional rights 213-621-4141 southern ca newsline 303-443-7250 paladin press 312-368-8000 chicago bell newsline 313-223-7223 michigan bell newsline 412-633-3333 pennsylvania newsline 414-678-3511 wisconsin bell news 415-995-2606 Reality Hackers magazine 518-471-2272 New York Bell info 619-375-1234 time and temp 714-835-5111 orange county newsline 717-225-5555 Pennsylvania newsline 718-pan-ties p-o-t-m club 718-435-1199 new york newsline : / : / : /WELL I SEE that : /EB will be coming : /off strike soon. FAH-Q'S CORNER : /What can that mean ------------------/to the employers in the area? Well 14 that I talked to over the last week told me that 44% of their part time and 28% of their full time employees are EB strikers and that most of the plan to go back to work at EB when the strike is over. That could mean that there will be a lot of jobs open to the unemployed come next month, but on the other side, some of the employers I talked to told me that they opened those jobs to the strikers because they remember the last long strike and felt that longer exist when the strike is over. Two of the local taxi companies have almost all EB strikers as their employees. Now, some of them plan on staying o as cab drivers because the income can be good (500-700 a week) Most will retur to work because though the potentials there in the cab for good money is not always the case. There are bad weeks and good weeks and no benefits. So if you have a family to support there is a choice between making maybe 500 a week and a paycheck at the end of the week. You decide. When this strike is over I expect to see a few unhappy employers in the area for a while and if you are looking for a job there are certainly gunna be a lot of them out there. We at ATI, we're all for the strike, and now / that it's all over we would like / to see the families/ get back on their / feet. Thank you. : / : /WELL, ELECTION TIME IS : /almost on us again and :/who do you vote for? --------------Also who will vote. If you dont vote you better keep your mouth shut when it comes to the president because if you dont like him you COULD HAVE voted against him. Now that I have that out of the way let me give you a few of my thoughts about the US election process. We elect an official to office by voting. Well if everyond doesnt go out to vote the process wont work right. I mean if there are 3 million people and only 1 million vote doest that reflect what the publi as a whole thinks??? (on a united nations poll of 45 "democracies" based solel on voter turn out, the US ranked 45th) No. The poor and unemployed dont like t get out and vote because, "man I've been poor this long what makes you think voting will change anything". Well It could change a lot if all the unemployed and poor voted. Taxes. Well I dont care who gets in to office and on what promise he got there on. He will have to raise taxes to make the budget meet. You want more money for the roads, schools, police, and other things. Well where do you think that moolah comes from? The government doesnt pull it off the trees. And any candidate that tells you that he can run this country without raising any taxes is a fuckin lier and should get out of the race now because he lives in a dream world./ -Fah-Q- : / : / -------------:/ (APWN)Sprint-Thursday nite, Doc Telecom formerly known as Laser, was pretty much busted by Sprint. Telecom was selling his computer to someone when there was a knock on his door. Telecom's brother answered the door; Daniel M. Loredo manager Kansas City, and R. E. "Sandy" Sandquist, manager Denver. After the warrant schitt out of the way, they came in and looked thru all of Telecom's stuff. Upon seeing a disk labeled "Phrack 18, Phrack 19, FH.Exe" Loredo said it was incriminating. Telecom argued it was nothing more than text files. The Sprint reps then looked thru Telecom's weekly notes finding CBI accounts, trw accounts, and a citibank. But no calling cards. They wanted sprint codes, according to Telecom. "They can just suck," said Telecom, "my long dong silver here." Telecom says he was supposed to download sixty-five thousand (65,000) sprint FON cards the other nite. "hehehe. Well at least I knew there were a lot. It would take 30 megs of my drive." Sprint reps said they have his number and he was on their system for 19 or so hours. "Just think," said Telecom. "This same shit happened last year. Remember A local Telecommunications enthusiast named Cygnus says this pattern has been going on for more than 5 years now. Every year, around October, security people start making charges and they dont let up til around Christmas time. Almost as if they have to reach their quotas. "This is not good news," said Cygnus. -mf- (APWN)Washingtoon- The president convinces us that we are standing tall and looking good when actually we are sitting down, overweight, drinking beer, and eating pizza. This formula is not exactly what Tom Jefferson had in mind. He said, "enlighten the prople generally and Tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day". -prime- (0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) (0)telafonic news with (0) (0)(0) GROUND ZERO (0)(0) (0) special to ATI (0) (0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) ITT's Newsletter to customers has interesting information: One page of the newsletter cheerfully tells ITT customers in the state of California that beginning October 1, their intra- state rates will decrease by an average of 1 percent. Then, the next page of the newsletter announces that the California Public Utilities Commission instituted a surcharge on intrastate telephone calls in California to fund deaf and disabled communications programs, to be effective on, you guessed it, October 1st. And, the newsletter adds, the surcharge is being "passed along". This is reminiscent of an interesting incident last year regarding California intrastate surcharges and AT&T's long distance rates. In an incident last year, an AT&T intracompany memo stated that although they recently lowered them that their intrastate rates were too low and they had to raise them. So, they agreed to AT&T's proposal that the increase they were forced to implement would appear on customers' invoices in the form of a new surcharge that would be STRICTLY AT&T revenue! Ah, what blatant attempts to fool the consumer! In another development, Allnet instituted a new policy in which a $.90 per month "bill handling charge" is imposed on all customers who make long distanc calls, but whose charges amount to less than $10 per month. So much for the "We value your business, large or small" credo! -----------M------------- ----------U ------------- ---------S -------------- --------I --------------- -------C ---------------- --------S---------------- ---------E -------------- ----------C ------------- -----------T ------------ ------------I ----------- -------------O ---------- --------------N --------- To the tune of the Night Before Christmas: Twas an hour before Oprah and all thru New York No TV was idle, all employees stopped work. They all watched the lady discuss current affairs The studio audience was combing their hair. No one paid attention Nobody could care less They're too busy watchin that tent sized dress. This one guy stood up and started beating his daughter, Hey, it's not my fault he has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder!!! (APWN)New London- Political artist Faith Ringgold has spent the last three days at Connecticut college in New London, guiding "issue oriented" students in the art department to an artistic expression of their opinions on social issues. The six students working under Ms. Ringold's instruction are preparing a performance piece to be presented tonight at 8 in the East Dance Studio at the Crozier-Williams Student Center. Ms. Ringgold will also give a lecture titled "Faith Ringgold Talks About Her Art". "The students have been asked to become a character that represents an issue that will be very important in the year 2000," said Ms. Ringgold Wednesday. "They've come up with six issues or characters: apathy, God, nuclear winter, drugs, child abuse, and computerized memory loss." -------------------------. Peacenet. More than just . a bbs. it's your activist. database. a mainframe . with a mission. . Write or call: . Institute for Global . Communications . 3228 Sacramento Street . San Francisco, Ca. . 94115 . (415)923-0900 . ------------------------- COPY PROBLEMS I can't believe it. I went thru 4 copiers today trying to get "13" out. "We cant do that kind of stuff," one said. "This is hanging off .