***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . . 59. ... Issue #59 May 5, 1992 U.S. Mail: ATI PO Box 2501 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 U.S.A. Our net address: gzero@tronsbox.xei.com ATI's Insane Staff: Ground Zero - publisher, editor, writer Prime Anarchist - editor, writer Media Assassin - crass columnist Geraldo Riviera - sleazy news columnist Writing/Research Staff: Happy Harry Hardon, Fah-Q, MAC???, and other occasional contributors Hello! Welcome to ATI59. It seems we're keeping up with our monthly schedule, for now! In fact, we might even put out ATI60 in LESS than a month! So, look for at least one ATI per month, maybe more! First off: ATI's FTP Site: ftp.eff.org /pub/cud Also, please send in BBS numbers to be posted in ATI60. Please tell us: Board name Board telephone # Baud rates What is the board about? H/P? Pirate? General discussion? Special topic? And before we start, a few words on the Rodney King verdict and the riots. There was unrest in over a dozen cities, including nearby Newark and NYC. The jury made its verdict not because of racism, but in reflection upon the evidence. We have a system here. It's: innocent until proven guilty. The jury felt that after examination of the COMPLETE tape (which showed King seriously resisting arrest, kicking and fighting w/ the officers, etc.) that they used the necessary force to subdue King. And they didn't say ALL of the four were innocent: the jury was hung as to one officer's guilt, and he may be retried (expect to see him FRIED regardless of guilt or innocence). The riots were thuggery, nothing more. Now the death toll is close to 50, and still rising. Hundreds, of not thousands, were injured. The property damage in L.A. alone is over 100 million dollars. Guess who pays for it? Look in the mirror. Your tax dollars go to clean up the mess through federal emergency funds, and you will also pay through higher insurance premiums. Also: inner city businesses may not even be able to GET insurance after this. Business that provided jobs and commerce to the area are gone. And why didn't the politicians repudiate the violence? All they said, including King George, was, "We know how they feel", etc. They should have unconditionally renounced the violence, and dealt with it more strongly with more police, military, etc. Oh, and NJ senator Bill Bradley made a DISGUSTING speech to the Senate, totally pandering to the rioters, the thugs. And one of the greatest tragedies of this situation is this - the damage to our judicial system. All it says is that in some trials with the victim being a Black person and the defendant being white (or Asian), the verdict had better be guilty, or there'll be trouble. I remember that happening in a trial in NYC - or was it in Teaneck, NJ, where a white cop was charged with shooting a Black teen? Anyway, a Black individual (can't remember who) went on TV and threatened "trouble" (unrest in the streets) if the verdict was "not guilty". Why wasn't he changed with jury tampering or obstruction of justice? JUSTICE CANNOT BE BULLIED. (btw.. the verdict in the Teaneck trial was "not guilty" - no trouble followed). The Ventura (Calif.) Free Press printed the names, ages, and home AND business addresses of the jurors in the King trial. Why did they do that? That's deplorable. I'll bet at least one of them gets hurt or even killed. Ok, so it was more than a few words.. just had to get it off my chest. If we come across more pertinent info, it'll be in ATI60. We've got a lot of cool stuph for you, so on with the show! .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE MAIL BAG! Do write to us! We don't print names, etc. unless you ask us to. -- LETTER #1 -- A few comments on Croaker's letter in ATI58: First off, there is a very good book on the NSA and the way it works, called The Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford.. ISBN: 0-14-006748-5. Secondly, as to the security of DES.. DES was recently (within the last month or so) broken by Adi Shamir (one of the authors of RSA) and Eli Biham. They used what is called a "chosen-plaintext" attack, which basically means you have to control the traffic being encrypted by DES. Not only that, but you have to control the contents of 2^36 different message, about 68 billion. This would seem to show that DES is a very secure algorithm, especially considering that it's been around almost 20 years. Research by the same team that finally broke it has also shown that the changes made by NSA to the algorithm (which was originally developed by IBM) strengthened