***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . . 52. ... Issue #52 November-15-1990 ATI's Insane Staff: Ground Zero - publisher, editor, writer Prime Anarchist - editor, writer Writing/Research Staff - Sk8 the Skinhead, Fah-Q, MAC???, Happy Harry Hardon, Stormbringer, and other occasional contributors. Archivist: Llo Our net address: akcs.groundzero@tronsbox.xei.com US Mail: ATI PO BOX 2501 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 =========================== = info following brought = = on by a need for more = = real information =) = =========================== Hello. Welcome to ATI52. Welcome again to all the new internet subscibers we have recently acquired. We are also proud to announce that ATI is now a usenet news group. You may read ATI by subscribing to alt.society.ati. It's for ATI and no other traffic. We have also instituted a new mailer that seems to be in good working order. When corresponding with via email, be sure to only mail to: > akcs.groundzero@tronsbox.xei.com < and NOT the address that begins with "zero-list", as we only get mail sent to the above address. Keep those letters and submissions coming in. We love to hear from our adoring public! Also, be on the lookout for the re-opening of Atlantis BBS. We're excited about that one. It was one of the premier underground boards when it was up. Prime Anarchist's column won't be appearing in this issue. In it place we bring you a potpourri of exciting info starting with some ftp info provided by Jim Thomas of the Computer Underground Digest: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 1. The ftp stuff is CASE SENSITIVE, and YOU MUST be sure to have the proper case (ATI_#1.Z for example). You must also know how to get into the directory ( cd /tmp/ftp/ATI ). Directories are also case sensitive. 2. The directory listings are sometimes hidden (but not always), so it helps to know what issues you want if you call in at a time when files are hidden. They're still there...they just aren't always listed for outsiders. The ls (or !ls) command will list files if they're unhidden. But, you must know what directories there are. There are separate directories for p/hun, lod, phrack, pirate, etc. 3. mget works best for getting the files 4. Be sure to remember when using ftp that once you obtain the file(s) you want that you must use the decompress program (on unix systems, just type: decompress ATI_#n.Z --the "n" stands for whatever number of ati they want decompressed). You decompress after you have left the ftp site (or are in your own home directory). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! War? Every day we hear more and more about the Persian Gulf crisis. But are we really getting all the facts? I don't see any of the news media trying to clear through the smokescreen of rhetoric to provide a clear picture of the true situation. Below are excerpts from a pamphlet distributed by SANE/FREEZE entitled, "Are We Headed For War in the Persian Gulf?" Read on: A military confrontation will result in a tremendous loss of Arab and American life. A war could result in the destruction of oil production and distribution facilities and could unprecedented havoc on the world economy. The Bush administration appears focused on a military resolution to this crisis. Yet there have been possible openings for a negotiated settlement. The Washington Post (9/7/90) reported Iraq's offer to withdraw fom Kuwait in exchange for an end to UN sanctions; guaranteed Iraqi access to the Gulf; and sole control of the Rumailan oil field, which straddles the Iraq-Kuwait border, with its bulk beneath Iraq soil (Iraq has maintained that Kuwait has been tapping into this oil field and taking oil that belongs to Iraq -GZ). The government of Kuwait has indicated a willingness to sit at the negotiaing table with Iraq and consider their long-standing territorial disputes. Weak diplomatic signals continued to be sent right up to the invasion of Kuwait. The Washington Post reported (9/17/90) that prior to the August 2 invaion, two State Department officials publicly stated that the United States was not obligated to come to Kuwait's aid if the emirate were attacked (after the State Dept was warned of Iraq's invaion before it took place -GZ). In addition, the US ambassador to Iraq me with Saddam Hussein a week prior to the invasion and responded to his threats against Kuwait by saying, "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait." In the past, the Reagan and Bush administrations helped Hussein accumulate loans from US government institutions. For example, the Commerce department has approved $730 million in exports of sensitive US technology to Iraq since 1985. Pentagon officials believe some of it was diverted to Iraq's nuclear, chemical and ballistic missile programs. We also failed to condemn Iraq for its invation of Iran in 1982 and remained virtually silent when Hussein used chemical weapons against his own Kurdish minority (something the media is quick to point out these days -GZ). Don't forget to keep informed on this matter. I'm sure by now lots of people have at least one loved one, friend of acquiantence who's in the Gulf now "defending freedom". Don't be fooled by the rhetoric. Oppose any military action without HONEST efforts to settle this matter through negotiations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :ATI, changing the way people : read for over 2 years. :ATI, a freedom paper. : ATI, a way of life, patriots / :ATI, more than just a - - newspaper, it's the rag / :of justice!!! / - - - - - - - - - - - Now for a record label recommended for PMRC activivites (by Judge Dredd): () . . . .____________________________ -. . . . ____________________________ . . . .____________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ -_____________________________________ ____________________(made in japan)__ !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Warning: This record may contain material that may be objectionable to some of the listening audience. We, the white, rich, conservative, Christian, moralistic leaders of this petty world have determined that free speech and open-mindedness are bad for you, the insignificant putz citizen. So, you mustbe eighteen to buy this album. Not only is this crass censorship disguised as morality and justice, but it's also a way of avoiding the parts of reality we don't like. Things are better this way for us. