AA TTTTTTTTTT IIIIIIII A A TTTTTT IIIIII AA AA TT II AAAA TT II AA AA TT II AA AA TT II AA AA TT IIIIII AA AA TTTT IIIIIIII C I N T M C I E ! V S I S T $$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ Issue $ $ 15 $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$ Hello there. And welcome to the New and Improved ATI with Tartar Fighting Agents. 10-20-88 Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, cyberpolitical organization, trying to help you all, and us as well, change the world radically, in less than two minute increments. For more information, write ATI, c/o Kelly BRO Box 94 Groton, Ct. 06340 FOR SALE The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell 22.95 Survival Books 11106 Magnolia Blvd. Hollywood, CA 91601 ATI, changing the way people read for over 2 years. ATI, a freedom of freedom paper. ATI, a way of life ATI, More than just a newspaper, it's the rag read round the world. ATI, browbeating for more than 40 minutes. Activist Times, Incorporated; is produced, by Prime Anarchist, and Fah-Q, with a little help from Ground Zero, We are always looking for contributing editors by the way. Just drop us a line at the listed address. PAP, prime anarchist productions, numbers run, for this morning, 2:48 am. 1988 516-751-2600 2600 magazine 516-234-9914 New York newsline 800-ana-rchy artrock t-shirts and posters. 800-222-talk talking yellow pages 800-526-3366 jam demo hotline 800-692-8766 watson voice demo 800-759-talk skytalk 800-877-4700 sprint weatherline 800-344-4000 wallstreet newsline 201-644-2335 ap newsline for the blind 202-456-1414 Reagan's desk. 202-483-5500 NORML 202-363-1569 bork's desk. 203-771-4920 snetco newsline 203-324-3117 comedy shop newsline 203-447-4600 vmb 212-614-6464 center for constitutional rights 213-621-4141 southern ca newsline 303-443-7250 paladin press 312-368-8000 chicago bell newsline 313-223-7223 michigan bell newsline 412-633-3333 pennsylvania newsline 414-678-3511 wisconsin bell news 415-995-2606 Reality Hackers magazine 518-471-2272 New York Bell info 619-375-1234 time and temp 714-835-5111 orange county newsline 717-225-5555 Pennsylvania newsline 718-pan-ties p-o-t-m club 718-435-1199 new york newsline : / : / : / : / : / FAH-Q'S CORNER : / ------------------- Due to the timeliness of this issue Fah-Q's corner is empty. Tune into ATI16 when Mr Q rags on the Department of Motor Vehicles or something like that. -Fah-Q- : / : / -------------:/ ***MAN EATEN BY LARGE CANOE*** (APWN)Quinektukut-- Holy Fuckin Shit! Those tiny little waves wailed on me. The boy scouts taught me how to paddle on a lake. I was NOT prepared for my canoe ride in Mystic Harbour this morning. Not at all. I think I travelled about 800 feet in an hour flat. My hands are still soaki wet. Wet from all the hard splash I had to do just to keep inside the Grumman. I'm facing away from this post I tied onto. I am going NOWHERE. Yet this landlubber still must look back behind him to reassure he's not going to smash into the pole he's tied onto. Pure science is that he's being pulled away from the post constantly. However eyes and settling stomach tell him the opposite. You look down beside you and you're travelling about 3 MPH backwards. Look anywhere else, you're going nowhere fast. Triceps are severely pumped. Feet and ankles are torn to shreds. Driving an '87 Chevy S-10, you dont know what a struggle is. Step onto the back of this Canoe and I will relax in front of you... watching. Waiting patiently as you throw your paddle around fighting the quarter-inch waves. Humbling. (APWN)Mystik, CONN-- Everything But The Stamp, a Mystic-based stationer has purchased the Inscribe System of computer-based calligraphy. The system involves a custom software program and a "lettering bed" to creat pen-and-ink lettering at high speed with quality consistency. The system will allow the calligraphing of invitation envelopes, placecards, certificates, awards, poems, and other special message items available from th stationer's shop on West Main Street in Mystic. yiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyi YI YANKEE INGENUITY COMPUTERS YI yi Wholesale prices on IBM yi YI systems. NO MARKUPS!!! YI yi Complete systems starting at yi YI $549. YI yi yi YI (203)536-1812 YI yiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyiYIyi -----------M------------- ----------U ------------- ---------S -------------- --------I --------------- -------C ---------------- --------S---------------- ---------E -------------- ----------C ------------- -----------T ------------ ------------I ----------- -------------O ---------- --------------N --------- To the tune of HARD DAY'S NIGHT BY The Beatles It's been a one horse town And I been lookin for escape It's been a one horse town And all the girls here look like apes. But when I get home to you, Who knows just what I might do To make me feel all right. You know I hate this place, It's just filled with pencil-necks. And it's worth it just to try crochet, Who knows what I might try next. But when I get to the bars, All I can smell is cigars, I need to feel alright. -------------------------. Peacenet. More than just . a bbs. it's your activist. database. a mainframe . with a mission. . Write or call: . Institute for Global . Communications . 