***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . . 54. ... Issue #54 March-14-1991 U.S. Mail: ATI PO Box 2501 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 U.S.A. Our net address: gzero@tronsbox.xei.com <--- NOTE NEW ADDRESS!! ATI's Staff: Ground Zero: publisher, editor, writer Prime Anarchist: editor, writer Writing/Research Staff: Sk8 the Skinhead, Fah-Q, MAC???, Happy Harry Hardon, Stormbringer, Geraldo Riviera, and other occasional contributors. Archivist: Llo Hi! Welcome to ATI54. Sorry we didn't get out an issue as of late, but we had some difficulties because our home site was down for a while. Our ftp site: cs.widener.edu pub/cud/ati (use anonymous to login and your email address as your password). Well, they went and did it. Got us into another war. I was hoping that it wouldn't happen, but it did. I think about the war often, as most Americans seem to. I wonder exactly why we were there. A lot of people who are against the war think that it's all about oil and the lack of an energy policy. While I think oil has a lot to do with it, I also think that others factors contribute to the conflict. It may be that the US is fighting to maintain its position of world power, and to combat Hussein's threat of uniting the Arab world under his leadership. If that's true, then I guess it's just another case of a Frankenstein created by the US, such as Panama's Noriega, gone out of control. Our government has favored brutal dictators like Hussein and Noriega, and say nothing about their atrocities as long as they serve the US government's vital interests. But what they have never learned is that there comes a time when the Husseins and the Noriegas decide they want more power. Subsequently, these leaders become out of control. In any event, I'm glad it seems to be over. I hope now the other problems of the Middle East will be addressed. ------------> other junk Well, you may have guessed it. Happy Harry Hardon and The Happy Hacker are the same person. Just a change of name. NEWARK, NJ - It seems that the local yocals will break into a car for any reason, including to grab one of those Bart Simpson dolls that stick to the windows. Jeez. Movies? Go see The Godfather Part III (excellent movie - fantastic score!!), "The Grifters", "Silence of the Lambs", and "Hidden Agenda". Avoid movies with lack of creativity and innovation, such as "Sleeping With The Enemy", "If Looks Could Kill", and others. If anyone ever wants to correspond and discuss movies, new and old, directing styles, genres, or anything about movies, write me a letter via US Mail, or write to my net address. Speaking of movies, I learned something interesting about "Pretty Woman". A fairly inexperienced writer originally wrote the script for the film and showed it to Richard Gere's agent. The agent declined the movie, but then hired a more well-known and experienced writer to write the very same idea over into another script, which was the one used for the film. The person whose idea they stole sued and won $14 million. What makes me laugh is that "Pretty "Woman" was a mediocre film that does not translate well into the reality of our times. Julia Roberts' charachter was a hooker, who stated that she was "safe" because she used condoms. Condoms have a failure rate as high as 1 in 10, and someone who had as many contacts with different people is bound to become exposed to HIV. It's just a matter of time. A hooker who uses condoms is still not "safe". Also, the subject matter of the movie gives the wrong message about women: it overemphasized the Julia Roberts' charachter's appearance and completely disregarded the fact that she was a hooker. Finally, the production itself provided nothing of real artistic merit. Just goes to show you what type of junk the American public will go for. Are you a fan of the late 60's British TV show The Prisoner? It's a fascinating show in which the individual, the government, and society are examined and criticized. If you would like to join Six of One, The Prisoner Appreciation Society, you may send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: The Prisoner Appreciation Society 871 Clover Drive North Wales, PA 19454 USA By the way, any fans of "The Prisoner" that would like to discuss that show can also e-mail me or snail-mail me. I could talk for hours about it! Anyone see the video of the LA cops beating up a man? It was pretty gruesome. It was seen in all over the US and in 60 countries. A great image of the US being sent out there. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ---> info and comments from Warp 9 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< from various places in the bitstream >>>>>>>>>> Greetings, folks. Here's a few handy hints on how to handle some of those annoying little problems you may come accross in your various travels away from your terminal. Problem: You're out trashing and looking around, and you come accross one of those cheapo little locks with the zig-zag type keyhole. Solution: Handy dandy lockpick by Ronco--- namely, the old fashioned paper clip. Just open in up and bend the ends into teardrop shaped loops. The smaller end for small locks, the larger for larger ones. Put the loop all the way in, jiggle around and twist back and forth, Presto! It really works, I have three of these kind of locks at home from various sources. With a little practice, one of these mediocre pieces of security hardware will take no more time to get by than if you had the key. These little beauties may be found on toolsheds, toolboxes, cellar doors and mailboxes everywhere someone is too cheap to spend the extra couple bucks for a better lock. Those are another story (working on it). Problem: You never know when the police are around (never when YOU need 'em tho). Solution: Carry a hand held scanner (der!). Radio Shack will be happy to sell a 2-channel one for about $50.00 or so. Keep it on to see who gets sent where. If you can't receive tach 2, assume