***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . . 63. ... Issue #63 June-8-1993 Our net address: gzero@mindvox.phantom.com (We are experiencing difficulty with our newsgroup, alt.society.ati . Will advise on that next issue!) ATI's Insane Staff: Ground Zero - publisher, editor, writer Prime Anarchist - editor, writer Media Assassin - crass columnist Geraldo Riviera - sleazy news columnist/fake investigative journalist Writing/Research Staff: The Happy Hacker, Fah-Q, MAC???, Justin Case, and other occasional contributors Hi!@ Welcome to ATI63! Yeah, we're sorry it took so long between issues. That's the breaks! LETTERS! LETTER #1 hey d00dz, where is the article on the gn00 w0rld 0rdEr u promised!? (It's coming! Starting with this issue! -GZ) LETTER #2 I have had the pleasure of reading ALL your issues back to back. Your magazine has given me an excellent perspective on life. As I read your magazine, I grew with it, and extremely pleased to see that your magazine is so successful. Don't change a thing! As a result of reading your magazine and reading Abbie Hoffman, I have started to form an electronic mag, that is influenced by you folks. Keep up the great work! (Thanks! -GZ) LETTER #3 Subject: your 'zine ATI is the greatest thing to happen to me in a long time... for so long I have been searching for the perfect 'zine. One that is easily accessible, fun to read, informative (but not to the point of being boring), interesting, up-to-date, factual, humorous, etc... ATI is all of these and more. Thank you so much for mailing me ATI, and I hope you'll continue to send me each new issue as they are released because I'm really looking forward to them! Finally, freedom of the press is intelligently exercised! Keep it up ATI! ============================================================================== PUMP-CON / 914 RAID / MISC. UPDATE by Geraldo Riviera & Ground Zero One of the attendees of Pump-Con wrote a rather sweeping indictment of Pump-Con and its attendees and his participation which appeared in Phrack 41 (No, we're not going to reprint it here - go get Phrack 41 and read the Loopback seciton - GZ). Funny he didn't mention the alleged puking episode. I wonder if the CIA reads Phrack? Speaking of the CIA, anyone thinking of a career in the CIA might want to reconsider it, in light of the incident of two men being gunned down outside the CIA headquarters a few months ago. At the press time of ATI62, we only knew of one 914 hacker being raided. Actually, there were 5 hackers raided simultaneously in Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties (in New York). They are reported to be members of the group Phalcon Skism (sp.?). They were hit with search warrants one week after Pump-Con. GROUND ZERO says: I wrote a letter to Phrack protesting the way they referred to females in their accounts of SummerCon in Phrack 40. I didn't think it was a major issue, but I wanted to voice my opinion on how they described how some of the SummerCon participants picked up some females, and their charachterizations of those females. They actually printed my letter, but followed it with a parody (again, go read Phrack 41 Loopback section). You see, Phrack described the encounter with these females as men (boys, actually) conquering the opposite sex. But - I must share with you all that a certain unnamed SummerCon '91 participant had money and clothes stolen from him from females he picked up at SummerCon. Print THAT, Phrack! ATI & GZ get some press!!!1 Yup, ATI was mentioned in the 'Zines section of the "Mondo 2000 Guide to the New Edge". And ATI was mentioned as being "highly anarcho-politcal" in Bruce Sterling's new book, _The Hacker Crackdown_ on page 89. Wow. ATI was also mentioned in the new book, _Approching Zero_ by two Brits whose names I have forgotten. It was mentioned on page 55. But also.. page 202-3 gives an account of a group called DPAK (misspelled in the book as "DPAC") that had a female member called "GZ" who "hacked MCI codes from her house for days". We just ***know*** that they couldn't be talking about Ground Zero, especially since Ground Zero was never a member or even an associate of DPAK, and didn't hack c0deZzz. I know of a few limeys who should have worked harder on their research and checked the facts. _Approching Zero_ also contains false (and slanderous) statements about Erik Bloodaxe and others. And finally, ATI was mentioned in the latest issue of "Wired" in a book review by Bruce Sterling of _The Illuminati_ by Christian economist Larry Burkette. The review stated that ATI mentioned the book, but we did not. Larry Burkettte's name came up in the Letters section of a recent issue, but that's it. _The Illuminati_ is about an evil world government taking over and sounds interesting. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "Underground" Shortwave Station Jammed by U.S. Government- ..and Later Burned Down! WWCR is a shortwave Christian shorwave station located in Nashville, TN. Its transmitter is located in Upton, Kentucky. WWCR is not an ordinary Christian station. Although you might hear some of the programs it carries on any Christian station, many of WWCR's programs, or even the majority of its programs are political. Some of the programs WWCR carries are non-religious and purely political, and many of the religious programs discuss political issues. Virtually all of the programs WWCR carries that discuss politics have a "populist" political viewpoint. Populists are much like libertarians, in that they believe in very limited government. They oppose high taxes, welfare programs and gun control. They oppose the U.S. government's move to give up national sovereignty in favor of a world government. They advocate self-sufficiency, on a personal and national level. These programs on WWCR point out the antics of the U.S. government, and how our country is moving towards a world government, a mere puppet in the hands of global interests. One program is called "Radio Free America", which is produced by Liberty Lobby, which publishes the weekly newspaper called _The Spotlight_. RFA and _The Spotlight_ report on current events from a populist perspective. Another show of interest on WWCR is called "Hour of the Time", which discusses current events, but also goes in-depth about the orgins of the one-world movement. Just around last October (not long before the elections!), I encountered much difficulty in receiving WWCR, and thought it was due to atmospheric conditions. I later received a mailing from one of the populist broadcasters on WWCR saying that WWCR was being jammed! Some listeners traced the jamming to a U.S. Navy ship on the East Coast. When they inquired as to why the Navy was jamming WWCR, the Navy stated that they they were testing RTTY (radio teletype) equipment. RTTY has been obsolete for over 20 years! And if they did have a valid reason for "testing" the equipment, the Navy had a multitude of frequencies to choose from. Funny they picked WWCR's frequency! Once WWCR was alerted to this practice, compaints to the FCC fell on deaf ears. I wonder if the government would jam Rush Limbaugh? (Then again, President Hillary and Slick Willy would if they could!) But that's not the end of the story. The jamming eventually stopped in January of February, but then, in March or April WWCR burned right down to the ground! Nothing was saved! And the cause of the fire (determined by fire investigators) was: ***ARSON***. Hmm. First they were jammed, then burned to the ground. SOMEONE doesn't want people to hear what WWCR is saying. BUT - WWCR is back on the air, as of about two weeks ago. Give them a listen during the evening at 7.435 mhz. Listen to "Radio Free America" at 10-12 pm EDT, then "Hour of the Time" from 12-1 am EDT. Do listen. You'll learn a lot. :) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- >From "Intelligence Newsletter", No. 202 (Oct. 8, 1992), Page 5, by O. Schimdt MAKING THE NEWS AND BOOKSTANDS The computer virus "threat" is back in the news with a new study by IBM specialist Jeffrey O. Kephart and on the bookstands with a French do-it- yourself build-your-own manual on viruses. According to Kephart of IBM's High Integrity Computing Laboratory, most previous theories on the "social structure of computer use and networks were faulty": not every machine could make contact with every other machine in one, two or three "steps". Most individual computers are not connected to others systems but only to their nearest neighbors. Therefore, most infections take place not through networks, but through the physical exchange of disks. Moreover, many of the 1,500 known viruses are not good replicators and many are not destructive. Even the remaining good replicators are "almost all defeated by normal anti-virus programs." To advance knowledge such as this concerning viruses, *Chaos Computer Club France* (CCCF) has decided to publish the French trans- lation of "The Black Book of Computer Virus" by Mark Ludwig "which was censored in the U.S." (French title, "C'est decide! J'ecris mon virus," Editions Eyrolles). [...] The book contains "computer codes for writing your own virus," but according to CCCF any such virus can be defeated by normal anti-virus programs. Moreover, there is no French law forbidding the publi- cation of virus computer codes. The book is intended for "responsible adults" and bears the warning "Forbidden for readers not 18 years old". - - - - - And now... pawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawnPAWNpawn Prime Amarchist is back with his occasional feature, Prime Anarchist World News: PAWN!! PRIME ANARCHIST WORLD NEWS has