3228 Sacramento Street . San Francisco, Ca. . 94115 . (415)923-0900 . ------------------------- PpPpPpPpPpPpPpPpPpPpPpPpPpPp OoOo AND NOW, A POEM OoOo EeEe by prime EeEe MmMmMmMmMmMmMmanarchistmMmMm War? Local or far away- Will it ever go away. I draw a peace sign in the sand, A crab bites my toe. I let him go. The woe of aftermath-- Can we hang? -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- a quote (who said that???) a quote -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- "That boo was excessively loud, Vern, can you add 5 seconds to me for that?" George Bush tongue in chic at the debates. (APWN)Associated Prime World Newz-- Phillip Morris is buying Kraft for 11 big ones. Cool. Now, maybe we'll see the necessary surgeon general's warning on slabs of Velveeta. -=+-=+-=+-=>Editorial<=-+=-+=-+=- DICK CAVITT, GO HOME. Give us back WNBC. WFAN??? What IS this? We want our NBC. We want our NBC. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssSHUT UP AND:ssssssssss ssssssssssssssTYPE YOUR TEXTsssssss sssssssTEXT-PHILE!!!sssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssANOTHERssssssss sssEDITORIAL FROM the PRIMEssssss sssssssssssssANARCHISTsssssss I'm sick and foggin tired of catagorizations and compartmental- izations. This is one of the few (3 or 4) negative things I've seen to come from computer use/abuse/consumption/ digestion. "Do you use a commodore or an atari?" was the common thought among 8bitters. It hasnt stopped. In fact, even between the 16/32's like the ST or the Amoeba, you see a lot of infighting. Is your modem Hayes or blah mode? 12 or 24 hundre nibbles per nanosecond? Is your screen 80 or 132 column? Even among the elite, I have seen some stupid generalizations/judgments/ eyeball-chewing. Are you a hacker or a phreaker? Telenet or Tymnet? Unix or Zenix? What this essay is trying to get across by the end of its writing is this: I DOESNT FUGGIHM MATTER!!! I've seen a bright individ on an apple 2+ get more resultz on my BBS than an Amy 2000er!!! I've seen an 8bitter do power-more than your basic mac 2 freak. Cygnus has a good analagy for us all. It aint the machine, says he. It's th operator. I wonder if he still feels that way now that he's moved from his cp/ on up to the amy 500??? I bought my first computator for one thing only. WP!!! (word processing). It was a portable computer that I could bring to the ball park, jot down a few things, and then go home and print it out. Then I got a desktop kind of thing that could rest at home, and be there whe I wake up. Sort of like a wife. Hmmm. Somewhere before that, I already found how I could get the two together. Then along came a nice 3/12 modem for my desktop. Thanks to that educated 60 dollar decision, I can now grab a soda at that ballpark, and set my laptop on the payphone and send the stuff to my desktop. Something I want you to work on. STOP FIGHTING AMONGST YOURSELVES AND START MOVING TECHNOLOGY FORWARD instead of worrying whether someone is a commie/atarian/amoebite/applehead/ Ibeamer. --------------------------() CITICORPSE. A COMPANY WITH NO RAISEN D'ETRE. ()-------------------------- Citibank has purchased the First Republic Bank Delaware for 158MIL. They closed their venture capital unit in California in may and are now reorganizing into two unita: venture capital, and leveraged buyouts. For the year 1987 their operating expenses was 8M. They paid 15.5M in interest against interest income of 22M. Other income was 6 against 4.5 in expenses. For some strange reason, their taxable income was only $240 thousand dollars Citibank declared a net loss of $1,138,000 for '87!!! Citibank owes 12 thousand to repurchase agreements, 11K to borrowed funds, 16K to their parent company, Citicorpse, 5K to their subsidiaries. According to sources, Citibank is party to various viscious lawsuits. Citibank's '87 loan loss provision was increased almost 2 1/2 times what it was in 1986, reflecting the uncertainty of fully collecting loans made to the 3rd world. The allowance for loan losses went from 1.2 billion to 4 billion dollars. And the man responsible for all this? John S. Reed. Call him up on the tellie and let him know what you think of how he's helped America get from a 1 trillion dollar debtor nation to a 2.6 trillion debtor in just 7 years!!! 212-559-1000. ========================= :THE ELEVEN COMMANDMENTS: : OF REVENGE from SCREW : : UNTO OTHERS by : : George Hayduke : ========================= 1) Thou shalt neither trust nor confide in anyone! 2) Thou shalt never use thine own telephone for revenge business! 3) Thou shalt not touch revenge 4) Thou shalt become a garbage collector! 5) Thou shalt bide thy time before activating a revenge plot! 6) Thou shalt secure a "mail-drop" address in another city! 7) Thou shalt learn everything there is to learn about the vicitm! 