HEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEY HEYHEYhey, hey, hey, it's ATI!HEY HEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEY issue 42 A continuation of ATI41.. And now, here's some /<-Rad hacking info from Nightcrawler (516): *************************************************************************** Here are bits 'n pieces of things I thought I'd share with you. Nothing much...just a little bit of variety. ()()()()()())()()()()(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() () The first piece of info is a short program, called a () () subroutine, that will allow you access the various () () disk accounts that are part of AMOS -- the Alpha () () Micro Operating System. The program is as follows.. () ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; ;Usage: XCALL SETLOG, "dev:[p,pn]" ; SEARCH SYS SEARCH SYSSYM VMAJOR=1. VMINOR=0. VSUB=0. VEDIT=100. VWHO=0. OBJNAM.SBR LO:PHDR-1,0,PH$REE!PH$REU CMPW@A3,#1 JNEL130 CMPW2(A3),#2 JNEL156 MOV4(A3),A2 JOBIDXA4 BYP ALF BNEL100 LEAA1,64(A4) PACK GTDEC MOVWD1,66(A4) CMPB@A2,#133 BNEL112 INCA2 L100:BYP CMPB@A2,#133 BNEL112 INCA2 L112:NUM JNEL202 GTPPN MOVWD1,24(A4) RTN L130:TYPESP BRL226 L156:TYPESP BRL226 L202:TYPESP L226:TYPECR EXIT ; END The above program is usable only from within BASIC. But first you need to create it using the text editor called VUE. You would type in "VUE SETLOG.M68", and type in the program above. Press your ESC key and type "G" to compile the program. After a short period of time, and assuming there are no errors, you'll have a program called SETLOG.SBR, which is what you want. Next step is to enter BASIC by typing that in at the prompt. Next, you should type in this phrase exactly: XCALL SETLOG, "DSK0:[1,4]" Now exit it out of BASIC by typing "bye", and if all has gone well, you should now be logged into DSK0:[1,4], also known as SYS:. The account can be anything you want, as long as you know what available accounts are on the system you are calling into. This is easily found out by typing in MOUNT, which will give you a list of all mounted disks on the system. Follow this up with a PPN ?diskname? and you'll know where to start. The above subroutine is only really needed if an account is password protected, which is rare. =========================================================================== Next up, a brief summary of special logon processes for a company called CBI, or Credit Bureau Inc. They have credit reports on a good portion of the population. Step 1> Dial via modem a local CBI number. Step 2> Press the "RETURN" key twice. Step 3> At the "Please sign on" prompt, respond with a line soemthing like this: 999AA-11,ALICE,P. <------Name or intials Membership # -----^ ^---Security code Make sure you end the sig-on line with a period (.). Step 4> Press "RETURN" after signin. Step 5> Wait until the terminal prints "Proceed". Step 6> At this point, enter inquiries into the system. At the minimum, you should at least know the name and eith a partial address or social security number for the person you are looking up. In addition, CBI requires that each line you enter in ends with a period. Step 7> After finishing, press control-D to exit out. Step 8> If any errors occur while doing a lookup, press asterisk (*) key for each correction; this takes the place of the DEL key. =========================================================================== Last, but not least, a qucik tutorial about a Blue Cross Unix system... [a] Get connected and wait 10 secs, at which time the familiar "login:" prompt will appear. Enter in the ID and password. Remember to be in lower case, and that the password will not echo to your screen. [b] If everything is cool, you should see: "UNIX 3B2". After that, any messages from Blue Cross will appear. Based upon your log ID, a line pops up saying..."YOU HAVE 15 SECONDS TO READ THIS MESSAGE." Normal billing replies and remittances are sent to the screen. [c] About 2-3 minutes later, after all the messages have stopped being displayed, another message shows up: "YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED TWO FILES". Then the '$' prompt appears, and you are now at the OS level. I haven't played around with this too much (been too busy). [d] If you want to erase any of the claims that were sent to you, type in "rcln" to delete the files. The blue cross system will pause for a few seconds, and the $ will come back. [e] When you want to submit claims (why?), type in "tmgr 14000", and send whatever you want to be sent to blue cross. The message "THE 3B2 IS NOW READY FOR YOUR TRANSMISSION" is the key to look for. [f] To exit off the system, just type in "logoff", and the blue cross CPU will say "GOODBYE!!!" and disconnect you. Note: The claims submission process will automatically