ATI-- More than just a newsletter. It's The Rag Read Round The World. A Different Search Engine. / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\ / HERE LIES INTER \ ATI67 \ BODY OF COLONEL / FEB 16, 1997 / HATHORNE ESQ. \ \ AGED 76 YEARS / / WHO DIED MAY 10, \ \ 1717 / / SALEM, MASS. \ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MADISON, WI. (PAWN(Prime Anarchist World News)) ATI REACHES 500,000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Activist Times, Inc. reached more than five hundred thousand new subscribers last week when an angry subscriber forwarded his copy of ATI 66 to his local FBI operative. "I never subscribed to the thing," said the unnamed assailant. "I don't know who put me up to this, but I was so mad I called the FBI." He forwarded a copy of ATI66 to Double Agent Seymore N. Butts, who then emailed it to his entire crime listserver. "We couldn't find any crime there," Butts said of the entire bureau, "but it sure was an interesting read." "That Anarchist guy isn't all there, though," Butts said. "He said it (ATI66) would be the sex issue, but we didn't even find any animals or anything there." Butts then said he looked up ATI issues 1-62 on various webpages across the information superhighway. Then Butts headed to the local pub with 40 pounds of ATI backissue printouts to show the rest of his team. "Not a single naked lady," Butts said as he slammed the door to his LTD. "Must be one of those politically correct commie pinko fag feminazi dudes." SEE RELATED FEATURE STORY IN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SECTION. Welcome to ATI 67. I will begin with the pap#'s run for Sunday, February 16. 1-800-anarchy (feds destroyed my computer) 1800-606-9283 Build your own toilet that recycles bathwater. 800-722-6500 \ 800-750-3201 \ All Proctor & Gamble. Tell them you really like their bored 800-377-9355 / Games, but that fat free fat stuff is the stupidest idea you've 800-826-0161 / Ever heard of. BILLINGS (Montana). The first case of wire fraud was tried in 1869 when the owner of a SAAB 911 called 911 to get her car unlocked and the operator instructed her to use a coathanger and slip it in the window. The coathanger ripped her upholstery so she sued and won on grounds that she was defrauded in being told to use a wire hanger when a plastic one would have sufficed. The operator agreed to pay the settlement in installments and that's when Payme, Montana changed its name to Billings. CALENDULAR (a new column. Will get larger every week for obvious reasons) (send additions to (deadline: 1 week ahead at least please) (use as many parentheses as you can) February is still Fashion Bashin' Month. --- March 30 deadline for one page Cuba summary April 14-18 Journalism conference, Havana Cuba. April 24-30 International TV Turnoff week. November 28, Buy Nothing Day. SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS by Shell Stern Feb 6, 1997. (Continued from ATI66) Oh there are many right-wingers who would want us to believe that SOA plays a crucial role in promoting democracy and human rights in Latin America (and under their breath mutter something about protecting US economic interests.) Hmm, that's odd, why then in October, 1996 would Amnesty International launch official investigations concerning the training manuals at SOA and urge the US government to assume responsibility for human rights violations committed by military personell trained there? Is it just a fluke that a United Nations Truth Commission report on El Salvador stated that over two thirds of the officers cited for the worst atrocities were alumni of SOA? These are only two examples that aided in the creation of a long list of graduates that have taken part in major human rights abuses in many Latin American countries. With so many contradictions, can there be any legitimate purpose for the School of the America's existance? For me this information is completely impossible to ignore. In the military's 260 million dollar budget there is 18.4 million dollars for SOA. Somewhere in that big stack of 18.4 million worn, burnt out dollar bills is at least one that has my name written all over it. As tax paying citizens WE are the ones who need to say the School of the Americas has to cease operation immediately! Friends, I do not believe that five hundred people stormed in on SOA last November because it was a great place for a picnic. I also do not believe that grandmothers, priests and nuns were getting arrested for civil disobedience because they had nothing better to do that day. I met a woman who was one of the sixty arrested. Hearing her powerful words and non-violent approach, accompanied with the contents of the "School of the Assassins" 18 minute video, I was determined to begin my own investigation of SOA. Every day I discover a new article on SOA and each time I reflect on it I realize that we are all called in some way to work for justice. Each time I talk to someone else who has read about this scandalous school we become even more determined and motivated to spread the word. Won't you please join us in the struggle to shutdown this school of assassins? This April (date to be announced) we will try... -99- LET US