experienced an unexcused absence. Anyways, I've been too busy to write. But from now on I'll try to get something in each ATI again. Tell you what; if you don't see a Prime column in any particular issue, just draw a phish in the sand or write the words, "hola buena" and sign it "-pa-". I have a quick op ed, and then to a newsblitz. I mean newbitz, I mean blue nits, er.. Uh, nevermind. Sinead O'Connor was right. Right on. Too bad General Selectric, I mean NBC was too fascist to let her rave on. Rome is the root of our problems, people. I'm happy the Pope never DID make it to Denver to sell his pontific porcelain plates and mugfaced mugs. But, I'm bonechillin scared of his flagrant abuse of the UN, and French and English and U.S. soldiers and airmen on Bush's way outta office. Can U say NWO?? I knew U could. Oops, there's another PS or an op ed 2. No, I can make that news, huh? OK. David Letterman's moving to CBS Yee-Yippie-Yeah. Haw. GE, may you rot in pigsnot and vermin pee. Q. Prime Anarchist, what's your key to health through old age? A. Quaker Oats and Amish Lentils. PRIME SPONSORS A DOOM THEORY EACH WEEK. Send one of your own in, and ATI'll applaud you who send the 3 best in with a phree used stamp. Doom theory for inauguration week goes to Dan. You know him. He's the homeless fellow who talks to the TV (Loves Keiko on the new Star Trek & says he's gonna shoot Wilford Bromley to get Tipper Gore's attention). Ask him if he wants the upside down flag or the Wood Duck. Following are noteworthy deaths, according to Dan: Abbie Hoffman, April 12. Emperor Hirohito, Jan 7. Andrei Gromyko, July 2, ibidanios. We buried Sahkarof Dec. 19, too. Wasn't that a week before Mitch Schneider? People, that's not that gets TV Dan the stamp. Ready? He told me he received bills on his fone for calls to all of these dead people. Including the Emperor of Japan. He worked on this until last week and it turns out that the originating number to all of those calls was John Tower's house. Remember John Tower? Irangate? John Tower died on April 5, 1991 in a suspicious (read: looks like he was murdered) plane crash (John Tower was also part of the one-world gov't conspiracy and later tried to expose it - he died because of it! --GZ). Now Dan won't give me the # to Emperor Akihito's Pennsylvania blonde love slave, but did tell me that the # to Abbie's house the day he died was 215-297-0721. That scared me because that's the exact number (Ok, within 8 digits). I called it, and reached a Bucks County Sheriff who told me, "Abbie is dead, sir. I'm sorry. That's just too bad." What scared me was that he sounded way too much like Louis "FEMA" Guiffrida! Who the hell is Fujimori, what on earth is Japan wanting with Peru, and why is Guzman in jail??? What do Ward Churchill, Leonard Peltier, Ramsey Clark, Chrissie Hynde, Hans Koning, William Kuntsler, Eric Larsen, Sinead O'Connor, Jeff Paterson, Gary Snyder, Floyd Westerman, and Prime Anarchist all have in common besides making J. Edgar Hoover squirm in his grave? All are willing to sign a paid newspaper ad calling for an international Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Abinael Guzman, tribal elder and deposed leader of Peru. Please arm yourself with knowledge of this situation. Too much propaganda there. Have you ever had a fried coleslaw pizza? That's what egg rolls remind me of. Don't buy 'em. Too much MSG. Make your own. Black beans soaked overnight make a good filler. A PRIME ANARCHIST PREDICTION: Superman comes back to life on March 31st. Sell your comic books before the end of March. Happy Radaman. Did I spell Raman Sita (the REAL reason Desert Storm ended on Feb. 26th!!!) right? PAIN (PRIME ANARCHIST INAUGURATION NOTES): He's (Clinton, eyes closed) praying and believing and Billy Graham's pointing and quivering and reading from cheat notes. "It is very difficult to not be violent, especially in a violent nation. This is a violent nation. They will target you-- and they'll target your children." --David Hill, American Indian Movement, May 1992. "This country is following a drug mentality. It's a mentality that will do anything for a quick fix. They are out there teaching you that you are one puchase away from happiness. We want you to know that is a lie. You have to fine happiness todya. You have to fine freedom today. Don't let them convince you that you have to eait until you're 65 and you have to have a Winnebago before you can find freedom." ibid, dude. AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR PAPA (PRIME ANARCHIST PROPAGANDA ALERT): Do you like Current Biography magazine? I like to read it. Muammar al-Quddafi is in March 92's issue. Please write them and ask them why they never mentioned how he received his signal corps telecom training program in Augusta, Georgia. How come no mention of his $300,000 