8) Thou shalt pay cash all the time in a revenge plot! 9) Thou shalt trade with merchants who have never heard of you! 0) Thou shalt never threaten thy intended victim! !) Thou shalt not leave evidence lying around, however circumstantial. Gfiles: (1-26, ^11),?,Q : 26 ************** ** Hootmon, **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** 30 / / / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / ATI than two minute / c/o Kelly increments. / BRO Box 94 - - - - - - - - - Groton, Ct. 06340 ***Call these awe-fish-y'all ATI bbs's One Byte 203-444-1597 AT-Tel 812-446-2881 Peacenet. (call 415-923-0900 for info) autobahn 703-629-4422 at the prompt type central and at the next select feedback and request access. .............................. . a point of view . . from . cygnus magus . .............................. I would like to introduce myself, you might have wondered who I was, or what relation I had to ATI. Not much actually, as a friend of Prime anarchist's and as a fellow telecom weirdo, I saw and helped edit some of the issues (and lose a few of them to the magical wonder of the disk god, only to be resurected using the help of the disk sector editor ...Number 9....Number 9.... ). I am not politically active, I am not socially active either. I proscribe to no particular ideology,philosophy, or religion. I simply observe things that I experience and try to understand them objectively (or subjectively ,depending on what mood I am in). You will be seeing alot of me in upcoming issues. I hope to display pros and cons of differant beliefs. I wish to warn you though, I have one simple belief. 1) Its my undying opinion that all people can do lots of damage to everything, armed with the faith that what they are doing is for the greater good. At first I didn't want this job. But in the end Prime bribed me, drugged me, and finally convinced me using the help of some girls, a goat, and a vat of vanilla pudding. If you want to send me questions, drugs, marriage proposals, bomb threats or small furry animals by the name of Fred . Please send them to address located at front of this file. Please include your name (or reasonable facsimile) with any question or opinion so I will know who to insult, praise, or forbid my children from marrying "Paradise is exactly like where you are right now, only much better." Cygnus everyday books ---------- an alternative bookshop (203)423-3474 120 Main St. Willimantic, Ct. 06226 ONCE AGAIN MY SPACE IS GIVEN AWAY TO THE HAPPY HACKER(412) Ever call a commercial chat line and hear a rather large number of male rather outgoing female on the line and why she was sooo friendly? The reason is simple. Usually in these situations the one outgoing, slightly seductive female voice you hear belongs to a woman who is paid to monitor these chat lines, but is also required to double as an actress, to pretend to be a regular caller on the line, and to coax male callers, through any methods needed, to stay on the line longer. Here, I give you an ATI first. Here I will publish exerpts from an employ- ees' manual which is distributed to female employees of a chat line company which operates chat lines all over the US, and abroad. Read on.. CHARACHTER PROFILE ALWAYS choose your opening charachter before opening your key! Your voice tone and charachter should match. Don't change names without changing your voice.If you're working with another monitor, you should listen for key phrases. Your charachter profile should be AUTHENTIC. You should remember EVERYTHING about your charachter profile. This includes voice tone, charachter's description and anything else you may have said about your charachter to a caller. We recommend that you keep a notebook of charachters you play. Examples of opening phrases: 1. Hi! My name is Peter Rabbit. 2. What's Happening! 3. Anybody out there? I'm sooooo lonely 4. Hey, Hey, Hey! 5. Help! Help! 6. Yo Baby, Yo Baby, Yo! 7. Hey, What's hoppin'? 8. I'm looking for a new love.. 9. Yo! Anybody there? 10. Good Morning! 11. What's it to ya.. 12. Helloooooooo.. 13. I'm going to sing if you don't talk to me (then sing if they don't) 14. Hey this is (Your charachter name), Im looking for (Anybody), what am I going to do?? INTERACTING WITH ANOTHER MONITOR This technique takes concentration. You must key in on certain phrases and build either toward it, around it, or take it somewhere else.If you change directions altogether, you must be aggressive. Interacting examples: If you're talking on the line with three men and another monitor enters and says, "Help, help!", if the callers don't respond, you would say: "What's that? Wait, did you hear that?" Monitor #1: What's wrong? Monitor #2: My husband tied me to the bed! Monitor #1: What! Is he a maniac? Monitor #2: Yes! I am afraid he is going to kill me! Monitor #1: Wait a minute, lady. How did you dial here? Monitor #2: (Crying and sobbing loudly) I dialed with my nose! WHEN TO TALK EXPLICITLY AND WHEN NOT TO Talking seductively requires a certain amount of finesse. You can talk this way without ever having to say anything sexual. There are different technique that you can use. We do not want to come across as telephone whores! There are some key phrases that will let you know when and if the client wants to talk explicitly. Seductive Examples: 1. What are you wearing? 2. Are you in bed? 3. Are you alone? 