it rather than inserted a backdoor. Now the Digital Signature Standard... this is the public-key algorithm developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in association with NSA. Not only is this considered a "weak" algorithm, but a backdoor HAS been found in it. It was discovered quickly after the standard was released that if the "prime modulus" (the number upon which all the keys, public and private, are based) is chosen carefully, a digital signature can be forged at will. This has once again raised quite a bit of controversy over the NSA and its role in civilian security issues. Finally, the licensing of the RSA algorithm... it is perfectly legal to make a program that uses the RSA algorithm (Pretty Good Privacy for the IBM comes to mind) as long as you don't sell it. The way the copyright law works, you can't license a mathematical FACT, but you can certainly copyright an algorithm. Any computer program can be considered ultimately mathematical in nature, so RSA can be copyrighted just the same. Also, I believe RSA is patented. I'm not at all sure about this, so if anyone knows better, please correct me. This could be done easiest by producing a chip that contains the RSA algorithm and patenting the chip, which would also prevent the production of derivative works. Hope that was interesting to at least a few of you!! Wintermute Vice President The Pantheon -- LETTER #2 -- Subject:Activist Times Inc. #58 This stuff is slicker then snot... Why'd u wait so long between issues? --diomar (Welp, we were all busy and lacking for time to put this thing together, and prepare material for it. But, it seems that we're going to be back on our monthly schedule from now on. Thanks for writing, and do keep reading! -GZ) -- LETTER #3 -- Re: Activist Times Inc. #58 Man, you all need to put out more often... I really enjoy reading your posts. I guess I just feel nostalgic for the "old days"... I have completely lost touch with my hacker roots. What else do you all do for kicks? Cheers -- (Hmm, well, I personally enjoy reading, writing, music, guitar, cow tipping, movies, road tripping, talking, making revolution, cooking, radio (shortwave, scanners, broadcast, etc.), fones, computers, and more. How about you? -GZ) -- LETTER #4 -- Subject: ATI 1 What happened to all those noble sentiments in ATI 1? The latest ATI is an ALL-US issue, and ends up with a REALLY dumb filk about phreaking. What happened to the *activist* part? (We're still activist. We may not focus on the same things as we did in the beginning. We started four years ago, and Prime ran things back in the days of ATI 1, and now I run them. We're still dedicated to discussing the corruption and conspiracy that makes up our gov't, and this issue should illustrate that in Prime's column and mine. What is your objection to the the US being widely discussed in our last issue, or in ATI in general? We do cover world events, but we can only print the material we get or that I stumble upon. Now that I am listening to more shortwave, I will write about news I hear on the BBC or other stations. Also, in ATI57, we featured an article by Nosferatu about political/economic issues in Norway & Europe. And why MUST the world be covered? Are you trained to be a nice citizen in the New World Order(tm)? Watch for ATI60, in which we expose the N.W.O. If there's a topic or viewpoint you'd like to see in ATI, write something, and send it in. We'll use it, 95% gurantee. :) -GZ) LETTER #5 I'd like to subscribe to this GREAT magazine. BTW, the country mentioned in August 1991 issue was (ex) Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav federal army (= Serbian army) occupied Slovenia. After some days of war they found out, that they cannot win the war and they left Slovenia (last federal soldier left Slovenia in October 1991). Then they occupied Croatia (and destroyed almost everything), now they occupied Bosnia. Hope someone will stop Serbia soon. Best regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------> ATI wants to hear from YOU!!! --------> "Is there anybody out there?" The fact that we get letters and submissions from some of you proves that there are people reading us! But - we want to know just *how many* of you there are! So, we would like to hear from EVERYONE who is reading this! If you're reading ATI through our newsgroup or our email list, all you have to do is REply to this, and we'll get your message. You don't even have to put anything in the body of the letter unless you want to make a comment (of course, we ALWAYS want comments). If