donation to the family of Nelson Mandela as his first annual human right grant? They just barely mention it. ATI: Mythbusting Left and Right: Only reason why the US will never forgive Mr. Fidel Castro (acted in more than 11 of Reagan's 1050's movies, by the way) is that he took back 1 1/2 million acres of sugar cane fields in 1960. His dad owned half and theUS held claim to the other half thru, can you say, United Fruitfly? The friendly skies. Sticks to yur gums, not in your hands. Anyways, all cubanos I'm told now own 1/n of all the sugar fields. (1/n.. is that algebraic or hebraic?) If you write Manuel Noriega he'll send you a letter back as soon as he can. Send him stamps, too. They don't confiscate yet. I don't know the zipcode - look it up -- Manuel Noriega, Dade County Correctional Center, Dade, FLA. It'll get there. He's in the loop, homey, dig? "God Bless you." --George Herbert Walker Prescott Owns-more- texas-oil-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-at-sure-as-flies-on-tar-paper Bush 1988-1992. Yeah, but Prime Anarchist mean it. Ok--maybe he does, too.. P.S. I dunno what's bothered me more lately-- Reagan, or Rogaine. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Tompkins Square Update! by Justin Case Here are a few things that I want to mention about my "Arrested" article (ATI61): * I said the firecracker a fellow arrestee had was legally available. I can't verify that. They are READILY available, in various places in the city, but probably not legal. * Almost all the arrestees were photographed by a cops with a camcorder, and probably with a regular camera, too. I think I escaped the camcorder, though... ;) * Scores of people have been arrested since Tompinks Square Park reopened in late August. The SHADOW (anarchist newspaper based in NYC) states that the cops are calling people who were arrested in a previous protest-realted incident are "recedivists", when actually the term only applies to convictions, not arrests, and only in determining sentences in felony cases, not misdemeanors. Basically, they are putting people "through the system" (to "Central Booking") to be held 24-72 hours as a MEANS OF PUNISHMENT, and have no legal basis to do it. Recall that in my article I related that I was being threatened by a nasty sargeant to be sent to "Central Booking". * The maximum penalty for my "crime", violation of the park curfew, was 90 days in jail. They call it a Class B Misdemeanor. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ We have been promising an article on the REAL and GROWING conspiracy of an upcoming world government for some time. But, we were flooded with so much information, that we couldn't seem to get it all together. So what we will do is this: Every issue will contain a "New World Order Update" and present more facts on the New World Order each time. Without further ado, we present: ---- T H E N E W W O R L D O R D E R U P D A T E --- by Geraldo Riviera There truly is a conspiracy to form a world government. I have seen too much evidence to doubt it. The conspiracy involves European "old money", top ranking government officials from around the globe, New Agers, Freemasonry, and others - all connected by international organizations dedicated to the planning and implementation of a world government in the near future. Starting from the beginning... The New World Order comes has its roots in ancient mystery religions, beginning with Babylon mystery religion. The Babylonian mystery religion was began by Semiramis and Nimrod (great-grandson of Noah), who was her husband *and* son. When Nimrod was killed, Semiramis had another son called Tammuz. She claimed that she was a goddess, and Nimrod was a god, and that Tammuz was Nimrod reincarnated. In Egypt, which became the center of this occult religion, Nimrod was known as Osiris, and also as Horus, as his "incarnation" of Tammuz, the child. This new occult religion gave birth to secret societies, where hierachy of knowledge existed. Those on the bottom of the pyramid of knowledge knew very little about the religion and its doctrine and goals. Those higher on the pyramid knew more, and ony those on top of the pyramid were "enlightened" as to the true purpose and meaning of the religion. A symbol was created called "The Eye of Horus" or "The Eye of Osiris", which consists of an "all-seeing" eye enclosed in a triangle. The Knights Templars and the Rosicrucians were other secret societies based on occult mystery religions. They existed from the 1100's to 1600's. The Illuminati officially began in 1776, but some contend that the Ignatious de Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, began the Illuminati in the 1500's. The Illuminati was a secret society whose purpose was to create a Luciferic world government. They gained credibility by claiming to be a