4. Do you like to talk dirty? 5. Do you like sex? 6. What do you do for fun? 7. Are you playing with yourself? 8. What do you like a woman/man to do for you in bed? These phrases will help you to know when to talk expilicitly about sex. If you start talking seductively and the caller hangs up, when he calls back, change characters and DON'T talk seductively. When you do realize that the caller is seeking that type of conversation, select the appropriate technique. WHEN TO AND WHEN NOT TO DISCONNECT A CALLER 1. ALWAYS DISCONNECT CHILDREN OFF ALL ADULT LINES without being rude. However, always mention they should call the TEEN line. 2. If a caller is talking sexually on the TEEN line, disconnect them AFTER mentioning they should call an adult line. 3. Do not disconnect callers because you do not like them. You are being paid to talk to the clients, not to have personal likes or dislikes for them. 4. Sometimes hecklers are fun. They brighten up the lines. Use your instincts and common sense, to decide whether it is appropriate at the time. Example: Heckler A person tries to take down a phone number and someone is shouting or singing while they are trying to do so, or someone is calling a name over and over, disrupting all conversation. VOICE QUALITY Charachters should be full in every aspect. Practice your voices until they are perfected. Concentrate on your voice control, voice tone, pitch, and also practice changing your pitch from high to low, and your voice tone from soft t caorseness, if possible. For those who have difficulty changing voices, try to think of it as singing, working with the scale: "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do". Change your voice any way possible- High, Low, Soft, Loud, Coarse, Trembling, Squeaky, with accents..... etc.- ANY WAY YOU LIKE- Just be different. TRAINING SUMMARY At the end of this training program, each monitor should be confident that he/she could have any customer calling back as many times as possible. You've learned every technique available about how to control your calls to the point that you know who's calling back and who isn't. You want EVERYONE t CALL BACK. Monitors who aren't able to get call backs will need to work harder at thei conversation. Remember, the final goal is to get call backs. caller not responding to your conversation quickly enough, get out of that charachter, an try another. You are selling a phone conversation, so your sales pitch is ver important. ****END OF TRAINING MANUAL EXERPTS***** Neat, huh? Many of the women you hear on these chat lines are simply paidto keep men on the line. Paid to feign interest in the callers, paid to coax male callers into staying on the line and calling back in the future. An yes, expected to talk very explicitly and even participate in phone sex and "domination" routines with the male callers, if the callers request it. In our age of crass commercialism, it's not surprising to see yet another form of human exchange, like the concept of a simple chat line, become prostituted in this fashion. Ah, the frontiers of free enterprise... Regards.. The Happy Hacker +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+++++++++++++++++++++++ new, except that we here at ATI all miss Prime Anarchist very much. And also, a few things. As most of you know, a very well-known hacker by th handle of Doc Telecom (formerly Laser) got busted in the San Jose area. It's uncertain as to what his fate will be, and I'm concerned. I'm also concerned about what's going to happen in the hack/phreak world these days. With the recent development of the virus that spread through- ou many computers in the nation, it seems that the media's attention will soon be turned full force on telecom enthusiasts. It's been rumored that the 804 bridge has been taped and will be broadcasted this week (week ending 11-19-88) negative image will be portrayed, as usual. This will create a backlash of even more negative public opinion, and perhaps even more "crackdown" efforts o the part of the authorities and security personnel. By the way, it's late Sunday night, and so far I've seen 2 talk shows regardin computers, mainframes, viruses..and hackers were even mentioned. In any event, watch "20/20" this week. Tape it if you can. Somehow, I get th feeling that there is truth in this rumor, and I am sure a great deal of discussion will result. Opinions? Comments? Email me on The Phoenix Project: 512-441-3088. P.S. If I'm wrong about "20/20", I need a volunteer to help me wipe the egg of my face. Heh.. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Watch for some really k-rad coming attractions, such as Ground Zero's tour of the more interesting parts of New York, and information on one of the most infamous institutions of our great nation.. and the world! (Suspense is killin you, eh?!) ++We want your input!!++ Write to us. Let us know your comments, and suggestions. If you have something to contribute, do send it to us. Write to the address listed at the beginning of this file, or email any of us at any of our support boards. We'd like to ever print some of your correspondence in future issues. .