the worst when you hear them talking about going to it or calling in by phone. The hassle you save could be your own. Problem: When you absolutely, positively have to trash a disk or VCR tape, and don't think delete filename or re-recording will cut it. Solution: Build yourself an electromagnet out of an iron or steel bar with as much small wire wrapped around it as possible. If you don't think there is enough wire to make much resistance, add one of those metal resistors that have 10 watts or more ratings in series. Also put in series a doorbell buzzer or other temporary contact switch. Connect each end of the wire to a normal plug socket, and put the whole thing into a briefcase or cloth bag to carry. When you need it, take it out, plug it in, and push the button on and off VERY quickly. The resultant 60 hz oscillating magnetic fields will have a lot of power and will wipe any media you put near the ends of the magnet. Caution: insulate everything, as 110v AC with up to 15 or 30 amps is dangerous (stuck a hairpin in a socket at age 4, maybe that's why I'm a little strange? ). Also, leave your credit cards and ID's with magnetic strips home, or you will have to get new ones. This is also a good trick if you want to 'zap' your friend's wallet as he/she comes near the device. It might be days or more before they stick that bank card in the slot to see "invalid card #" on the ATM display. yuk yuk. ********************* Commentary *************************** Economy: Mostly due to the party of the Reagan decade. The bill is in, folks, and the ones that chowed down at the party don't want to pay. Milken can steal 600 million (that we know about) and get 10 years or less with good behavior, but let some minority hold up a gas station for 345.67 and he'll get 15-20 with no parole. Businesses are laying off because they claim they have to be competetive, and they can't be paying employees a living wage when 3rd world countries have labor for 1/10 that. We're all gonna be serving the Japanese at 3.00/hr and damn glad to have the jobs pretty soon unless this crap stops. If you ever get into a bank or insurance company database, wipe them out and leave a message 'power to the people ----- economic justice or death'. Problem: Your colony is invaded by unstoppable, acid-blooded alien monsters, and you can't get up. Solution: You'll have to nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure. :) :) :) (<---- necessary?) Later, eh? Warp 9 from (603) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, we luckily got out of this war without major casualties and without a draft. We might not be so lucky next time. The following column was sent to me while the war was still in progress, but I'm including this fellow's thoughts on the draft because war just may happen again. Think about it. We got through this one with major public support. The spectre of Vietnam is now erased from the public's mind. And since the war was "won", another one will be much easier to pull over on the public. And next time we might not be as lucky in the area of casualties. THOUGHTS ON THE DRAFT - By The Atomic Punk The way the war was progressing in the Gulf, it looked like a draft was eminent. The fact is, if you are drafted and refuse to fight you will go to jail. The paradox is- how can it be illegal to kill someone and then suddenly be illegal to NOT kill someone? The thing that makes this country great is freedom. If it was truly free, however, people would have a CHOICE of whether they wanted to fight or not. If enough people chose not to fight, then the country should not be at war. Why make life hard for those who do not agree with the war? I find it pretty sick that it may soon mean jail for those who don't like the idea of taking part in such an uncivilized thing as war. Also: kids not old enough to drink should not be considered old enough to die. If you do not feel like being pulled out of your life, sent somewhere to a faraway land for reasons you may not agree with and had no control over, and shot, blown up, infected or gassed there are places a conscientious objector can go without being sent to prison for up to 5 years and have the blemish of a jail record which will hold them back in the future. There are sanctuaries (churches) where it is illegal to be arrested, and some towns have declared themselves santuaries. However, to me it doesn't sound too cool to drop my whole life & move across the country just to avoid going to prison or being killed. The best idea is to work to get your own town (or one close by) or college made into a sanctuary. One way to start is for you and your friends to xerox flyers and put them under windshields at the local supermarket. Try talking to the town council, if possible generate propaganda with a local radio station or a public access TV station. If someone just sits on their ass instead of working for change, they are to blame. Later..... The Atomic Punk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I know it's short notice, but here's an announcement for East Coast Con, a convention for computer enthusiasts and anyone else. Read on: EAST COAST CON!!!! WHERE: Holiday Inn Airport, Pittsburgh PA WHEN : April 11,12,13,14 WHO : Almost Anyone(feds,journalists,hackers) WHO NOT: Anyone who is immature PRICE: 44.00$ per nite call 412-771-6500 for reservations and tell them you are with East coast con and you want to get a room. See you there! (Sorry, AA, my Commie couldn't register your neat-0 letters) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well, I guess that's it for ATI54. Sorry for the delay between issues. I would like ATI to be at least a monthly thing. Perhaps we will release more frequently with shorter issues. Who knows.. In any case, we need articles! Send in articles about anything! Computers, BBSing, social or political issues, film, science, scanning, ham radio, humor, fiction, poetry, or anything under the sun! See you soon, I hope. Ciao!!! .