you're reading this on a BBS or through some other means and you don't have internet access, then you can contact us through WWIV-net mail (33@2120) or U.S. Mail (ATI, P.O. Box 2501, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, USA). Now if you write to us via U.S. Mail, and if you enclose a business- sized self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE), we will stuff it with articles and other phun stuff, including a free SOCIAL INSECURITY card to the first 90 people who write! (w0w!!1) Even if you DO have internet access, write to us. We love getting mail, and it'll be fun sending you some phun stuff!! So, write to us, or send us internet or WWIV-net email. But, do contact us! We'll count the number of responses, and post the number in future ATI issues. Needless to say, we will continue to print letters and comments so that ATI can continue to serve as a forum for everyone! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------- ! ! ! an e-advertisement ! ----------------------- CONQUER THE WORLD. That's a bold statement. That is also the name of my record label. My style of music and yours should be HARDCORE. I distribute records to local stores, sell stuff at shows, and do mail order. If you're into hardcore, or if you're just curious about what I do, just drop me a line. I'll send you a list of what I have in stock at the time. I carry most styles of hardcore: Straight Edge, NY, Emo, Abc.. ...everything. Conquer The World Records release #001 will be released in a matter of weeks. It's OVERSIGHT 7" "After This Day": a 4-song record from this Syracuse, NY hardcore band. The first 300 records pressed are guaranteed color vinyl. Comes with sticker and lyric sheet. Only $3.50 postpaid in the U.S. and $5.00 postpaid anywhere else on the planet. I'm also selling the OVERSIGHT demo tape with 5 songs and cover/ insert only for $3.00 in the U.S. and $5.00 elsewhere. I'm also making OVERSIGHT T-Shirts soon - please write if interested. Also for sale: GORILLA BISCUITS 7" - 6 songs recorded live in Germany. Only 500 made. $7.00 in U.S. and $9.00 elsehwere. If you trade records, t-shirts, or if you have a 'zine, etc., drop me a line. Conquer The World P.O. Box 40282 Redford, MI 48240 Checks payable to Mike Warden only. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !---------------------! !-can u b-lieve it???-! !---------------------! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A bank in Maine actually charges customers $1 for each question they ask about their accounts. Q: Good morning. How much do I have in my account? A: $1 less than before!!! $$ $$$$$ $$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$ pawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWN That's right! Prime Anarchist comes live at 'ya with his occasional column: Prime Anarchist World News 2 predictions from the Primester: A) If George's ratings go below 49%, a war will begin within 36 hours. Cuba? Middle East? Africa? Haiti? Colombia? Pick a country. We're still ready everywhere. B) Upon inauguration (after re-election), George declares finally that this country's in the midst of a depression. As big as, if not larger that, the "Great One" of 1929. So, get rid of your silver and gold and sore up all the foodstuffs you can. I'm having a great deal of trouble finding people to buy my metals already. And I don't wanna get stuck with it. I may have to melt it down and learn jewelry making, I think. "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the White House Press Office", by ATI I dialed the White House Press Office one Tuesday afternoon. 1-800-424-9090 usually gets you a 1-5 minute recording of George Bush's most recent public rambling. This was Raygun's number, and before that, Carter's. One can only assume it went before that to Nixon and Ford. Usually, when you dial it, you know right away by the tone whether or not there's something new or not. "This is the White House Press Office for _____________ (insert date here)" means you get to hear today's rant-and-rave. "You have reached the White House Press Office, radio actualities line. We have no actualities at this time. Thank you for calling and please call again," is the only other message they use. Today I got both. At the same time. Simultaneous messages. One was tomorrow's message, as the voice was in the middle of saying "for Wednesday, etc," when a "click" interrupted, and the friendly old dialtone came on. So. They have George's tomorow speech already cued up, and he hasn't even given it yet! What a crock of political