HEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEY HEYHEYhey, hey, hey, it's ATI!HEY HEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEY **** ******** ******** ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ******** .... .. .. . 24 . .. .. .... Nov. 5, 1988 ************** ** RAGON!! **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** / / / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / ATI than two minutes / c/o Kelly flat. / BRO Box 94 - - - - - - - - - Groton, Ct. 06340 The nowfamous P A P Numbers run / / / for 8:40am 1988 516-922-wine dial a dirty joke. 516-751-2600 2600 magazine 201-644-2335 ap newsline for the blind 202-456-1414 Reagan's desk 203-324-3117 comedy shop newsline 415-995-2606 Reality Hackers magazine 619-375-1234 time and temp 415-923-0900 PEACENET -:-:-:-:-:-:- ATI Gets .reprinted from Sentimental ATi issue one. -:-:-:-:-:-:- MEGALOMODEMANIA by Prime Anarchist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is ATI's first hardcopy issue. ATI was born on an Atari personal computer February 9th when I returned from a New Jersey-Albany-NYC- Providence stint which was a direct result of the Rutgers Convention. Other issues will come out as needed. (you'll probably see us at a few Dead shows, Terence D'Arby concerts, and maybe a Celtics game here and there) But for the most part, you can only get ATI online, using your modem at Infomaniack BBS. (401)596-8338 If you feel you MUST DEMAND a printout of the latest activity online, send a SASE (a couple extra stamps inside might be nice too) to: ATI C/O Kelley BRO Box 94 Groton, Ct 06340 USA After interacting with so many hundreds of freethinking fellow humanoids I decided it's my obligation to use everything I do in life to positive ends. Which means my guitar, my personal computer, and my journalism skills had to be sold back to Free America. No more National Party Line letters to the editors, groovy love songs, or compuserve sex chats. It's time to live an active life. With trouble brewing in every single speck of our Earth, these are the times for activism. It is time for ATI. TO THE EDITORS: Why is Manuel Noriega trading drugs to Bush for guns? JS (512) (APWN) New Haven, CT--COVERUP, the movie was spotted for a week at a New Haven movie theater, so it's apparent that the writers were successful in getting it to show B-4 the elections. (a necessary event) But don't plan on seeing it at EVERY theater. They're gonna smite it as much as they can. Send all reports of where it's playing (a review if you want too, maybe even viewer response if you've got a good eye) to the BRO box. =========================== = info following brought = = on by a need for more = = real information =) = =========================== (APWN)CHINATOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . : CHOOSING A DOG :. . . . . . . : by The 8th Defendant:. . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . : "a how-to" :. . . . . . . : t-phile :. . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not much has been written about watchdogs. I've seen a lot about house pets, but not about guardian friends ...well here is some information I believe no one should do without... Just getting a pitbull or a doberman is not enough. Believe me, I know. You dont want a dog that's gonna run away when a robber calls, or bark needlessly waking the neighbors and getting himself shot. The perfect dog is quiet, loyal, and strong. I've scared the hell out of many a pitbull, and an aweful lot of dobermans, and on the otherhand, there are some neighborhood miniature Schnausers I would NEVER mess with. The most important things you want your dog to be capable of are, catching, and alerting, and waiting. S/he should have that feline characteristic of stalking. Nice and quiet, she snoops up, and catches the threat to your privacy. S/he should have a nice vicious bark that's reserved for emergency. You should know by your dog's tone that something's up so you can come right over. Your dog should then have the patience of a student activist. He or she should be able to wait at the enemy's feet, gnawing on his anklebone, taking lots of abuse til you get there armed with a gun/fone/plastique (whichever the situation necessitates). Two ways to check your potential dog follow: Run straight after him. Many a doberman will run away if he feels threatened. While a smart move on the street; this is not wise when defending land. If s/he takes 2 or 3 steps back, and digs in, that's your animal. Bark. If the dog starts going nuts, barking, and shouting, and wailing, s/he's not your pet. You want a quiet dog. His/her first reaction should be