FROM OUR REEDERS Hey Tiger... I don't know how I got on your mailing list but I'm glad I am. Good shit! --Coolest Girl in the world. (thanx, prime) Who in the world put me on this list? I'm a DIVINE RIGHT MONARCHIST, not an anarchist!! (I never thought this should be read by only anarchists. You're welcome to get this from friends if you want. Even IF you Divine in your own Right mind and in Monochrome.) Prime, I read you on CAN-AJ. Can you include this in your journal? Thanks, Mike Fuller IIPJM, La Habana (you got it...) *************************** JOURNALISM FROM THE SOUTH 100 YEARS AFTER 1898. *************************** An interdisciplinary analysis of the end-of-the-century changes in journalism and their expressions in the 20th century on journalism from the periphery. In Havana from April 14-18, 1997 journalists, communication researchers, historians, writers and social science scholars will gather to discuss: -The social and historical development of journalism as a commercial business. Monopolies and editorial organization of the mainstream press. The journalist as a salaried worker. -Journalism in the formation of public opinion. The role of the press in the construction of values and hegemonic ideas. -The Scientific-Technical Revolution and its incidence on communications development and the rise of press agencies. -Graphic journalism: The role of design, photography and comics in the difffusion of ideas. (-ed note: *-) ) One page summary due by March 30, 1997 Paper limit: 5 double spaced pages with one page summary. Registration: $60.00 USD For more information contact: Michael Fuller Relaciones Internacionales Instituto Internacional de Periodismo Jose Marti c. G %21 Y 23 La Habana, Cuba tel 537 32 29 65 fax 537 33 30 79 or 537 33 30 32 ext. 0803 e-mail (anotra nota d'el editor: please copy this and pass it around as widely as possible. These people have extremely limited e-mail resources) To Whom It May Concern This is my last notice to you: I have never subscribed to your list. I have asked you (3) times to unsubscribe. You have ignored my three requests. Any further e-mail from you will be recorded and forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for investigation of violations of the Telecommunications Act. Sincerely, Michael Williams Director, Williams Institute. (Editor's response was: Michael Williams, You have not asked me 3 times to unsubscribe. You Wrote a SECOND time. I had already struck your name From my list. I have no idea who gave me your name as Someone wishing to receive my free newsletter. I am sorry For any misunderstandings. You won't hear from me again. You have a very hot head and I believe someone ought to take Your modem away, but I keep that to myself telling only you, for It is not my place to judge ANYONE, much less you. (sic) I promise never to contact you again unless in direct reply to an E-mail from YOU. In fact, Mr. Williams, I will start an actual "do not e-mail" List and keep it next to my telephone. That should satisfy your FBI friends Just fine. Good bye.) "Gimme a hectare or two. That's all I need." Thesis: (notice the plural of thesis rhymes with feces???) Perhaps more important than a separation of church and state Would have been a separation of money and power? Maybe that's a better reason for reopening the US Constitution than the three other reasons being mentioned lately. Imagine some checks and balances in play that leave it possible to have a lot of money and no power, or a lot of power and no money. IMAGINE HAVING NEITHER YET FEELING EMPOWERED. I suggest we DEMAND A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION NOW. Perhaps the blue ridge mountains this time instead of Philly? Maybe Americus Georgia or Pine Ridge, SD??? (keep those j-cards and e-mails coming...) Top 5 US Advertisers (reprinted from ADBUSTERS magazine. Spring 97 1995 Amount Proctor & Gamble 2.77 billion Phillip Morris 2.57 billion General Motors 2.04 billion Time Warner 1.30 billion Walt Disney 1.29 billion "If ... legal challanges fail, we face an Huxleyan future, because the Megacorps will keep amassing cultural power over us--increasingly they will tell us what to eat and drink, how to get around, what to wear, what music is cool, how we feel about our own bodies and sexuality..." -- Kalle Lasn's editor's blast. Spring '97 issue of Adbusters. FREE AD FREE AD FREE AD FREE AD FREE AD FREE AD FREE AD THE CULTURE JAMMERS VIDEO is the definitive media tool for activists and educators. Jam-packed with some of the best, award winning social marketing TV campaigns ever produced-- Buy Nothing Day, Obsession Fetish, Autosaurus, Ecological Economics, Talking Rainforest, Tubehead, TV Violence Warning, The Product Is You, and Snap Out of It America. Guaranteed to garner a response from even the most jaded TV viewer. To Order Call 1-800-663-1243 This is Prime Anarchist signing off for ATI, the Acrimonious Telephony Intelligencer. It was February 16, 1997. Hope you had a happy, unhappy or indifferent Valentines Day. Saint V sucked anyway. As usual send all preguntas y problemas, correspondence, gripes, hate mail, love letters, conspiracy theories, submissions, dominations and cultural jamming reports to .