bullshit. Tell all your friends. This must get out. Widespread - please. The New World Order (tm) is only a heartbeat away while you're waiting for the next few re-alignments and radio actualities. ---> backtothepredictions ---> Prime Prediction #3? Sure. Saddam Hussein buys his way into the New World Order (tm) about 6 years from now, or however long it takes for people to forget George's comparing him to Hitler. After all, he is their President. Yes!! He won in a democratic election in 1980 (coincidentally enough) against a man of last name Bakr (pronounced like the bread-maker). Yup. At any rate, Hussein still hasn't returned all the gold, silver, platinum, and silicon he stole from Kuwait. So, to every world leader, a price. What'll it be? Gold? Platinum? Oil? Hmm. He's got it. Wait and see.. PAWN has no major numbers run this time around. Maybe next time. Prime Anarchist is not a Ecodefense monkeywrench warrior, but he says, "let's put these oil companies back where they belong -- back in the ground." Don't burn coal, Prime. ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. -----> an announcement from zane@ddsw1.mcs.com If any ATI readers would like a subscription to the Free Journal, mail zane@ddsw1.mcs.com. It is an on-paper underground newspaper at my high school. I am making it available so that others may use it to help them with ideas and stuff. Here's a partial Index to give you a taste. The Free Journal is an "underground newspaper" I have started to educate and inform. The target audience is NOT net.folk, and thus the articles are written with this in mind. Take what you want from here and use it in your own works, but please cite your source. Thank you. This is the Index for the Free Journal I.1 Volume I, Issue 1 Do I Have the Right to Distribute This? Welcome to the Free Journal The Bill of Rights: Alive After 200 Years? (Amendment I) I.2 Volume I, Issue 2 What Must Be Done? The Second Amendment The Third Amendment The War on Drugs is Lost Cannabis: As Dangerous As Tobacco? I.3 Volume I, Issue 3 The Fourth Amendment The Fifth Amendment A Taste of 1776 An Apology for the 200th Anniversary Do We Have a Future? Martin Niemoller Amendment Six II.1 Volume II, Issue 1 Psychedelics City Beautification Six Lessons of School Amendment No. 7 THINK! Things You Should Know II.2 Volume II, Issue 2 Marijuana, Brain Damage, and Intelligence Dr. Shulgin Opposed What is the Usenet? II.3 Volume II, Issue 3 Brain Waves Nicotine and Conspiracy Bush Chips Away at Constitution The EFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...random thoughts from Ground Zero * shortwaves * In the last issue, I wrote about some former pirate radio people who broadcast Sunday nights on WWCR. Well, I wrote to them, and sent them a reception report. I heard back from them, and got my very first QSL card (when you send a reception report, they send you a QSL that lists the time and date you listed on your report, confirming the contact). I'm new to shortwave, so it was a big thrill for me! I also got a short writeup on them, and their broadcast schedule. Here it is: RADIO NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL - Earth sensitive alternative radio for the U.S. and the world "RNI is the former offshore station of the RADIO SHIP SARAH. We offer a wide range of pacifist, counter culture, live telephone talk and music programs. For free schedule and advertising information, to send letters and music for broadcast, or to order RNI THE VIDEO, an 87-minute VHS history and tour of the radio ship ($29.95), RNI AUDIO TAPE, the first hour of ship-board radio ($15.00), RNI MONTAGE, a 10-minute audio history ($9.95) or RNI T-SHIRTS, 100% cotton black with white logo ($17.00), write to: RNI, 14 Prospect Dr., Yonkers, NY 10705" Schedule: Sundays: 9 PM - 1 AM EST.,on WWCR, 7.435 MHz Saturdays: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST and 12 Mid. - 2 AM EST on R.F.P.I. Costa Rica 13.630 MHz So, give these guys a listen. They're fun. I don't agree with their leftist politics, but I still like 'em. Has anyone found a pirate station? If so, contact me and let me know the frequency, time, etc. I can't wait to hear a bona fide pirate broadcast! As I said last time - check out For The People from 8pm-10pm EST weekdays, and Radio Free America from 10 pm - Mid. EST weekdays on WWCR, 7.435 MHz. * Indians * An Indian tribe (the name escapes me) set up a casino in their reservation in Ledyard, CT. This brings many jobs and commerce to that area, which has been hard-hit by the recession (btw, that's Prime Anarchist's former