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Poor Man's Shortwave by Stormbringer So, you're interested in maybe getting into shortwave listening, but don't have the cash flow to invest for a decent shortwave? Well, hopefully you can dig around in your closet and find that AM/FM radio you forgot about when you got that high tech digital stereo system. I would like to add one word of caution to those of you who are using a radio that uses 120 volt AC from the wall. PLEASE keep your fingers away from the power lines coming from the wall. Under the right conditions, 120 volt AC WILL kill and you won't get a second chance should this voltage go through your body. A little bit of caution and you can make this simple modification and have many hours of joy listening to the many countries of the world. After you obtain a fine, working specimen, carefully take the radio apart noting where everyting went. You might want to use a container to place the small screws so you don't lose them. Carpeting is like a black hole and eats screws for a snack, only for you to find them when you come trucking across the carpet in your bare feet. Now that you have the cover off the radio, locate the loopstick, which is usually a black 1/4" rod a few inches long and partially wrapped with wire, sometimes pairs or wires in different color. Now take some enameled magnet wire (Radio Shack #278-145) and very neatly wrap one layer over the entire loopstick. Tie off one end of the wire to keep the wire from unwinding. Now do the same with the other end and leave enough wire so it will hang out the side of the radio. This end is to be connected to an antenna, or you could have 10 feet or so for your antenna. Now apply the power and turn on the set. For those with the radios that use a wall socket, please keep your hands, feet, face, etc away from the 120 volt section. Now turn on the radio and see what you hear. The best time of day for reception would most likely be in the early evening, as the propagation of the shortwave signals come in or start to come in the best. Tune in the tuning control and note hearing foreign stations, strange noises, etc. If everything checks out, disconnect the power and put the cover back on and put the screws back in. You have just completed the Poor Man's Shortwave modification. I hope we didn't lose anyone to the creator for not heeding the warnings about messing with the AC line. Some things can be donw to make your reception better. The antenna is one of the most important parts for good reception. A good rule of thumb is the longer, the better. The reason for this is beyond the scope of this article, but I will give you a few hints. With a long antenna outdoors, you will generally pick up better reception. But on some stations, a long antenna will overload the radio. Sometimes you have to shorten the antenna for the best reception with no distortion and no noise pickup. It takes experimentation to find out what works best. One word of caution: do NOT let your antenna cross or touch any high voltage power lines. The WILL kill without a second chance. Also, if you have an outside antenna, disconnect it before a lightning storm and throw it out the window. A nearby lightning strike while you are holding the antenna will also send you to meet the creator. With these words of caution and common sense you can enjoy a new and fascinating hobby of shortwave listening. The Poor Man's Shortwave may not be as good as a new shortwave radio or even a surplus one, but if you are downloading this off a phone line bbs, a ham radio bbs, your favorite mainframe, or if you're one of Uncle Sam's boys in the Middle East downloading off AFSATCOM (Hey, ATI gets around), or in prison, give it a try. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " * Random notes from Ground Zero * Milli Vanilli's a fake. Wow. That figures. All their songs sounded the same anyway. And to think they said they had "more musical ability than Elvis." Ha! GRAND FORKS, ND - US West is testing Nothern Telecom's version of Caller ID software that lets a caller's listed NAME be displayed with, or instead of, the caller's number. Kiss (what's left of) your privacy goodbye. The Atomic Punk recommends the following albums: Minutemen "3-Way Tie (For Last)", Dead Kennedys "Bedtime for Democracy" and Steel Pole Bath Tub "Butterfly Love". CALL FOR POT! Micheal Cesare, 48, of New York is in a lot of trouble tonight. His marijuana selling operation allowing buyers to call 1-800-WANT-POT to place an order and have it delivered by messenger, was busted. Cesare, 5 messengers, 2 people answering the phoneand 7 pounds of pot were found in the raid. The operation had sales of about $40,000 per day, police said. Cesare gave the operation the name of a church and considered himself a "pope" of sorts. An officer stated that Cesare approached an undercover agent during New York's famous Halloween parade in a pope outfit with a cannabis plant pictured on the headpiece. He told the agent to call 1-800-WANT-POT. "So we did," said the officer. (source: WABC-TV News 11-14- 90) (No doubt the police will be taking note of all the phone numbers that called the 1-800-WANT-POT order line. Watch out! Heh.) ANOTHER 800 STORY A letter I read in an old 2600 issue mentioned that by calling 1-800-EAT-SHIT you would get a recorded advertisement asking you to call a 900 number. The writer said that it was a new approach to him: using an 800 number to advertise a 900 number. Well, an enterprising Florida man has apparently thought of the same thing. He set up 1-800-782-3582 and had it listed as "Medicare information". Callers to this number (mostly elderly people) were instructed to call 1-900-535-2345 to reach the "medicare and social security information news service". The recorded message states in veiled language that this "service" is independent. At the very end of the recording, callers are informed that the "service" is not affiliated with any