Christian organization, and infiltrating the church. Adam Weishaupt, leader of the Illuminati in the 1770's, allied the Illuminati with Freemasonry and the Rothschild banking dynasty. The Rothschilds are European "old money" - they still exist today, and are one of the major stockholders of the the U.S. Federal Reserve, which is a private corporation that issues and controls American currency. The forces behind the push for world unification work much like the secret societes of old. Upper-class Americans own the majority of this country, and they are alligned with European "old money" and secret societies like Freemasonry. However, thes elite also formed their own "secret societies" to plan and implement the coming world government. Two of their "above board" organizations are the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Their secret organizations are the Bildebergers and the Club of Rome. These organizations will be discussed in the next "New World Order Update". Consider this: The aformentioned "Eye of Horus" appears on U.S. one-dollar bills. It is the design of the eye enclosed in a triangle that appears above the pyramid as a capstone. The capstone, however, is not connected to the pyramid. This is because the task of completing the world government is not completed yet. Once the task is completed, the capstone will rest on top of the pyramid. Under the pyramid in the design appears the Latin phrase "Novus Ordo Seclorum", which translated means, "The New Order of the Ages", or "The New World Order". More next time... - - - - - ---------> Commentary from Warp 9 RE: PA's article on Clinton; Yeah, slick is slime, so what? George blows baboons and Ross looks like Ferrengi. Nobody of any purity would be allowed to get to the top of the ticket in any election larger than for city clerk of a small town. Political viability requires the candidate to prove he's a "team player" to at least a few special interests. I hate 'em all, but would rather see ANYBODY in there but King George Herbert Walker Bush (esq.). When in doubt, change the players and hope for a miracle. If Willie bites the big one over the next 4 years, I hope he gets booted, too. Unfortunately, all of the players in the political game come from the same team. There is no real Democrats or Republicans, those are labels put there to give the illusion that there is variety of opinion and action to the public. They all belong to the wealthy world power elite, who all get together and laugh at us, the people, the Joe Sixpacks, who they con into supporting their successes. As an example, there is a network of elite at certain clubs that spread word around as to great deals in condos in Florida. "Would you believe...." that Bob Dole, Tip O'Neil, Sam Donaldson, David Brinkley, the pres. of Archer Daniels Midland (sponsor of Brinkley's Sunday show) and various other people from govt., media and industry all have apartments in the same complex in Fla.? They do, it was on a PBS special how they all aquired them by networking with each other. I never really had much belief in an Illuminati-type of conspiracy theory, but I'm thinking more seriously about it now. Its more like the movie "They Live" without the aliens (I hope!). It seems there is this segment of society that believes their bloodlines and financial heritage entitles them to dominance of the rest of the planet. Maybe god is on their side (some god, anyway). If those Bilderbergers are more than just another interest group, lets see some investigative work done (Mother Jones, are you listening?). Notice that the public really doesn't give a hoot what government does unless they do something like raise the beer and cigarette tax or if the cable industry wants freedom to raise their rates all the time, then the public writes or calls their congressthing and moans very loudly. Apathy kills. Maybe the public gets what it deserves. I don't know. Anyway, a Clinton presidency probably won't be any worse (or better) than the Reagan/Bush 'trickle-down' decade, just different. I've been getting tired of 'trickle-down' anyway, my socks are yellow and my pockets contain nothing but lint. We'll see, no matter how it looks or how it sounds, the demon's name is still... E-S-T-A-B-L-I-S-H-M-E-N-T (don't say it out loud, they'll bring down the SS on you!). 'Til next time, see you in the bitstream. Warp 9------------------------------* % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Welp, that's all for now. Stay cool, and watch for ATI64 real soon.. I mean it!! ;) ATI, a freedom paper. ATI, a way of life, patriots. ATI, it's more that just a newspaper.. it's the rag that tells the truth! ATI, changing the way people read for over 4 years. ATI, a freedom paper. ATI, a way of life. ATI, more than just a newspaper, it's the rag read round the world. .