HEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEY HEYHEYhey, hey, hey, it's ATI!HEY HEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEY **** ******** ******** ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ******** .... .. .. . 34 . .. .. .... February-sumthin',1989 ************** ** RAGON!! **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** / / / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / ATI than two minutes / c/o Kelly flat. / BRO Box 94 - - - - - - - - - Groton, Ct. 06340 to ATI34. Don't mind me, I'm in a bad mood today. Anyway, we have lots in store for you in this issue. We're going to make this one a long one, as we've got lots to say. But first, a few words on the state of ATI. Right now, there are a few BBSs that regularly receive ATI issues. But, I can't do all the uploading myself, so we need a few volunteers to help distribute ATI. We would like ATI to be uploaded to as many boards as possible, so start sending it to your local boards, if you feel that they can handle the fresh, biting, contro- versial style of ATI (Yes, we have come across some BBSs that prefer to censor the views expressed in ATI from their users! More on this in future issues..) Also, I am putting up a BBS in the next few days. As soon as I get the software working properly, the board will be up. Call 201-748-4005, and if it isn't up when you call, try again in a day or so. But it should be up by the time you are reading this. Also, note this: Tales Gallery's board is back up. But he lost all the ATI issues in a disk crash. Also, Audobon in 703 is down, so don't kall it.. Here are the boards that regularly receive ATI: The Pheonix Project 512-441-3088 At-Tel 812-446-2881 F/X Animation 201-368-0573 Ry-Lor's Den 201-759-2066 Edge of Existence 201-746-9095 Limelight Technologies 203-834-0367 The Red Phone 201-748-4005 (my BBS! Yay!!) The list grows regularly, as more and more people upload ATI to their local boards. If you are uploading ATI to any boards, let us know, and I will publish a more detailed list of boards that have ATI online in a few weeks. And also, from now on we will have a BBS spotlight in just about every upcoming issue as a regular feature. We will either feature a BBS, or have a brief article pertaining to BBSing. If you know of a BBS you'd like to see featured, let us know.. And here we go!! ***************** * bbs spotlight * ***************** This issue, we feature the BBS run by Greenpeace. Here's their ad: (submitted by Gordon Meyer) _________________________________________________________ EnviroNet The Public Greenpeace BBS ========================= >> What are those maniacs up to NOW!? Climbing smokestacks, hanging from bridges, diving into pools of toxic waste, washing their sox in public, Greenpeacers engage in direct actions around the world to raise public consciousness about the environment. Greenpeace has offices in 17 countries, a fleet of 5 ocean- going ships, a river boat (which just completed a tour of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi calling attention to water pollution there) and several sailboats. Hundreds of Greenpeace volunteers and employees use these tools daily to help protect the planet. If you're interested in environmental issues and would like to keep in touch with the latest Greenpeace actions around the world, EnviroNet is for you. This system, sponsored by Greenpeace USA, contains all the latest press releases from Greenpeace and the wire services about Greenpeace actions and issues related to the environment. These are updated daily and are the same as those carried on the internal Greenpeace network. In addition, EnviroNet carries the weekly Greenpeace USA newsletter and the bi-weekly journals of the four Greenpeace people at World Park Base, the only permanent, non-governmental base in Antarctica. The E-Mail and public conference sections allow you to communicate with Greenpeace activists, as well as with others interested in the issues Greenpeace addresses. EnviroNet may be reached at 415-861-6503, 300/1200/2400 baud, 24 hours a day. There is no charge, but on-line registration is required for full access. The registration information is used only for EnviroNet. Your name will be added to no mailing list as a result of registering on this system. *************************************** And now... A rare treat. Ever wish you could check out some of the many chats that go on between people in the phreak/hack world? Well, now we bring you a chat that we are sure will bring you chuckles, courtesy of an anonymous uploader to my board. To protect the "innocent", we've edited out names. hopefully we'll have more of these chats for your viewing pleasure. Read on! ok.. written down... So anyway, need any new members in your group???? Uh, well, knowledgeable ones. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but you have a lot to learn. no prob ... I'll translate that: "Yes, but not you!!!!!!!!!!!" heh! :) .. I kinda figured that ... Owell, it was worth a shot.. heh! uh, you keep interrupitn me when I am typing! pls stop. anyway, as I was going to say, we are also looking for people who are not only knowldegable, but who have the same ideology as us, and I do vbelieve that it might be difficult. me abnd XXXXX are very similar in a lot of ways, we think very much alike.. owell .. :( .. So.. you have NOTHING other than your discovery??!?! (I had an amazing discovery not 2 long ago 2. it lasted for a good 3 - 4 months .. I gave it to XXXX and a local friend of mine.. no probs.. But when XXXXXXX got it, THAT WAS MISTAKE #1 ... He gave it out too too many people, and NOBODY but me was allowed 2 give it out .. And I WAS PISSED TO HELL.. but hey, 3 months on an alliance, and worldwide supporting accidental discovery ain't bad .. uh huh, and what was this "discovery"? It was some military base kind of thing.. their phone system.. it had extensions and wierd shit.. kind of an exotic PBX ... It had uh.. 6570 - 6579, 6581 - 6589, 6591 - 6594 were possible last 4 digit phone #'s of the 800 # .. when calling the # (which all of 'em are now disconnected :( ), dialing 20 would give an AT&T dialtone that could reach out and touch the world .. Then after they finally caught on to that (after 2.5 months), I noticed that 9 would also give a 2nd dialtone .. if I tried 2 dial a 1 + # .. it would give 3 fast dialtones and another normal dialtone 2 enter a 5 digit code.. but these people were stupid .. if i called up, dialed 9, and then instead of 1 + ac + ph, but instead 0 + ac + ph, 2 things would happen: A. I could enter an AT&T calling card B. Just dial 0, bullshit operator that my phone is broken and she would dial the phone # for me! I used that method pletny! So did a few friends of mine! AND .... Most hilarious of all.. when dialing the 9 for the dialtone, it could be used as an extender, or it could reach ALLIANCE without any code BS!!! Dialing 0-700-456-1000 wouldn't get you an AT&T calling card tone OR the operator, so soooo many conferences were made off of that trick WE really did damage to that company phonebill wise.. But we weren't trying to purposely do that, we just wanted conferences ... So I gotta admit, screwing around with 800 #'s and KOOK's handle from ddial got me 3 months of heaven!! Now you may type: how does kook come into play here? The 800 # had his name in it .. I was just looking at the ddial, and on my other line I was dialing #'s with people's handles.. I was trying for 1-800-456 .. And 56 is KO .. The OK for KOOK is 65 .. and then I just hit 77 for some unknown reason .. I heard a dialtone .. And within 10 mins, I hacked out 21 + 9 for an outside dialtone .. it wasn't a great quality tone .. only a few days later did I realize 20 w/o a 9 after it gave a clean AT&T line that was almost as clear as US SPRINT i see. you dialed 1-800-456-XXXX from ur house? Yeah.. Sometimes thru an extender .. But I'm not worried.. this was a dumb- fuck company .. I know it's MCI .. I thought you said that it was owned by the military? It was some military installation shit. not the army .. just some office or some crap.. no big deal.. A really stupid company .. if they can't figure out in their phone system that I can reach alliance, the most expensive form of calling I make without the help of the operator or w/o a calling card, THEY ARE DUMB .. It's too serious to be careless.. Trust me, they were a lame company .. i see..ah well.. so how much GREATER is your discovery in magnitude? (Mine was pure LUCK) i am not into head trips. it doesn't matter, what matters is that it works and is very simple. I discovered another thing that every 15 yr old would *kill* to have..actually, *everyone* would kill to have this other discovery. the 2nd discovery is ten times better Can you tell me ONE of the discovery's? I told u mine ... Exactly what I knew on the system ... Oh.. the system had one more thing I forgot to mention.. When calling the 800 # and hearing the initial dial tone, dialing 199 would give a SPRINT like TONE .. or an MCI tone, whatever.. I couldn't figure out how many cdigits the codes were if I told you, everyone would be beggin me for it. i would never have any peace! Well, the only way I can answer that is "I won't tell ANYBODY AT ALL that I even have this discovery" .. And if people somehow manage to find that much out (which they