government agency and that the charge for the 900 call is $4.99 for the first minute and $ .99 for each additional minute. Many unsus- pecting eldery people were victimized by this scam, believing that the "service" was free. (source: WCBS-TV news) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "I fight authority, authority always wins..." Authority might win most of the time, but sometimes they screw up royally and get egg all over their collective face. Read on! Fun, Authority and Computing Don't Mix.. Here is a story from the dark ages of computing - when the Computing Center at a major university had both a monopoly on computing resources and a policy of "no frivolous use of the computer(s)". The CC, in its unchallengable wisdom and power, had decreed a single file-and-compute server for a university with about 35,000 undergraduates. Much of the hardware was purchased with grant money, and the grants included strings that in essence required billing real $ for every microsecond of crunch, and guaranteeing the granting agencies a usage fee no higher than that charged any other user. (So the No F. Use bit wasn't JUST puritanism - the guys who kicked in the megabucks were likely to get irate.) And the sysops didn't realize how popular the first text-only Startrek game would be until it was well-known and chewing up significant computer resources. You can imagine what came next. They removed it. It reappeared. They removed it again. Several users had made copies, and some of them announced where copies could be found. They wrote a program to search the entire filesystem for copies. Several encrypted copies were announced on the grapevine. They upgraded the program to search for these encrypted copies. And the war continued, with progressively more redundant copies using progressively more of the disk farm, and the encryption methods evolving under the selection pressure of the system administrators' decryption efforts. Like any war, it began to have effects outside the actual battle. (One observer placed a line to the effect of "Kirk Spock Enterprise NCC-1701 klingon phaser photon torpedo Federation" in a datafile used by a perfectly legitimate application, blasted the administrators through channels when the file vanished, and gleefully showed me how the usecount of the restored file kept rising, as the Startrekfinder kept finding it, and the CC administrators kept examining it to see if it was part of a hidden game.) But, also like any war, destruction befell innocent bystanders. And, like any crusaders out to destroy sin, the staff didn't catch on from the early, minor incidents, and kept increasing their efforts. What finally ended it was a pair of almost simultaneous hits on valuable files. The lesser incident was the destruction of a file named "Kirk", owned by a student nicknamed "Kirk", and containing coursework completely unrelated to the Great Interstellar War. The greater incident was medical. It seems a drug company was in the late stages of testing a new drug, and had paid the university over a half-million (1970's) dollars to run one of the tests. The drug in question had an effect on the endocrine system, and one of the measures of this effect was the length of the penises of male rats who had matured under influence of the drug. The project was near completion, the (rather large number of) rats had been grown, and as they were retired from the experiment, during its carefully-scheduled last few weeks, measurements made on each were filed on the exceedingly-well-maintained-and-backed-up central computing utility. One day the researcher logged on to enter the latest set of measurements, and found that the contents of the file named "RAT_PENIS_DATA" had been replaced by a short tirade about improper use of the computing center resources. You can imagine what hit the fan. The center staff, of course, in their War on Fun, had not taken care to preserve the latest state of the file they had blasted. Indeed, the file name had been, in their minds, a minor side-issue during their assault on the Startrek Plague. Yet the research was to prepare the drug for use on humans - with potential liabilities far exceeding the half-meg-plus pricetag of the research - and potential damage to the big U's reputation resulting in loss of lucrative research contracts ditto. Would error- corrections applied to the file between the last backup and the destruction be re-applied correctly? Was the CC prepared to pay for the extra costs incurred by Biochem as it completely re-entered the data from the notes, re-ran the experiment if it couldn't resolve any differences to the satisfaction of the FDA, and pay the drug company for the lost sales if it delayed the introduction of a useful drug? Thus, goes the story, did the war end. But the repercussions didn't stop, of course. The war had left lingering fallout, in the form of alienated clients of the Computing Ceter, and the center's destruction of valuable data provided an extra round to be used against the Center whenever a department was trying to obtain computers of its own, over the Center's opposition. -- % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % >From the files of CORRUPT hacking (and we mean it!): >From sk8tcc Mon Oct 1 23:37:24 1990 Return-Path: Received: by tchh.uucp (/\=-/\ Smail3.1.16.1 #16.24) id ; Mon, 1 Oct 90 23:36 MEZ Message-Id: Date: Mon, 1 Oct 90 23:37 MEZ From: sk8tcc (Dave Stevens) To: sk8tcc Status: RO What you are doing doesnt look good on a ps. Does deneb know what you are doing? UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME COMMAND sk8tcc 17544 17543 7 23:34:40 ttyx10b 0:00 /bin/sh sk8tcc 17542 17331 0 23:34:39 ttyx10b 0:00 ./.deneb sk8tcc 17543 17542 0 23:34:39 ttyx10b 0:00 sh -c /bin/sh sk8tcc 17309 7360 0 23:22:47 ttyx10b 0:04 -csh sk8tcc 17331 17309 0 23:23:42 ttyx10b 0:02 /bin/sh Watch it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Well, that's it for now. Watch for ATI53 really soon! We'll have some fantastic info in it, including tips on UNIX hacking for a very authoritative source! Till then... Ciao! ;) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATI: part of George Bush's thousand points of light. .