disconnect you, so make that your last option! -- Written by Nightcrawler (516) for Activist Times Inc. *************************************************************************** North and South Dept...... Here's something from my BBS, The Red Phone (201-748-4005). A user on my BBS just moved up here to NJ from Texas, and here are some of his thoughts after someone on my bbs made a reference to "fucking texans": From: ANDROID POPE (#47) Date: 09/05/89 - 9:57 pm Subj: (R)twisted messages **I'M** one of the "FUCKING TEXAN'S", and let me tell you.. Here is just one example... I went into a Safeway (a local grocery store chain) and asked for a "check cashing card". They gave it to me and asked if I wanted top cash a check. HELL YES! Sure, I didn't have any money in my account, but what the hell, right? I'll pay it later (and I have..). Three times I went back to safeway and cashed **BAD** checks. And Ive paid every one of them since.. NOW.....yes... *NOW* I'm up east. To get a check card at my local A&P, I have to fill out this form and I get my little card in the mail (Postmaster, do not forward). I went to a bank with a $900 check in my hot little hands to open an account (they had an ATM, my bank didn't), what happend? They wanted (get this) a fucking ***CREDIT CARD**** before they would even open a ***FUCKING CHECKING ACCOUNT****. What the hell is wrong with you people up here? I go to the grocery store and what do I see????????????? Fucking barricades so I can't take my shopping cart full of $110 worth of groceries to my car. I've been ALL OVER Texas and have yet to see a grocery store with that kind of security. WHAT's my point? You ass-holes up here have let it happen to you! Why didn't anyone protest when the local stores put up barricades to keep you from taking your groceries to you car, not the other way around? What are you fucking yankees? Stupid? This would ***********NEVER************* go over in Texas. The store would go out of business. That's all, reread it and capture it. I'm pissed.. Layter, +-ANDROID POPE-+ Here's another post from a user in Argentina (further south, no doubt..): From: ALBERT FISCHER Date: 06/11/89 Subj: . Wow! Ground Zero..can't believe what I read! You understand me!! To The Prophet: I am not against the US, but I am against them exploiting our people. Anyway, there are few people here that can enjoy computers and techno- logy. Im one of the lucky ones. But.. most Argentinians are not! And they work 10-12 hr a day just to earn $50 us per month!!! And that's EXPLOITING! true that we depend on US and Europe, but it's true too, that we have no chance to get out of this situation, because YOU and europe regulate the world prices for everything we produce. The US and Europe don't wish us to be Japan or Germany, or someting like this....they just want us where we are. Because...you need that cheap workers to make difference which you invest in more and more tech- nology. So please stop talking of the billions spent in help. That billions are not help, that's because we worked so long, and what we need to not die from starvation, so you can continue with this silly game....like IBM, i.e. Why do you think there is an IBM factory in Argentina? In USA they must pay at least $1000 a month for each worker..here..it's OK to pay $50 a month, but it's not enough to sustain a whole family of 4 or 5 members....but...anyway, that's not YOUR problem, as all the Americans say... It's simple, they say, they can't pay more, because there would not be profits for them.... and that is a great LIE!! IBM was the greatest exporter last year.... This is a game where two players are needed. One rich player, and one poor player. If the poor player DIES, the rich one can't keep playing, and winning. They can't keep selling their technology, and they can't continue exploiting the other people. The same would happen if the poor one goes socialist..Why do you think there are thousands of contras in Honduras and Nicaragua? Just for fun?.....KILLING PEOPLE THAT DO NOT WANT TO WORK FOR THE U.S.!!!! A.F. Right on, Albert!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ bit's -n- pieces..... Here's the address on some firm that sells a product which is supposed to make last night's joint undectable by a urine test. I haven't written for info, so I guess just write to them and ask them for info or a catalog: Zydot Unlimited PO Box 9485 Tulsa, OK 74151-0485 There's a new chat system in New York. After Oct 1st there will be a monthly fee to access it, but it won't be much. There are a lot of cyberpunks hanging around on it, so call it at 212-721-0338 at 1200 baud.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all for ATI42.... Look for ATI43 soon! It'll be stupendous! As usual ;) ............. .