SPECIAL YIPSTER ISSUE **** ******** ******** ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** **a ** ** ******** ** c ** ** ******** t ivist times inc!!! vol. 3 issue 23 November-One-'88 ************** ** disclaimer **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** / / / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / ATI than two minute / c/o Kelly increments. / BRO Box 94 - - - - - - - - - Groton, Ct. 06340 ***Call these awe-fish-y'all AuTobahn 703-629-4422 ATI One Byte 203-444-1597 Host BBS's: AT-Tel 812-446-2881 Peacenet (415-923-0900 for info) # # # # ######## # # # # ######## # # # # PAP, prime anarchist productions, numbers run, for this morning, 8:32:29 am. 1988. 516-922-wine dial a dirty joke. 516-751-2600 2600 magazine 201-644-2335 ap newsline for the blind 202-456-1414 Reagan's desk 203-324-3117 comedy shop newsline 415-995-2606 Reality Hackers magazine 619-375-1234 time and temp. 415-923-0900 PEACENET. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . FAH-Q'S CORNER .. . . "I WAS JUST PUTTING litter . . in its place". .H . . O . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . O . . T. . FAH-Q is the official . . . Irish Road Warrior . . . .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. A new class of person has been found lurking the streets of New York. The NOPIE. NOPIES are people that have vowed a personal NO to drug use but firmly believe that no one has the right to tell others whether they should do something to their bodies or not. NOPIES replace the yuppie for the following reasons. 1) yuppie was the me generation. NOPIE represents the nobody generation. In fact, they are even appointing Nobody as an alternative candidate to the ones currently runnin. 2) yuppies are extremely wealthy and seldom give to causes. NOPIES are sometimes seen being busted for picking up stoned hitch- hikers and consequently thrown in jail overnight as an accomplis. When given the chance between jail/fines/donations NOPIES oftentimes give money to NORML. 3) yuppies usually have high tech jobs like pissmonitor, or pissinspector. NOPIES are usually cited with putting battery acid in the samples, or selling their clean specimens to friends. All in all the NOPIE will be seen as a prominent force in the future of Amerikan activism. While status quo people and Party Liners "just say no", you'll hear an occasional "nope", come out of a smirky looking face. That's a NOPIE ($)($)($)($)($)($)($) ($)NOTAS MUSICAS!!! ($) ($)($)($)($)($)($)($) NOTES FROM THE TOAD. A New Haven Yippie Convention. ATI recently attended a Vicious Hippies/Wavy Gravy concert. It was phenomenal. Wavy Gravy started us off with his "Gong Bong". It involved sitting indian style in a circle holding hands. We were to breath in slowly and deeply thru our noses til we couldnt take any more in, then you let it out hissing thru your teeth. 14 times is an official GongBong, according to Hugh Romney, aka Wavy Gravy. He suggested we start out with just 7 since we're east coast, and cant relate to peace and harmony quite yet. The Yale dweebs got offended and demanded a chance at 14, so we did fourteen. Success. On the 14th "hit" you scream out whatever comes out your lungs, and the band (Vicious Hippies) takes the noise in and resubmits it as raucous rock-n-roll. And rock, they did. There was a pinjuggler off in the corner, and an old guy up front doing the swim to an Elvis tune. He did assorted other archaic dances to amuse the young crowd. Wavy Gravy was out on the dance floor waving a wammo bubble blower full of soap bubbles having a grand old time. I'd say the most unique part of their sound would be from the percussionist with his exotic instruments, and the keyboardist with his unmistakable Hammond organ mixed in with assorted synths. After about six songs of grateful dead type all out uninhibited dancing, we took a quick break for drinks or whatever, and out came Wavy Gravy. He brought out two chairs. One to sit in, and the other to hold his makeup kit. More than a musician, more than an activist, more than a standup comedian, wavy gravy is a clown. "Clowns are safe," says Gravy. "Can you say that?" he asks the audience. "Clowns are safe". He began putting on his makeup while telling us about times he took advantage of the fact that cops WILL NOT HARM A CLOWN ON NATIONAL TV. A peace activist in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, gravy is these days trying to stop a logging company in Norton, VT from doing their dirty work. They apparently got permission to do logging on thousands of acres that Gravy and "the people" legally purchased back in the 60's. The head logger is John Belued, and for more information on how YOU CAN HELP STOP THIS LOGGING SHIT, call Laura at 802-754-6695. He helped us dance to the Vicious Hippies, and he helped sing to some of their (his as well) songs. The least we can do is get him the people's land back, eh? He ended the show singing a few songs from his album with the help of the Hippies, and his helpers sold Tshirts, albums, and bumperstickers off in the hall. All in all, it was a good show. "Hey, how's this for the tourist problem?" said Radio Bob Fass. "Wavy Gravy gets dressed up real straight and buys a ticket to go on one of the tours We all get dressed up as cowboys and hold up the bus when it turns the corner into Second Avenue. We board it, pull Wavy off and hang him from the lamp post. Well, not really. We rig up one of those harnesses under his jacket just like they do in the movies." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :ATI, changing the way people : read for over 2 years. :ATI, a freedom paper. : ATI, a way of life, patriots / :ATI, more than just a - - newspaper, it's the rag / :of justice!!! / - - - - - - - - - - - TO THE EDITORS: Why is Manuel Noriega trading drugs to Bush for guns? JS (512) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :I was talkin to AH the other day,: :and he was discussing that very : :hysterical (sic) drug phenomenon.: : "We're repeating the 60's with : :our clothes, our music, our : : poetry, : :our rallies. How come we can't : :thought too? That's why I'm : :bringing back Steal This Book, : :and Dancin In the Ice Age : :If all goes well, I'll bring back: :Woodstock Nation too. : - - - - - : : : For Sale: : : Steal this Book : : Steal this Urine Test : : Square Dancin in the Ice Age: : Write: / :Contemporary Classics / :PO Box 15 / :Worcester, MA 01613 / - - - - - - - - - - - - "Quayle isn't qualified to lead the nation. How hard Mr. Bush must swallow when he talks about the senator's abilities!" --New London Day newspaper Comes the time Prime Anarchist must endorse the Duke. Michael Dukakis is the better of the two. Heck, he's not even the lesser of two evils. Some of the democrat platforms I dont agree with, but a little lobbying, and assorted other activism can help offset any of his ideas. Plus, he's gonna have some damned good advisors up there. Frankly, Bush scares me. There's nothing worse than having a KGB member leading the nation. Except the KGB's former leader!!! There's simply no excuse for secret leadership of the Central Intelegence (I refuse to spell this word correctly in that context) Agency. We have a definite conspiracy here. I heard Raygun the other morning saying he truly wants to repeal the 22nd Ammendment. "Not for myself anymore, but for George. I think when you're on a roll, you should have a chance to rule 3 or more terms. Not just two". I have a feeling the incredibly rich executive leader is gonna do some serious lobbying in his spare time next January. Scared? You betcha. Read Dukakis' platform entirely. If there's more than 3 things you dont go for, then by all means, vote Bush. Or go Libertarian. But please, if at all possible, let's have a democrat the next 4 years to offset these TERRIBLE injustices we've suffered, the last 7. I say, Dukakis is our only path this January. Wail, that's it for 22!!! Can you believe it? It was a short one, but chock full of great energy. Remember, you can get back issues real chepe to spread out at Grateful Dead shows, Moodie Blues concerts, etc. Heck, why not stand out in front of the post office alongside your WRL friends and pass em out. They'll feel supported. hehehehe. Prime .