stepping up alertness. The ears perk up, the eyes start focusing, the back hunches up. The best dog will be sizing up the situation like a Navy Seal. If the dog reacts right to these two tests, go for it. You'll find your abode in good hands. Bye, for now. Catch you on the flip side. :by the 8th defendant: ***MAN EATEN BY LARGE CANOE*** (Con't) (APWN)Quinektekut--This is a continuation from ATI 15, and 16. That black and the Tan One and the one who is light from the far east will teach you to let go of your hatred. I cannot teach that. I cannot even learn it. All I can do is hold hatred deep inside my hollow. Inside-- where my stomach pits and aches. I hold it in and near my scalp there is an emotional brim where I can release it-- drop by insignificant drop. Her Lady pretended to be the one who will learn me to let go of my hate. "Don't touch," she said. "Not the time; soon." I wait for forever to finally come. Forever. We bid our dark friends "til next we gather". The witches in the sound by the race navigate us from the south; our left side. The westerly gods of wind push us back to the moutn of the thames. You tell me: I had my laugh; it's my turn to paddle. I smile, as I walk lowly to the back of our aguatree. I kneel and slice the wet ground with your dad's sanded and whittled two- by-four. You Swedish carpenters are all so pretty and finished. But the form overrides the function and I slow to start us up the bleeding Thames-- put my biceps and forearms and lower back into the act getting us almost to the plank that crosses over to the New Settlement. You lift the plank 3 inches, we float under. This is the Thames, remember. This is my vessel. I built her out of a sap. Carved her out myself, torched her up and waited for the Arsongods to finish. From the front you see, I have shaped her like My Lady... Tracy in all her frontal glory. From the back you will see the horse you rode in on. Little or no resistance, a tail to slice and keep us forward. She's our '87 beast. And she gets us from A point to B point. I turn her over and cover her with the quinektekut tobacco leaves. They are my padlock. I am a Pequot. I have hatred, but no mistrust. Night falls, "later", you tell me. You return. /...The / /section/ Shake Yo Thang, /of... / A Review. music / Salt 'N Pepa Live on Club MTV Not bad. These two girls are hot. They bring their dj along too. I forgot to jot down her name. They dance really good, but the strong thing about them is their lyrics. Totally new and fresh. Nice to see musicians being original. I'm sick of seeing blatant copies of Beatles, Zeppelin, Jackson 5, etc. Salt 'N Pepa is a breath of fresh air !!! ...J K Galbraith ON VOTING... "It is still extremely important that we have the democratic commitment that causes people to say: 'While I'm not important, I share an obligation with all other people to be collectively important'. This is part of the social obligation of the citizen." Although ATI is endorsing Michael Dukakis, that doesnt mean we are pushing him down your throat. Go for a local libertarian here or there if you have any running for senate, or house, grab a conservative here and there where your community needs it most. Say yes to some new liberals, or say no to some issues around town. Basically what we're saying, is: Please vote. Dukakis stands with workers. Secure Jobs, Fair trade and plant closing nitification, continued health coverage greater investment, renewed commitment, worker protections, stronger job safety, low cost housing, family needs package. Plus he picked a much better VP than Bush by far. YOUNG DETAINEES IN SOUTH AFRICA. A First-Hand Account. by Solomzi Davashe (APWN)--There is an incident that occured on my way to the Northern Transvaal, prior to the funeral of our leader, Peter Nchabaleng. I was arrested at a road block, dragged out roughly by a contingent of the Lebowa police with their SADF masters. They saw my UDF t-shirt. I was trampled down for a long time, my spectacles got broken, my wrist watch as well. I was later taken to the tent where you find the SADF. From the road block I was driven over bumps in a remote place, while in the back of the van. It was nice for the servants of terror, as they were laughing at me as I was going up and down and from side to side, there in the back... This is my experience at the age of 20. It is also the experience of my generation-- a generation that has known nothing but torture and suffering. WELL, THAT'S ATI24. WADDYA THINK? LET US KNOW. SEND ALL HATEMAIL, LETTERS OF CHARACTER REFERENCE/ASSASSINATION/ OR DISPUTE TO: ATI C/O KELLEY BRO BOX 94 GROTON, CT 06340 SEND STAMPS TOO. WE NEED STAMPS. .