WON'T cause I WON'T TELL), I'll never EVER EVER mention your name .. EVER sorry this is my favorite toy. im not done playing wiyth it yet. when i get b0red with it i will give it to you. Ok.. How 'bout the 2nd discovery? (and for either or both, can you just answer me if they are on 800 #'s?) the 2nd one is my toy. the 1st one, I need.. ok.. but are they on 800 #'s?? one is, one is not hmm.. the 2nd one is NOT I take it.. from the way you make it sound.. it sounds like you figured out a back door in a local 950 or something .. perhap, but perhaps not.. well.. no biggie.. I'll wait 4 ya 2 get bored .. heh! :) hehe. so do you have a new c0de line up? Not yet.. haven't checked if my other 2 boxes still work .. Hmm. hang on a sec. Both boxes still work ... so I can put up another codeline at will .. but all the lamer f*cks who call it don't leave codes, so what's the point? i wil get u some stuff to start it and give the # to /<-rad people the last time you did that, I had tons of stuff from you on my line.. what happened?? People said "Hey, thanx a lot for the codes! But I don't have anything now, but I'll get stuff soon and post it".. a week goes by, 2 weeks a month, a year, a decade .. NO CODES from these lamers.. They're just me, er uh LEECHES ... uh, u interrrupted me again,. that's annoying, but anyway, i will give the # to cool people this time. sorry for interrupting u.. thought u were done this time ... Well, I won't let it out on ddial then if you can get REAL people 2 call ... ok, what's the #? I'll set it up..should I used box 3308 or 3517? 3308.. ok.. 3308 it is then.. ok, what is the dialup? 1-800-877-8896 ok, got it. hey I gotta split now, (tired l00k) ok... no prob.. I'm setting up my codeline at this moment .. a codeless codeline .. heh! :) will post some stuff later.. Ok ... No prob.. and thanx in advance for the stuff u'll post .. heh! ok! take care.. u too.. bye bye bye! ======================================= And here's a bit of info you might find useful, contributed by my good buddy THE SNETSMEISTER (203): FRIENDLY INWARDS ???? Operators can be friendly, if you say the right words. Dial 0 on a non- coin fone and say "Hello,this is HOBIC, would you please connect me to Rate and Route ?" Rate and Route is an inward operator for the 716 area code. The TSPS operator will dial KP716121 no ama(no charge) and release the call from his or her console. you can then ask the operator to dial any number in the 716 area code and she will think that you are an operator and you will take care of the billing. You have just made a free call to any 716-XXX-XXXX. REMEMBER TO SOUND LIKE AN OPERATOR, SAY ASSISTANCE IN DIALING 716-XXX-XXXX ON A NO RING. AS SOON AS THE FONE IS RINGING, SHE WILL RELEASE THE CALL FROM HER CONSOLE AND AS FAR AS THE OPERATORS ARE CONCERNED, SOMEONE IS PAYING FOR THE CALL. SNETSMEISTER (But what if you don't know anyone in 716? Hehehe... -GZ) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *college-type stuff* I was walking about my campus one morning when a rather disquieting sight greeted me: An advertisement from a fraternity seeking pledges called TKE displaying a 6 ft tall smiling blonde woman in a very scant bikini. The text of the ad read: "Tau Kappa Epsilon" at the top of the page, and the words "Consider the Possibilities" were printed next to the picture of the woman. How blatantly sexist. Naturally, I tore down the ad, and patrolled the campus in 20 degree weather and tore down any other copies of the ad I saw. I even saw another girl tearing down one of the offending ads, and another female student wrote a letter to the editor of the campus newspaper protesting the ads before I got a chance to. Also, the director of the Women's Center wrote a letter stating, "The offering of a disrobing woman by a fraternity to its pledges suggest many possiblities that could involve actions that women find unwelcome.....In a social climate that allows people to tolerate, even accept, violence against women, it is not only offensive but also potentially dangerous to women to present them as objects to be used by the men who join a particular organization". Right on, ladies! Another interesting development: A new organization has popped up on my campus. A "New Age" club. Jeez. It calls itself "The Amethyst Unicorn". How catchy. A poster advertising the club lists subjects it deals with: mysticism, herbalism, crystals, and even the topic of nuclear disarmament was listed along with the other hairbrained items. I wonder.. Would they use crystals to achieve nuclear disarmament? Yeah, that's the ticket. This reminds me of a line from a British movie I saw called "Sammy and Rose Get Laid". Sammy and Rose were a married couple with a circle of radical/gay/just-plain-weird friends. When Sammy's father (who was from India) visits, a flaky, shallow female friend of Sammy's asked his father if he meditates. The old man sighed and just said, "The world is like a cultural department store to you people. You just aimlessly travel to each floor, taking something from each floor to satisfy your egos". Sounds like that this "New Age" junk is all about. Just totally phony to me. But hey.. I'd better not rile these "New Agers" up too badly. Maybe they'll cast a spell on me (*gasp*).. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * News From the Front.. * The Enforcer (502) was busted along with 2 other teenagers local to him. The three were busted for making a total of over $40,000 worth of fraudulent calls using a local TMC dialup. The local telco had a trace of incoming calls to the dialup, and the outgoing calls on the service were recorded with a pen register. FBI agents visited homes of the three and confiscated all their computer equip- ment, disks and notebooks. The local TV stations in Kentucky had a ball reporting this development, as this was the first of its kind in that area. In their report of the story, they showed note- books belonging to the three, as well as some of their disks. The camera made an emphasis on a disk belonging to The Enforcer labeled "Fast Hack'Em", making the viewers think that it was some diabolical program used for hacking. Fast Hack'Em is merely a file copy program for the Commodore! Also, that TV station is in a lot of trouble, as one of the notebooks they shown had the real name of one of the three teenagers. This is illegal, for all three are minors, and their real names are not supposed to be released by the media. Parents of the teen in question are considering a lawsuit. Skyy King (317) was busted recently, the main charge against him being credit card fraud. He used credit cards to set up a Phone Base account, for which MCI is pressing charges. He is also being charged with toll fraud. Bill The Cat (317) was busted for hacking codes on the recently- abused Rockwell International PBX (800-247-1028), and also for hacking codes on his local MCI radius. The Arizona Kid (602) and Joe Friday (918) were busted for toll fraud as well. The Arizona Kid was caught using a variety of LD services including SouthernNet and Sun,and faces up to 7 1/2 years of prison. A lot of busts out there. Keep your noses clean. They're out for blood. And here's an interesting thing: I received a mailing from AT&T asking me to select their long distance 1+ service, saying that after 60 days they would reimburse me for the cost that NJ Bell would charge me for a PIC change. And I noticed an inter- esting thing: My name and address was formatted on their mailing exactly the same way it appears on my NJ Bell telephone bill when I get it. Also, my telephone number appeared on the mailing as 201 748 4005 with a 3-digit code (called the "customer code", used by NJ Bell only for records) next to it, also identical to the way it appears on my phone bill. I wonder why NJ Bell is providing AT&T with this information? I thought it was illegal for them to favor one LD carrier in its marketing like that. If it's not illegal, it's at the very least unethical. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, well, well. We still have a lot more stuff for you, but we decided to release it in the next ATI, as we don't want to make this one TOO long. So look for ATI35 in a few days. It will have my article on Doc Telecom's and Raider's time in prison, plus a few other surprises that I'm sure you'll enjoy. We have a 2-part series on voice mail coming up,which will probably appear in ATI35/36 or 36/37. But anyway.. Take care, stay out of trouble, and be creative. And we'll leave you with a song: (tune: 'safety dance') we can hack if we want to, we can commit computer crime we can transfer money from one bank to another on the president's private line we can phreak if we want to, call long-distance all the time with access codes and touchtone phones we'll never pay a doggone dime! we can hack, we can phreak hackers are taking control we can hack, we can phreak, phreaking from a telephone pole ma bell will try to trace us, but we'll stay one step ahead but don't call too much or you'll run out of luck and get busted by the feds! we can crack if we want to, getting wares before they're out, posting them on local ae lines, and every bbs in town we can hack, we can phreak hackers are taking control we can hack, we can phreak, phreaking from a telephone pole keep on hacking! Captain Hook, Somewhere, U.S.A. Muahaha.... .