home and still home to Fah-Q), and puts lots of money in those Indians' pockets, all of which is good. BUT - I don't like the fact that the Indians can form their little enclaves separate from the U.S. The state of Connecticut denied the Indians' original request to build the casino, but the Indians overrode it in court, using their status as a separate Indian "nation", autonomous >from the U.S. (when the Indians get gov't aid, that "autonomy" doesn't come into play, hmm). ---> PRIME ANARCHIST UPDATE: Prime is walking cross-country with the Big Mountain Indians to protest the whole Big Mountain sitaution. They are all due to arrive in Washington, D.C. on Columbus Day. Now, I happen to think the Big Mountain Indians were screwed over by the gov't and have a legitimate beef. But why must they make their point on Columbus Day? I am tired of all these people protesting Columbus' discovery (yeah, I know he didn't find it first - his claim to fame is opening up the New World for settlement and commerce) of America. To reject Columbus' discovery is to reject America and its ideals. This country was founded on noble principles. That's all I have to say on the matter, for now... * Social INsecurity* How many of you out there are counting on Social Security and Medicare to take care of you in your old age? Within the next 20 years, the Social Security system (and most likely Medicare as well) will have to be drastically modified or replaced. Representatives of Social Security even admit that Medicare is solvent only until 2006 (That's only 14 years away), and that Social Security goes "up for discussion" in 2032. Social Security doesn't "save" the money you pay into it for you. It pays current beneficiaries with the money you and others are currently paying into it. Back when Social Security was started in the 1930's, the ratio of working people was 15:1. In the 1980's, it was down to 3:1. When the baby boomers retire, it will be much worse. It is estimated that by the year 2025, the ratio will be down to 2:1 (I will not have reached retirement age by then, and most of you reading this will not have either). By that time, Social Security taxes will have to exceed a whopping 22% of your gross salary!!! (That's SUI alone - you will also have to pay federal, state and possibly local taxes.) Efforts to increase the Social Security Trust Fund by other means fall short. The only thing Social Security can invest in is federal government securities, thus making future retirees merely creditors of the bankrupt federal gov't. ADVICE: 1. Do your own saving and investing for your retirement. Do some reading on retirement and estate planning. 2. Pressure your Senators and Congressman to reform Social Security. The AARP (Ass'n for the Advancement of Retired People), one of the nation's biggest lobbies, has opposed any moves to reform SS. But - clearly THEY are the only ones who benefit from things as they are. Even if SS survives, no other generation will receive the level of benefits the current beneficiaries are receiving, and Social Security representatives admit this. Also, Social Security is raising the full benefit retirement age to 67 by 2027, in hopes that people will remain working until then and also more people will die before receiving Social Security. Remember, if you send us here at ATI a SASE as described in the our appeal for reader contact, we'll send you articles, other phun stuff, and a free SOCIAL INSECURITY card to the first 90 people! * the October Surprise * Wowzerz. I just heard somewhere that the reporter who originally exposed the October Surprise is dead. The authorities say it was a suicide, but his wrists were slashed all the way through tendons. They were slashed in such a way that once one wrist was cut, he couldn't have used that arm to cut the other wrist. This is old news I guess, but it's new to me. Also, I just heard on Radio New York International that Pam Am Flight 103 (the one that got blown away by terrorists over Lockerbee, Scotland) had eight CIA agents that were enroute to testify, substantiating the October Surprise allegations. Can anyone give me more information about these two things? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WOWZERZ.. That's all for ATI59. Watch for ATI60 soon, in which we present a hard-hitting expose on the New World Order(tm). And don't forget - EVERYONE who reads this, please write us or email us. We'll post the number of responses we get. Ciao! ATI: part of George Bush's thousand points of light. ATI: part of George Bush's New World Order(tm). NOT!!@ .